Real Estate Information

Mt. Hood Real Estate Blog

Liz Warren


Displaying blog entries 1371-1380 of 1909

Mt. Hood Land and Lot Sales 2010

by Liz Warren

Many buyers and sellers are asking how are bare land sales on the mountain. Well if you take a look at Brightwood, Welches, Rhododendron and Government Camp you'll find sales are averaging about one a month this year. Not bad considering new home construction loans are difficult to find these days. Here are the ten sales since the beginning of the year.

Mt. Hood Land sales for 2010

Three sales were in subdivisions of Timberline Rim and Zig Zag Village. One Government Camp sale in Alpenglade, a couple of waterfront lots and a couple of acreage parcels. This has been a surprisingly good report for this year!

September Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales 2010

by Liz Warren

September saw an increase in the number of sales with nine closings for the month. A variety of properties sold including two foreclosures, one forest service cabin and one Government Camp single family residence. Interestingly, five of the nine sales were cash sales. Fortunately, for many sellers, the banks have been taken out of the equation since their standards are so restrictive. This could also be a move by investors to make their move into the market.

Here are the nine sales:

September 2010 sales on Mt. Hood

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for September 2010

by Liz Warren

Recent sales for September 2010 in the Mt. Hood area from Welches, Rhododendron, Brightwood and Government Camp are in. Here's the info direct from multiple listing services:

The Unemployment Recession

by Liz Warren

What will help turn home buying around? Jobs. Here is how Oregon compares to the rest of the US in unemployment:

Oregon Unemployment rate compared nationally

How does this recession compare to others the US has seen? Check out this chart:


the unemployment recession


Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Pursue the good ardently. But if your efforts fall short, accept the result and move on."
- Epictetus


Who do you want to be? Which are the principles by which you want to live? Do honesty, perseverance, and wisdom define you? Are sincerity, generosity, and a caring attitude your trademark?

Having a vague idea of the benchmark traits you wish to exhibit is not enough. To be extraordinary, it is necessary to define yourself in specific terms. If you haven't adopted a precise set of principles, consider choosing from the list that follows: humility, diligence, moderation, silence, temperance, chastity, courage, resolution, justice, industry, faithfulness, order, tranquility, cleanliness, encouragement, frugality, generosity, sincerity, persistence, honesty, perseverance, or caring.

Choose five that most closely match the person you would choose to be. Next define what each means to you, and how you can adopt them as your trademark traits. Finally, begin acting like the person you would be. Ben Franklin kept a small diary and rated his actions each day by placing a checkmark each time he violated one of his personal principles. Over time, as the checkmarks dwindled for one principle, he would move on to the next.

There's no need to discuss your quest for a principle-centered life with anyone. This is personal, very personal. It's also important to accept the fact that once you've adopted a credo, you won't do a perfect job of living up to it. When you find you've fallen short, "accept the result and move on."

Unless you're living the perfect life right now, and most of us aren't, give some thought to redefining yourself. Decide to be extraordinary and do whatever you must do - NOW!

Predictions From Concord Group on Recovery

by Liz Warren

The Concord Group, a real estate strategy firm predicts that recovery for the current real estate market will begin in the first quarter of 2012. Their prediction is based upon the current 18 months worth of inventory in the market.

Today's market in the Mt. Hood Area including Government Camp, Brightwood, Rhododendron and Welches has an 18.4 month of supply and 147 active listings including homes, condos and land.

Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"In the midst of our daily lives, we must find the juice to nourish our creative souls."
- Sark


Familiar with the speed of light? According to science books, light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. That's been common knowledge for years. Now, however, scientists have discovered in experiments that light may travel many times faster. In fact, tests seem to show that light may travel so fast that it arrives BEFORE it even leaves its source.

Business now travels at the speed of the Internet. "Fast Company" magazine reports up-to-the-nanosecond business techniques. You're connected . . . we're connected . . . we're all moving at warp speed!

Whoa! Stop! Put on the brakes. If you're feeling overwhelmed at the breakneck speed of your business . . . and your life . . . take heart. There's a solution, but you must make space for it. Some call it checking out. Others call it meditation. Some describe it as needing "some space" or "quiet time." The name is not important, but the practice is.

Into each day, schedule a time when you can be alone for 15 - 30 minutes. Mornings may be best when the house is quiet. Close your eyes and practice thinking absolutely nothing. If images, worries, or business schedules keep popping into your mind, practice making them go away. Some picture a blank movie or TV screen. If an image pops onto the screen, mentally turn off the TV and watch the screen go blank.

Once you reach this quiet peaceful state, you will notice that your daily family concerns and business challenges begin to resolve themselves. You can attract everything you need into your life by simply spending some time each day with yourself. It may feel awkward at first - thinking about nothing - but you will soon realize the potential of this powerful resource within you.

Go to your Day Planner now. Write in a block of time for each day this week to spend with your alter ego. Now - keep your appointment!

Largest Bank Servicers Q2 2010

by Liz Warren

Here are the largest bank servicers for Q2 2010 according to National Mortgages News. B of A of course absorbed Countrywide when they imploded. This also lists the number of delinquencies on their loans. These numbers include first and second mortgages.

Foreclosures and Short Sales on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

Here's a video that is produced by two mortgage guys who explain why IndyMac wants to do shortsales and foreclosures and how our tax dollars are paying the bank for the difference. This is in layman's terms.

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind
of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there
long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking."
- William James


Most people, when they have their camera in hand, take snapshots of other people or things. The focus is on anything and everything outside themselves. What many don't realize is that they also have a super high-resolution camera in their minds.

The words of William James are not new. They've been said before in many forms, i.e. "As a man thinketh, so is he," or "You are what you think about all day long," or "A man is what his thoughts make of him."

By simply framing a picture in your mind of the person you would like to become, then acting like that person - you ARE that person! I believe it was Zig Ziglar who said it this way: "Fake it 'til you make it!" In other words, just by "acting" like the person you want to be, you actually become that person.

Likewise, we often create our own limitations by creating small pictures of who we are. In the words of Michelangelo (1475-1564), "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

Why not take a closer look at the image you've created of yourself? Is it in focus? Does it portray the person you really want to be? Should you "zoom" in for a closer look, or go "wide angle" to broaden your horizons?

Your life is whatever you imagine it to be. Create a masterpiece!

Displaying blog entries 1371-1380 of 1909


