Real Estate Information

Mt. Hood Real Estate Blog

Liz Warren


Displaying blog entries 1451-1460 of 1907

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: "Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time." When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, "The one I feed the most."


When was the last time you had a vivid, golly-gee-wow, gotta-do-it-now type of dream - a dream that made you come alive at the very thought of it? Did you put a plan in motion to achieve that dream?

OK - forget about the dream for a moment. What about the rest of your life? Do you know where you're going and which principles you've adopted to get you there?

Sometimes dreams and plans fail to mature into reality by neglect. The good dog isn't fed properly, becomes weak and tentative, and eventually loses out to the mean dog - the one that is all too happy to fill our life with meaningless trivia.

The good dog we're discussing here is your personal constitution, that quiet inner voice that directs your life in the right direction. It's the part of you that thrives on hope, knowledge, service to others, perseverance, honesty, commitment and many other worthy principles. It's the "you" that knows you can make the world a better place for all, and sets out to accomplish the task.

The mean dog thrives on fear, deceit, worry, irresponsibility, and ignorance. This ugly dog can flourish and take over by simply filling the void left when the good dog is too weak to eat. Surely you've seen this dog face-to-face. He sometimes appears as a "friend" who douses your latest brainstorm with cold water, or encourages you to shade the truth a bit to make the deal work.

So how do you feed and encourage the good dog? Inspiration and knowledge are excellent ingredients to build strong hopes and sound dreams. Inspiration is available in many forms ranging from personal relationships with those we admire and trust to biographies of others who have succeeded in spite of the odds. Incidentally, you can easily starve the mean dog by avoiding negative relationships altogether.

Increased knowledge builds skill levels and ultimately confidence and self-esteem. It is difficult to feel vulnerable and defensive when you have all the facts. Knowledge combined with inspiration strengthens principles already adopted, and may introduce you to new ones. Remember, the mean dog thrives on ignorance and fear, both of which can rob your constitution blind.

Mt. Hood and Oregon State Numbers of Foreclosures

by Liz Warren

Have you ever heard of This group tracks delinquencies and foreclosures and how the mortgage crisis has impacted Oregonians. Here are their numbers. 

Oregon Delinquencies and Foreclosures

The average loss per home in the state of Oregon is $8,442 in equity. You can check other state losses at the web site. The average loss in New York is around $37,000! In Florida it is $81,000. In California it is $51,000. So at this point, Oregon has faired decently compared to many other states. That number could increase as we see the foreclosures hit the market for 2010.

Mt Hood Number of Sales Increase in April!

by Liz Warren

The number of real estate sales in April has increased drastically over last year at this time. Of course, last year everyone was reeling over the stock market crash and trying to hang on by their fingernails.

Ten sales were racked up for the month of April! Half of those sales were foreclosures. Most of the others were second homes.

Here is the story of a seller who chased the market down, went to foreclosure and the buyer got one hec of a deal in this market. The seller first listed at $567,500 in 8/08. At the time the seller went into foreclosure the price was $474,900. The bank listed the house at $459,500 on 11/2009. The house closed in April 2010, while listed at $435,000 for $350,000! That is nearly 40% of the original list price!

Relton Lane Waterfront Home Brightwood, Oregon

Timberline Rim Foreclosures

by Liz Warren

Timberline Rim has seen more than their share of foreclosures popping up last year and this year. April sales 2010 for Mt. Hood saw three of these foreclosures in the Rim close.


Timberline Rim Foreclsoures

First American Core Logic, who tracts the impact of foreclosures and short sales on neighboring homes, shows their tracking over the past four years below. You can see the distressed sales and foreclosures are selling around 35% less than nondistressed sales.

Mt Hood distressed sales discounts

Time Closing in on Tax Credit

by Liz Warren

Time is ticking away if you're a first time home buyer and want to use the tax credit. The dead line to have your tranaction in place is April 30th so don't delay in getting that property now.

Case Shiller Pricing Index

by Liz Warren

Is this a great time to purchase a home or what? According to the S & P Case Shiller Pricing Index home values have adjusted to August 2003 levels. You may be paying 2033 prices but you are actually getting a greater value! Why, because interest rates are 1% less than they were in 2003! On a loan balance of $200,000 that would save you $145.00 per month.

Take advantage of today's great buying opportunities!

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Until one is committed there is hesitancy,
a chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative and creation,
there is one elementary truth,
the ignorance of which kills
countless dreams and splendid plans.
That the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too."

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe


In "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing," the author talks about taking risks. As an example, "Rich Dad" says, "There is risk driving a car. But driving the car with your hands off the steering wheel is really risky." With regard to driving a car, his point is easily understood.

His real message, however, goes a little deeper. He's really speaking of the risks people associate with investing. While there are inherent risks in any investment (just as there are in driving to the grocery store), if you don't take control of the risks (as in keeping your hands on the wheel), the risks can quickly overwhelm you. Rich Dad goes on to say that, "It is not necessarily investing that is risky, it is the investor who is risky."

Whether you are investing in yourself, your business, real estate, or a stock portfolio, Rich Dad advises that you first gain control over yourself. This is accomplished in two steps: first by creating a written financial plan, and second through intensive study. Both make it possible to get a firm grip on your investment wheel. The written plan is your road map to successful investing, while study provides the knowledge level needed to invest wisely. Collectively, they put you in the driver's seat, giving you control over your investing direction.

If the idea of investing your way to wealth appeals to you, you must first commit to pay the price in time. You do not necessarily have to "have money to make money." Like any successful endeavor, however, you must be willing to invest your time, and we all realize just how valuable that can be!

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"I hit anything that's close to the plate. I don't wait for that one pitch.”
- Rod Carew


With the start of the major league baseball season, a simple success formula recently heard comes to mind. It uses baseball words, but contains plenty of success wisdom.

Which do you think is more important, a home run or a single base hit? Most of us would choose a home run - even a "grand slam" home run. Most of us were also brought up to believe that someday our "ship would come in" - that all of our success or wealth or whatever would arrive at once, in one grand port call.

Funny thing is - more ball games are won with base hits than with home runs. Most ships arrive slowly in port - guided by tiny tugboats - and only after having navigated the wide oceans through a series of thousands of minor navigational corrections.

Yes! Big wins and successful journeys occur most often as the result of daily decisions - not life-altering, once-a-year, mega-decisions. Want to lose weight? It won't happen because you vow on January 1 to do it. It will be the result of your daily decision to walk, run, or work out. Want excellent health? Your daily, even moment-by-moment, decisions to ingest only healthy foods and avoid junk are the ones that will win the day.

The same holds true for your success in business. While a master plan at the beginning of the year is important, it's really the steps taken each day that produce the results. As you face each of the very small daily decisions, be careful to make only the right choices. By day's end they'll add up to valuable progress both on and off the field.

Mt. Hood Sales in March

by Liz Warren

Here is a list of the sold properties for March 2010 taken from Multiple Listing service. Four of these properties were foreclosures and five of the eight were sold for less than $100,000.

April sales are shaping up in a similar fashion. In a similar fashion I mean the foreclosures and distressed properties are selling. Of the four sales listed for April up to this point, three are foreclosures and one was a distressed sale heading into foreclosure. 

Sadly, even more foreclosures are coming on the market. According to RealtyTrac there were more foreclosures in the first quarter of 2010 than there have since they have been tracking-since 2005. Leader states in foreclosures are California, Florida, Arizona and Nevada for the first quarter. Why so many now? The banks are finally getting through the glut of processing. RealtyTrac reports that there will be approximately one million foreclosures in 2010 and around four million fillings for foreclosures this year.

Two reasons for increased foreclosures: high unemployment and declining values making owners "underwater" owing more than their home's market value. This is really causing a domino effect as the foreclosures drag down market values more people will become "underwater".

Once this excess foreclosure inventory is gone, the real estate markets will stabilize.

Cedar Home on Acreage-Brightwood

by Liz Warren

Hit the brakes honey, this is it! This is a great home with lots of warm cedar wood throughout on 1.37 acres of land near the Salmon River. Three bedrooms and two baths with high vaulted beamed ceilings and lots of room to spread out on your land. There's an attached two car garage, mini shop and carport too! A big yard in the back plus garden area, tree house and woodshed.

Just listed at $290,000!

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Displaying blog entries 1451-1460 of 1907


