Real Estate Information

Mt. Hood Real Estate Blog

Liz Warren


Displaying blog entries 1241-1250 of 1910

Stonebird is the Vintage Collectibles and Antique Show located at the Sandy High School this weekend. Hours are Saturday 9 to 6 and Sunday 9 to 5! Located at 17100 Bluff Road, Sandy, Oregon.

503-668-3378 or email [email protected]

Appraisers will be on site Sat. and Sun. 1 to 3. Bring up to 3 items for a verbal appraisal for a $3.00 fee. No jewelry, firearms , or edged weapons.

Admission is $5.00


This is hosted by the Sandy Historical Society.

Morning Coffee


Morning Coffee


"I always wanted to be somebody. Now I realize I should have been more specific."
- Lily Tomlin (from her "One Woman Show")


Whether you're 23, 43 or 73, ask yourself this wonderfully refreshing question: "What do I want to be when I grow up?" Regardless of our age, it's so easy to lose sight of the specific "somebody" we always wanted to be. What's more, the "somebody" we had in mind in our 20's may be someone different in our 50's.

Worse yet, maybe we grew up to be the "somebody" someone else had in mind - like our mother or father. The influence of those around us often prevents us from even asking the question "What do I want to be . . . ?" We try so hard to be their somebody that we don't allow ourselves to grow up at all.

So . . . going back to the matter of age, it doesn't matter WHEN we decide who we want to be so much as that we DO decide. It is at that moment that a catharsis takes place, and we rid ourselves of everyone else's determination of our identity. We are free . . . free to become the person of our dreams.

Is it easy to develop and maintain our new identity? No. Our day-to-day activities will still attempt to distract us from our new persona. Nevertheless, as artist D. Morgan points out in one of her paintings, "The impossible dream - isn't!" Take a quiet moment today, just for yourself, and ask, "Am I the somebody I wanted to be?"


Sandy Mountain Festival This Weekend!


BIG local community event, the Sandy Mountain Festival, is this weekend!

The parade is this evening at 7:00 PM. This parade typically draws over  5,000 people to the event.

Local craftsmen, artists, musicians, carnival rides and great food are featured over the weekend!

Mt Hood Community Planning Organization

Special Guest:Kimberly Benthin, Code Compliance Specialist, Clackamas County

July 7, 2011 7-9:00 PM

Dorman Community Center, 24500 E Salmon River Road, Welches, Oregon

Come ask questions about county permit requirements, etc.

· Does the county enforce code retroactively on, for example, a 40 year old cabin built before current codes were in effect?

· How can we foster an atmosphere where people feel safe getting building permits?

· What needs permitting and what does not? If a homeowner does his/her own repairs, is a permit needed?

· Can builders and homeowners follow verbal "okays" from county code enforcement staff?

· Get an update on permit process for homes with flood damage or potential flood damage

· Will the county work with owners or contractors to mitigate fines? And conversely, when some contractors flaunt all rules and sanctions are not enforced, why should others "toe the line?"

Builders and Homeowners can get answers from County staff at the July meeting of MHC-CPO

Morning Coffee


Morning Coffee


"If you take too long in deciding what to do with your life, you'll find you've done it."
- George Bernard Shaw

"Before enlightenment - chopping wood, carrying water. After enlightenment - chopping wood, carrying water."
- Buddha


Oh - the frustration of it all. The first quote for today deals with the importance of having direction - goals - in your life. You know - we've all heard it for years - our life will be happier, more prosperous, more meaningful if we have a plan, know where we're going, and work systematically at getting there.

If you've tried to do that, you've undoubtedly met with a great deal of frustration along the way. It's like the expression "Life is what happens to you while you're planning other things." No matter how hard you work at your plan, there are those constant interruptions that get in the way, and make it seem so difficult. You are not alone.

As important as the first quote is, think about the second one. A modern paraphrase might go like this: "Before setting and achieving your goals, and having control over your life, your days are filled with trivia, interruptions, hassles, disappointments, family responsibilities, etc. After working your plan and achieving all your dreams and goals - your life is filled with trivia, interruptions, hassles, disappointments, family responsibilities, etc."

Taking control of your life can result in great personal satisfaction, provided you understand it does not bring you to perfection. Intertwined in our desire to achieve peace, success, and enlightenment, there is still plenty of wood to chop and water to carry. The day-to-day responsibilities of life do not disappear. We simply gain the strength to bear them more readily - and with a smile.

So - carry on with your plans and your dreams. They are vital to a great life. Yet remember the words of Jules Renard, who said, "There are moments when everything goes well; don't be frightened, it won't last."


Fourth of July Fireworks Moved in Sandy!




Centennial 4th of July Fireworks
Monday, July 04, 2011 at 9:00 PM
Special Centennial Fireworks display sponsored by Clackamas County Bank (thanks CCB!).

At a new location this year due to construction of the new high school.
By the Sandy Cinema. Viewing areas on the sidewalk in front of the businesses by the cinema (food & refreshments by Smoky Hearth, Paris Cafe, Sandy Cinema et al). Or take your lawn chairs or blankets to the vacant grass lots at Champion Way & Industrial Way.

Walk or bike if possible; parking will be limited.


Sandy Oregon 20 Acre Custom Storybook Home

by Liz Warren

Custom built home with Mt. Hood views on twenty usable acres.


20 Acre Custom Home in Sandy Oregon

Pride of ownership throughout. This six bedroom home has nearly 3500 sq. ft. Floor to ceiling river rock fireplace, great room, warm pine, granite in kitchen and baths. Watch elk from your deck. Attached bonus guest area with bath and living area. Berries, trees, garden, new 36 X 36 shop, three car garage. Privacy and seclusion. This home has it all!

River Rock Fireplace

Take a tour of this fantastic home here.

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday     Morning Coffee


"Competition will always place your life in the hands of others,
while initiative gives you the freedom to choose your own destiny."
- Willard & Marguerite Beecher


From childhood we learn to win by competing. If one marble player wins, the other loses. If our football team wins, the opposition loses. If we earn top honors for the greatest sales volume or number of transactions, our fellow associates don't. We are taught to be competitive - and we learn the lesson well.

In being competitive, however, we must always measure our success in relation to others. First we choose the leader whom we must surpass. Our objective is to exceed the performance of that individual - the current Number One. Then, when we become the leader, we live in constant fear of having our performance exceeded by those striving from below to surpass us.

By always competing, then, we are not free to focus on doing our very best. Everything we do is related to what others have done or may do. A refreshing alternative is to put initiative to work. You freely choose your own destiny, then work to achieve it - totally oblivious to what others around you are doing.

Initiative begins with a delightful vision of yourself achieving what you think is important. Followed up with action, you achieve not only your objectives, but also the thrill and satisfaction of knowing you are in charge

Grand Lodges Go To Auction

by Liz Warren

Skiers! Luxury units at the Grand Lodges in Government Camp are going to auction on July 24th this year. These are some of the nicest units in the area with great amenities including underground parking, covered walkways, swimming pool, and rec center. You can litereally walk to ski areas from this location.

The auction web site offers additional information. Minimum bids start at $275,000.

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday   Morning Coffee


"Life is not always what the brochure promises."
- Amb Alon Pinkas


So . . . which brochure have you been reading? Maybe it's the one that promises "clear sailing" or "romantic sunsets" or "excitement guaranteed!" Maybe you're into the financial brochures that read "no money down" or "financial freedom in 30 days" or "sell a million dollars a month without leaving home."

For many years now, the brochures of our lives have promised and delivered success, satisfaction, and wealth. It's been a good run. There's another brochure many of us have signed onto - "for better or for worse." Notice that the "for better" comes first, and so it has been for a long time.

Nevertheless, our country experiences cycles, as do our lives. Few of us living today have ever experienced a serious "for worse" part of the national cycle. Yet, it has been those periods in the history of our country that have brought out the best in us. The Great Depression of the thirties was the catalyst for the strong work ethic of the baby boomers. Two world wars taught us to value our freedom.

So, maybe life isn't always "what the brochure promises." If we're entering one of those periods when we are to be tested, so be it. We are a resilient people. While we may have been dozing at the internal security wheel, lulled by the smooth purring of our national economic engine, we are also able to awaken in an instant. Our purpose and principles can quickly be brought to full throttle.

No matter the threat, we are a people united by the brochure's great promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - ready, willing, and able to serve. Be alert and be of service!

Displaying blog entries 1241-1250 of 1910


