Real Estate Information

Mt. Hood Real Estate Blog

Liz Warren


Displaying blog entries 1421-1430 of 1909

Mt. Hood Real Estate Numbers for June 2010

by Liz Warren

The numbers are in for June 2010 for Mt. Hood area real estate sales straight out of RMLS. The numbers are impressive with a total of 15 sales closing. My estimate is that these sales were put together in March and April and finally closed. We have seen a weakening of pending sales at the moment but hope with the fantastic weather we are having that more buyers will take advantage of the incredible inventory currently on the market. Now is the time to get a hec of a deal on a mountain property!

Mt. Hood real estate sales for June 2010

Market indicators show increasing inventory, fewer pending sales for the month, longer marketing periods but pending sales up nearly 50% year to date from 2009!

February 2010 Oregon Foreclosures

by Liz Warren

The numbers are out for the National Association of Realtors statistics for February 2010 in the Salem area foreclosures compared with the United Sates Numbers. Here is a chart of activity:

Foreclosures on Mt. Hood


Oregon Foreclosure Information

by Liz Warren

The National Association of Realtors has published some interesting information on Oregon foreclosures for 2009. Our state has been in the news recently at number three in the country for foreclosures. Here is the breakdown of home ownership and home foreclosures based on the type of loan the homeowner received. Prime loans are the biggest percentage of foreclosures in 2009 reflecting the high unemployment rate in Oregon.

See Mt. Hood Area Foreclosures here

Mt. Hood's Swelling Summer Population

by Liz Warren

You know its summer on the mountain when the arty funky buses pull into the Hoodland shopping center filled with kids who swamp local stores. These kids are from all over who visit our area to attend ski and snowboarding camps.

Shawn White, who won Gold in the 2010 Canadian Olympics for half pipe, brought untold publicity to the Mt. Hood area with our year round summer skiing and boarding. This was one of the areas he trained at throughout his career and we garnered great advertising for the Palmer Glacier, Timberline, and all our surrounding burbs of Government Camp, Welches, Rhododendron and Brightwood. We have two re-known camps in our area, Windells, in Brightwood and High Cascade in Government Camp. Shawn attended Windells.

Here is an article in OregonLive that gives more details on our summer treasure. At nearly $1500-$1800 per week for campers to attend, this gives a major shot in the arm economically to local business owners who garner the spending of the kids and often their parents who vacation in our state while their kids are in camp.

Mt. Hood has seen its share of business closures due to tough economic times so this is a welcome reprieve and a shot of cash for many of our smaller businesses!


Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will elude you.
But if you turn your attention to other things, it comes softly and sits on your shoulder."
~ Anonymous


Imagine you've planned the trip of your dreams - say from North Carolina to Colorado. You've charted all the roads, have a fist full of maps just in case, and have your priorities straight in your mind. You get started on a beautiful sunny day, and begin enjoying the ride.

Late in the day, as you approach the Mississippi River, you drive straight into a bank of heavy fog. You turn on your lights, but still cannot see 10 feet ahead. Just because the highway is out of sight doesn't mean you've lost your way. Continuing on the path you've set for yourself, you soon break out into the sunshine again - still headed in the direction of your dreams.

In perspective, consider that the trip represents your life's goal - your first priority. Steering your vehicle down the highway hour by hour represents your efforts to reach your goal. The fog bank illustrates the momentary interruptions and obstacles encountered on your journey.

As day #2 begins, you find that you've come to an unexpected intersection - one that's not on your map. Confused, you pull over and examine the map closely. Stay to the right and you'll end up in Colorado. Take a left and you may arrive at an unanticipated, yet equally wonderful destination.

OK, let's cut to the chase! Sometimes your priorities change, don't they? Just as you think your goal is in sight, a new opportunity arises. Remember the saying that "life is a journey - not a destination"? What's exciting is that YOU are in control of the steering wheel, and whatever destination you choose is OK - so long as it's YOU who has made the choice.

Happy motoring!

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"You can either complain that rosebushes have thorns - or rejoice that thorn bushes have roses!"
~ Anonymous


Whether or not you have a green thumb, you probably know that gardens may contain either annual or perennial flower varieties. Annuals are fun to grow for several reasons: 1) they sprout quickly from seeds, 2) they flower the first year, and 3) their colors can be brilliant and most pleasing. They are also less hardy and die out at the first sign of frost. Each spring, new seeds must be planted.

Perennials are another story. Growing from seeds, they take longer to sprout and rarely flower the first year. Their colors are more subtle hues, and they require more attention in the early stages. They must be cut back in the winter and covered with mulch, and may require fertilizer in the spring. They also come back year after year, returning with stronger roots, greater beauty and abundant growth. With time, they require less and less attention, yet continue to prosper. No matter how cold the winter, they always return with renewed vigor.

Friendships and business relationships are a lot like flowers, and may also be either annual or perennial in nature. They may be quick to bloom and most enjoyable to experience, yet fade quickly at the first hint of trouble.

Others grow more gradually through trust-building and respect. They may not dazzle the senses or leave us breathless, yet they are consistent, trusting, and produce a warm glow that hardly fades when tested by adversity. These relationships grow over time, and produce an abundance of lasting beauty.

In business, as in personal relationships, the best things in life come with time and caring. When planning your life's garden this spring, why not devote your attention to the perennials? With an added touch of patience, you can look forward to the sweet fragrances to come.

Oregon Trail High School

by Liz Warren

It's a big project and it's about to begin! There were several appeals recently for the new construction of the Sandy High School but they were all denied and contruction is slated to begin. The official groundbreaking will begin next Wednesday at 6:00 pm on Bell street. This will be a huge assett to the community.


Here are more details.

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"The best laid plans o' mice and men often go astray."
- Robert Burns

"What would you do if you weren't afraid?"
- Haw (from "Who Moved My Cheese?")


Are you enjoying the good times? Have you achieved your goals and become comfortable in the knowledge that you have reached the zenith of your life and career? But wait! Hold on just a minute. What if things were to change suddenly . . . and you ended up back at the proverbial "Square One"?

Maybe that's already happened to you a time or two. Perhaps your career took a sudden turn in a direction you hadn't anticipated, or a health problem caught you totally by surprise. What did you do then? Were you paralyzed by fear? Did you feel cheated, or angry? Did you blame circumstances for your new situation?

No doubt you are able to rationalize objectively that all of us face change from time to time, that it's a part of life. It's difficult, however, to be objective when change suddenly stares you straight in the eye.

Some answers popped up this week to the challenges of change. You'll find those answers in a short, easy-to-read book entitled "Who Moved My Cheese?" Written by Spencer Johnson (co-author of "The One-Minute Manager"), it's the story of two little mice named "Sniffy" and "Scurry" and two little people the size of mice called "Hem" and Haw." The story traces the whimsical challenges faced by these tiny characters as they travel through the maze called "real life."

If you have ever been challenged by change in your world, you'll find comfort and sage advice in this simple story. It's waiting for you to read, and it's worth the short time you'll need to absorb the lessons it contains. This is a great story - don't miss it!

Lowest Interest Rates Since 1971!

by Liz Warren

That is right. Read the headline! These are the lowest interest rates since 1971! We are talking nearly 40 years.

Average 30-year home loan rates : 4.69 percent

Average 15-year mortgage rates are just 4.15 percent

Buy now or take advantage of a refi. These are unbelieveable rates!


Mt. Hood Seven Sales for May 2010

by Liz Warren

Mt. Hood Sales for May 2010

Here are the seven sales for the month of May in 2010 in the Mt. Hood Area. Two of these homes were foreclosures and finally, a forest service cabin sold!

Now that the Fed stimulous is over there is a major rush to close those deals by the end of June. This may have pushed purchasers into the first half of the year for buying and many experts predict a lag in July and August since many buyers took advantage of that tax credit opportunity. Even though this tax credit was extended into 2010, only one fifth of the numbers seen in 2009 took advantage compared to the surge of sales in 2009. Numbers are weak throughout the US for 2010 with new mortgage applications lagging and new construction sales down by 32% according to Reuters today.

Displaying blog entries 1421-1430 of 1909


