Real Estate Information

Mt. Hood Real Estate Blog

Liz Warren


Displaying blog entries 1251-1260 of 1910

Great Cabin Getaway Near Camp Creek

by Liz Warren


If you're looking for a  well maintained cabin near Government Camp, this is it! The condition is great and it comes completely furnished and ready to go for summer and ski season. It's located only a short walk to Camp Creek and the slopes are only about 7 minutes away!

It has a quiet location in a sunny spot in the Mt. Hood National forest. There are two private bedrooms and a kids loft upstairs with three sleeping areas. Kids love the loft! A toe warming propane stove heats up the living area. The great room floor plan is great for weekend getaways. There an extra long eating bar for serving up morning pancakes before you head up the mountain.

A nice deck is off the dining area to a full view of the woods. You can hear Camp Creek from the back deck.

VERY AFFORDABLE at $125,000!

take a tour here

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Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales

by Liz Warren

Market activity for the month of May has been reported to multiple listing service for Government Camp, Welches, Rhododendron and Brightwood. A total of four sales for the month of May.

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for May 2011


From the numbers above you can see year to date, pending sales are down nearly 24% from the year before. This makes for a very competitive marketplace for sellers. Buyers can pick and choose to their hearts content. It's the perfect time to buy while rates and down and costs are low for buyers. Even if prices go down further, this is the best time to purchase while the cost of borrowing is low.

Mt. Hood Inc.

by Liz Warren

Follow OPB's current series on Mt. Hood Inc. This story is about the economic impact of it Mt. Hood disappeared and what would happen to the many jobs in the area. It's called: How Many Jobs Disappear If Mt. Hood Inc. Leaves Oregon? and it covers ski areas, National Forest jobs, resort jobs and more. 

Mt. Hood Foreclosure List for June 13

by Liz Warren

Ten foreclosures are currently on the market in the Government Camp, Welches, Brightwood and Rhododendron area. From Collins Lake Condo units in Government Camp to small cabins in Brightwood, the selection is fairly good. Many need a little elbow grease and others a complete cosmetic overhaul!

Mt. Hood area foreclosures

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday     Morning Coffee


"All that Adam had, all that Caesar could, you have and can do . . . Build, therefore, your own world."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Picture a builder hiring a new framing carpenter to help construct his new homes. The first day on the job, the new carpenter shows up without a tool belt . . . and without any tools . . . and asks, "Where do I begin?" How much progress do you think would be made by the end of the first day?

Most of us at some point in our lives are like the unprepared carpenter. We show up, but have no tools, and haven't the slightest clue what we want to build. Within us, we have the power to build any life we choose, yet at day's end, nothing has changed.

Oh sure, we actively pursue the day-to-day activities of our chosen career, yet we don't take time to visualize the finished product - our life. Thoreau said it best: "Live the life you've imagined." Steven Covey said it this way: "Begin with the end in mind."

To "build your own world," begin by deciding what that world will be like. Next, gather the tools required to begin construction. Finally, begin practicing until you are an accomplished master.

If you want to be a renowned musician, choose an instrument, take lessons, and practice eight hours each day. If you want financial independence, determine a method, learn how others have achieved wealth, and mimic their approach and techniques.

Just remember, the world you get is the world you chose. It's an awesome responsibility - knowing that what you become is the result of the choices you have made. It's also an awesome opportunity to enjoy all the peace, contentment, freedom and riches life has to offer.

Carpe diem! Seize the day!

Mt. Hood on OPB

by Liz Warren

If you missed the story on OPB today live at Timberline Lodge you can catch the podcast here. OPB, Oregon Public Broadcasting, is presenting a series called Mt. Hood Inc. This series is to cover the "value" of Mt. Hood, economically and otherwise.

Beginning the week of June 13th the following areas will be covered on OPB:

Business, Jobs, Products, Brand, Costs and Economic Impact

Find more news, photos and details to follow the week's stories check here.

This gives a valuable background of many details about our Mt. Hood area from tourism, to jobs, numbers of visitors, how people feel about the mountain and more. This will be likely the most comprehensive analysis of the mountain area that has been done in a long time.

For example, did you know that 1.7 million dollars of board feet of timber was cut in the Mt. Hood National Forest in 2010?

Mt. Hood National Forest Homeowner's Association Meeting

by Liz Warren

Mt. Hood National Forest Homeowner's Assocation Meeting for 2011

Monday Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday   Morning Coffee


"Never think that God's delays are God's denials."
- George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon


A lone shipwreck survivor on an uninhabited island managed to build a crude hut in which he placed all that he had saved from the sinking ship. He prayed to God for deliverance, and anxiously scanned the horizon each day to hail any passing ship.

One day he was horrified to find his hut in flames. All that he had was gone. To the man's limited vision, it was the worst that could happen and he cursed God. Yet, the very next day a ship arrived. "We saw your smoke signal," the captain said.

Hmmm! Ever have a big sale fall through? Been disappointed when a friend or loved one failed to come through for you when you needed them? Have you wondered why a goal or objective wasn't achieved as expected?

If you're over the age of 18, you've probably noticed that we don't get everything we would like, exactly when we think we should. Yet, it's amazing how certain things just show up in our lives when we least expect to see them - like the rescue ship.

It is often said that we "shouldn't get too attached to outcomes." We can set objectives, believe they can be achieved, and work to make them happen, but it's best not to get too attached to the outcome. What appears to be a worthy goal may go down in flames, only to be replaced with a magnificent result we had not anticipated.

When you find your hut in flames and fear the worst, think back to this oft quoted reminder: "Fear knocked at the door - faith answered - no one was there!"

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for May 2011

by Liz Warren

The numbers are in for the month of May 2011 for all Mt. Hood sales. We had a total of four properties close last month. Two were foreclosures. News sources, and NAR have told us sales were down all across the US in April and May's results too are weak. They are particularly down when compared to last year's spring when the first time home buyer credit was winding down.

Here are the sales. The second and third sales are foreclosures.

Four Sales for Mt. Hood Area in May 2011

Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday     Morning Coffee


Everyone says it differently, but the message is the same.
Here are three oft-quoted thoughts on "thinking":

"You are what you think about all day long."
"Your life is what your thoughts make of it."
"As you think, so shall you be."


What is a thought? Scientifically speaking, it is nothing more than a random electrical impulse in the brain. If you are relaxing, not focusing on any particular thoughts, your brain continues to fire off those random impulses which, in turn, are triggering random, unfocused thoughts - like the itch on your arm, how hummingbirds fly, or your Aunt Ellen's new car.

What's interesting is that everything in sight of you right now is the result of someone's focused thoughts. The computer screen, the window nearby, and the chair in which you are sitting came into existence as the result of a single focused thought. Henry Ford thought about a V-8 engine for his cars, and then insisted that his engineers create it. Jonas Sauk thought about eliminating polio - and did.

Whether you choose to focus your thoughts or not, your day will be filled with them. They just don't stop. But wait - there's an "Aha!" or a "Voila!" in here for you. Just think of the possibilities when you realize the power of thought - and put it to work for you. The amazing thing about thoughts is that you have complete control over them. You either put these electrical impulses to work for you through focused attention - or they happen anyway, but in a random, impotent manner akin to a static electrical discharge.

Everything tangible in our world today was created by an action, preceded by someone's thought - from a straight pin to a Pentium processor, from a blight-free American chestnut tree to your garage-door opener. So - what thoughts will you be having today?

They don't have to be life-changing or global in scope to make your personal world better. They need only be focused. Just remember, you control your thoughts - and their possibilities are endless.

Displaying blog entries 1251-1260 of 1910


