Real Estate Information

Mt. Hood Real Estate Blog

Liz Warren


Displaying blog entries 1581-1590 of 1904

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next."
~ Abraham Lincoln


What do children and government have in common? That depends on which classroom you visit. If you have children and are actively involved in their lives, you are likely to encounter a classroom filled with intelligent, interested, involved and respectful children.

Unfortunately, many teachers today will tell you that's not what they are seeing. In some 1st & 2nd grade settings, children fall asleep because they spent the night in the family car while mom or dad sold drugs. Others are antagonistic and disrespectful, traits also learned from other family members. Still others are raised in a "no rules" family, where parents simply abdicate their parental responsibilities.

Many parents still take their responsibilities seriously. In fact, there appears to be a resurgence of young parents who teach their children the values of honesty, integrity, and service to others. It's about time. If you're one of them, I applaud your commitment to making the world a better place.

There has also been a dearth of honesty, respect and morality over the past 30 years or so. Children brought up during that time often experienced the negative effects of a no rules society. Today those same individuals are beginning to lead companies and be elected to office, yet we are surprised that company CEO's and elected officials could ever lie and mislead as they have been exposed to do recently.

As the children of today's classrooms are disposed to believe and behave, so will they as the adults of tomorrow's generation. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, you can make a difference for the next generation of leaders. Take time to encourage, nurture, and teach the children in your family. Sometimes, a single comment or gesture can give a child the impetus to become great.

Oregon Trail School District Test Scores

by Liz Warren

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Time is clay. Make something."
~ Unknown


To paraphrase a favorite tune, "If I could save time in a bottle..." I could have saved literally millions of minutes so far. Of course most of us think in terms of a 24-hour clock that gives us another chance to save each time we wake up. We think of time beginning anew with the start of each day. Not so. Time is actually a continuum, a straight line.

If you were born in 1952, you could have saved 27,856,800 minutes by now. Born in 1968? You'd have a bottle full of 19,447,200 minutes. No matter when you were born, it's easy to calculate just how many minutes you could have saved by now. The real question, of course, is how many minutes are left. Bet you didn't want to hear that.

Not to worry. It's what you do with what you've got that counts. So why not begin looking at time as clay - as something you roll in your hands and form into anything you like. Remember making little cars, or a house, or a little clay doll when you were little? Back then, no one told you what to make - you just let your imagination guide you.

As you got older, you were told what you could do, when you could do it, and how much time you had to get it done. You quit playing with the clay, and didn't have the time to let your imagination guide you. More than likely you fell into a routine (a.k.a. a rut), one possibly designed by someone else's imagination.

Why not take some of the time you have to rediscover the joy your own imagination can bring? Think back to those wonderful days of clay - and make something!

Hood to Coast Race Coming This Friday!

by Liz Warren

As every local resident knows, Hood to Coast is quite the event on Mt. Hood! Friday afternoon is a menagerie of runners, vans and support people that take over our area. The set up was in the works today at Timberline and various other locales getting ready for tomoorow's major start up event.


Check out details here

Grand Lodges Condos at Government Camp

by Liz Warren

One of the newest Condo projects in Government Camp is the Grand Lodges. This project can't be missed and if you haven't taken the tour, you should stop in the office and check it out. Underground parking, great views, spacious units, top end finish work makes for something worth seeing! The convenience of condo ownership in the winter is a plus!

Interested in seeing any  of these units or others in the Government Camp area, give me a call. It's time to start thinking about skiing!

In the past couple of days several units hit the market with new pricing points starting at $529,000. Here are the details below:










Cell Phones- Do Not Call List

by Liz Warren


REMINDER.....  All cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls.
To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:    888-382-1222.
It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.

Mt. Hood Foreclosures

by Liz Warren

They're still coming and here is the current list of foreclosued homes in the Mt. Hood Area from Brightwood, Welches, Government Camp and Rhododendron:

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it -
but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor."
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes


Imagine the Pearl Harbor attack of 1941 going unanswered . . . Many of our ships found at anchor by attacking planes went down, never to leave the harbor again. Imagine the economy floundering with interest rates at 12%, and learning that the head of "the fed" has taken a six-month, non-working vacation to Tahiti. Imagine how you would have felt on September 12, 2001 if our president had appeared on TV to tell us how sorry he was about the attacks without announcing action to protect us in the future.

We expect our nation's leaders to act in times of crisis, don't we? But - what do we expect of ourselves when a family crisis arises, our sales flounder, or we notice the numbers on our scale beginning to creep upward to uncomfortable levels? Do we set sail, or lie at anchor hoping "someone" will do "something?"

Babe Ruth sailed against the wind more often than with it. He is remembered for his home runs - 714 of them - yet he struck out 1,330 times in his career. Best of all, he set sail and got out of the harbor (took his bat to the plate) 8,399 times. Had he stayed safely in the dugout, he could have avoided all those strikeouts.

So - what about you? Having difficulty setting sail lately? Perhaps it's time to give your engine a little maintenance, or take out a needle and thread to repair torn sails. You may also want to pull out your map to redefine the direction you'll be taking in coming months.

If you've been spending too much time at the "Captain's Table" and not enough time on the bridge with the wheel in your hand, perhaps some planning now will send you full speed ahead out of the harbor and with some exotic port of call in sight. Bon Voyage!

Mt. Hood Buyer Alert

by Liz Warren

Ok, now is the time to make your move to purchase on Mt. Hood. In the past week we have seen 22price reductions alone on Mt. Hood inventory from Government Camp, Welches, Brightwood and Rhododendron! Sellers are getting even more motivated to get their property sold, sooner, than later! The rush is on for first time home buyers to use that $8,000 tax credit which is about to expire.

Interest rates are the lowest we've seen in the past three months.  So, is this the time to jump in and take advantage of the incredible inventory, low interest rates, and super home buyer credits from the Feds? You bet it is!


Do it Yourself or Hire a Contractor?

by Liz Warren

Displaying blog entries 1581-1590 of 1904


