Real Estate Information

Mt. Hood Real Estate Blog

Liz Warren


Displaying blog entries 1721-1730 of 1904

$15,000 Possible Tax Break for Home Buyers!

by Liz Warren

Wow! Is this really happening? There's a possible $15,000 tax break for home buyers in the new stimulus package and the Senate has oked it at this point. Current law gives a $7500 tax incentive for first time home buyers but this new proposal would allow a tax credit of 10 percent of the value of new or existing residences, with  a $15,000 limit.

This pending bill will help get the foreclosure and swelling inventory of homes off the market and will help stabilize home prices. Congress will make their decision in about ten days on this bill so stay tuned.

Mt. Hood National Forest Gets Repair Funding for Roads and Trails

by Liz Warren

There's some great news for local users of the Mt. Hood National Forest roads and trails. Funding has been approved for many projects to fix roads and trails that have been heavily damaged from the 2006 flooding and storms over the past couple of years. A total of $961,840 in emergency funding is headed our way according to Forest spokesperson Rick Acosta. Contracts will be awarded in September.

Some of the projects most important to our side of the mountain include:

Road repair to the popular Romona Falls and campgrounds near Ramona Falls.

A horse and hiking bridge on the Pacific Crest Trail.

The bike and horse trails using a stringer bridge at the Dog River crossing and fill will be brought into the historic Barlow Trail that has washed away sections.

The most expensive repair will be a suspension bridge at the Eliot Crossing on the Timberline Trail.

Around 4.5 million people visit the Mt. Hood National Forest each year so it will be great to have our resources back in use in the not too distant future for visitors to enjoy!


Rates Went Up?

by Liz Warren

Why did interest rates pop up a quarter of a percent the past week? We were floating along at around 5% and now we are around 5.25% for a 30 year fixed.

It's the refis.

Rates went low and everyone rushed in to refi their home to take advantage of the low rates. So many lenders had let their staff go that now the system has clogged up and it may take three weeks to a month to get back to normal. Rates were raised to slow down the process and get rid of the clog.

Once the clog is gone we are hoping rates will drop back down again to the 5% 30 year fixed level. Keep your fingers crossed.

As I mentioned in a prior post, many of the current homeowners trying to get refianced will be disappointed by higher lending standards and lower home values.

I ran into a client recently who told me was in the middle of a refinance. They were charging him $400 for an appraisal and his value came in $50,000 less than his county tax value. He was shocked at the value of the appraisal.

Another client told me their refinance came back several times with additional conditions for the refinance. First a 'patched' roof was required, then a new roof was required before they would lend the money.

Lending has DRASTICALLY changed from just a year ago putting a new twist to all transactions that require lending- which are most of our sales. 

I am trying to keep up with all of the changes through classes and continuing education but there are surprises around every bend. 

If you have  questions about refis or new loans, give me a call. If I can't answer your question I can put you in touch with the right resource who can.


Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Houses reveal character."

~ Gilbert Highet


A story, written by an unknown author goes like this:

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife and family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by.

The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he would build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is YOUR house - my gift to you," he said.

Life is no different. Each of us is given lumber, a hammer, some nails, and a saw - but no instructions or blueprint for our lives. If we ignore a bent nail here, a split board there, and a wall out of plumb, we may find ourselves living in a ramshackle cabin where a beautiful home might have stood. Then we step back for a good look and recognize that we were the carpenter in charge.

Build your home with pride. Use the right tools. Get the education you need. Learn from a master. Take no shortcuts. Finish it with your finest touch. Remember - the plaque on the wall says, "Life is a do-it-yourself project."

Government Camp Condo Sales

by Liz Warren

Many condos have hit the market in Government Camp with a total of twenty one currently for sale. This is a lavish amount of inventory to choose from! The majority offered are in the Collins Lake complex. This was the flagship project that spurred the Government Camp revitalization project into orbit and offered a massive amount of pent up demand for Government Camp affordable and "easy to use" units. Prior to this project there was few single family homes for sale and minimal condos on the market in Barlow Pass West, Edelweiss, Golden Poles, Thunderhead and Sno Bird Village. These were all small scale units compared to the newer Collins Lake project.

Multiple listing service of Portland shows one sale over the past three months for Condo units. This one was in Edelweiss in the heart of Government Camp and sold for $310,000.

If a condo is on your to do list this year, it's an excellent time to take advantage of low interest rates!

What about the Jumbos?

by Liz Warren

Jumbo loans are for properties which have loans greater than $417,000 in Clackamas County. Over the last several years many homeowners have purchased homes in Government Camp, Welches and Rhododendron with these types of loans. Jumbo loans are huge in California and Washington where home values are substantially higher near metro areas and can go over $700,000.

According to Inside Mortgage Finance, a trade publication, between 2002 and 2006 banks originated $557 billion dollars a year in jumbo loans.  A mortgage data firm reports that 6.9% of prime jumbo loans were 90 days delinquent in December 2008. As we see continuing job losses across the board, savings continuing to get depleated, and continued softening of the real estate market, I suspect the tax payer will get stuck with these properties as they get foreclosed on. This in turn will push prices down further as the higher end price range dwindles lower.

Homes that may qualify for jumbo loans on the mountain (Homes priced over $450,000) are at 27% of the current inventory. In Sandy the homes for sale over $450,000 make up 18% of their inventory.

We will have to see how this story unfolds and if the Feds take any action to help these jumbo loan holders. Many who are trying to refinance are finding that their homes do not meet appraisal values or they do not qualify any longer with revised lending practices!

Months of Inventory

by Liz Warren

I keep bringing up what a super opportunity the mountain is offering in choice of inventory and interest rates and believe it or not, the entire market has a 52 month supply of homes for sale as of the end of December. If no other homes came on the market as of Januray 1st it would take 52 months to sell every home listed for sale! That is over a four year supply of homes.

I have never seen such a supply of homes  to choose from in Welches, Rhododendron or Government Camp! This is the perfect tsunami to purchase a primary, secondary or investment property that I have ever seen in 25 years.

Clear Hills Condo at the Resort at the Mountain

by Liz Warren

Rarely available, this Clear Hills Condo unit in Welches has a million dollar view of Welches Valley with surrounding hills and the golf course! The condo features a huge living room fireplace, two bedrooms and two baths. Spacious with over 1300 square feet of living space too. The living room, dining room, kitchen and master bedroom all have spectacular views.



The unit comes mostly furnished and includes an exterior storage area and carport. There's plenty of parking for your friends. It's an easy walk to the proshop for 27 holes of golf. Enjoy the top rated restaurants at the Resort at the Mountain!

If you are a skier or hiker, you'll enjoy the Mt. Hood National Forest out your back door nearly. Only 15 minutes to premium ski areas and year round skiing at Timberline.

Take a tour here

Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid.
The Valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."

~ Ghandi


It has been said that "a camel is a horse created by a committee." You've probably witnessed the process yourself. You put any twelve decision-makers in a room together, and they can't seem to make a decision at all. Worse yet, they create something that is comfortable to all members - a camel of their own making.

Ghandi says numbers are the "delight of the timid." At some time or another, we all want the comfort of being surrounded by others with interests common to us. Maybe it's on sales meeting day when the discussion turns into a gripe session. Maybe it's in the break room, around the proverbial "water cooler," or in a training class we've just taken. Wherever the group meets, the results are often the same - a lack of action backed up by all the reasons that justify the inaction.

Ghandi also says the glory is "in fighting alone." Look around. Do you see one or two individuals who spend little of their time with the group? Sometimes called "loners," these are usually also the over-achievers, the top producers in life and business. They know where they're going and they don't need your approval to do it. The committee says they aren't "team players."

Being human, it is certainly normal to seek the comfort of others. In the case of those few individuals described as "the Valiant in spirit," however, their strength comes from their accomplishments. In each of us, there is also that "Valiant" spirit - the part of us that wants to strike out on our own. You can do that by resigning from the committees of your life. Elect yourself President and Chairman of the Board of your own future - and make it unanimous!

Government Camp Alpenglade Home

by Liz Warren

Opportunity knocks in this ski mecca of Government Camp. An Alpenglade home just hit the market! Located in one of the most sought after subdivisions in Government Camp, this is a rare opportunity to purchase in the heart of ski country ony 75 minutes from Portland!

This is a great home with a super floor plan for a vacation home. There's three bedrooms, two baths, and a huge family room downstairs. High vaulted ceilings are in the main living room area with an open living room, dining room and kitchen. A huge woodstove sits in a tiled hearth to warm the toes after a big day skiing.

A laundry room sits off the kitchen and the master is on the main floor! Walk upstairs for two additional bedrooms and a bath. The slider off the main living area takes you to a massive deck for summertime barbeques. What a location! The back side of the property borders Mt. Hood National Forest and the South side of the lot has common area with a creek. Across the street is more common area too.

Fully plowed in the winter time, the roads are easy to navigate and there are parking areas for your guests. The home has an attached oversized single car garage too.

There are three major ski areas close to Government Camp. Forget that weekend drive back and forth from Portland. This is the perfect landing spot for year round recreation!


Take a tour here







Displaying blog entries 1721-1730 of 1904


