Real Estate Information

Mt. Hood Real Estate Blog

Liz Warren


Displaying blog entries 1351-1360 of 1909

Shadow Inventory in the Mix

by Liz Warren

There's a lot of talk about the "shadow inventory" lurking in the back ground which will cause increased supply. Here is a chart which tracts the potential shadow inventory based upon mortgage delinquincies, pending foreclosure inventory and pending bank (REO) inventory.

Shadow Pending Inventory

New Fannie Mae Survey

by Liz Warren

Here is a link to the latest survey by Fannie Mae on National Housing. Some of the more interesting numbers are:

People trust homeownership as an investment over buying stocks (66% to 16%. People trust homeownership over their 401K investment, purchasing mutual funds or annuities. The only thing they rate safer as an investment is a savings account.

96% of homeowners feel that homeownership has been a positive experience.

Demand for Rental Properties Likely to Increase – Delinquent Borrowers Now More Likely to Rent If They Move

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"'Lucky' is what others will call you after your hard work produces results."
~ Og Mandino


Ever hear your parents or grandparents tell you to "Keep your nose to the grindstone" when explaining the secret to success? If so, they probably ended your education right there . . . leaving you totally in the dark about the meaning behind the expression.

Looking deeper, there were probably three key words: "Keep," "nose," and "grindstone." "Keep" meant "keep on keeping on!" It was another way of saying, "Be persistent," or "Never, never, never quit!" Results in any legitimate pursuit are the result of total commitment to the outcome.

The second keyword - "nose" - referred to staying close to the matter at hand. Picture yourself at the grindstone, with your face - and nose - close to the turning stone. By keeping a close eye on the grinding process - by being completely focused - few errors can occur which, in turn, assures a successful outcome.

The final word - "grindstone" - refers to the work (or job) itself. You must first choose your objective, i.e. sharpening the blade at the grindstone, before applying any effort. You must choose a worthy objective before applying either persistence or focus.

Success is inevitable when you apply the grindstone principle. It's a cryptic message, yet so simple. Apply it to all aspects of your life and others will surely call you "lucky!"

Mt. Hood National Forest Cabin Fee Update

by Liz Warren

Mt. Hood Lease Fee Update

Mt. Hood National Forest Tree Cutting Permits On Sale

by Liz Warren

It's that time of the year. Snow is falling in Welches and Christmas tree cutting permits for the Mt. Hood National Forest are available for $5.00. This is a great way to go out to enjoy the forest with family and friends. Up to five permits are available per household! Be sure to bring the hot chocolate and your saw. Permits may be purchased at Mt. Hood area Ranger Stations plus some local vendors:

Christmas tree permits sold at these locations:

  • Mt Hood National Forest Headquarters, 16400 Champion Way, Sandy, OR (SE 362 and HWY 26) 503-668-1700 Monday thru Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM (closed 11:30 to 12:30 for lunch)

  • Barlow Ranger District, Dufur Ranger Station, 780 Court Street, Dufur, OR (15 miles south of The Dalles) 541-467-2291 Monday thru Friday, 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM.

  • Clackamas River Ranger District, 595 NW Industrial Way, Estacada, OR. (off HWY 224) 503-630-6861 Monday thru Friday 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM (closed from 11:30 to 12:30 for lunch). Saturdays, Nov 27, December 4, 11 and 18 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Sundays, December 5, 12 and 19 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

  • Hood River Ranger District, 6780 HWY 35, Mt. Hood-Parkdale, OR. 541-352-6002 Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM thru 4:30 PM, Saturdays, Nov 27, December 4, 11 and 18 from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM (not open Sundays)

  • Zigzag Ranger District, 70220 E. HWY 26, Zig Zag, OR. 503-622-3191. Monday thru Friday 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM (closed from Noon to 1:00 for lunch). Saturdays, November 27, December 4, 11 and 18 from 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM (closed from Noon to 1:00 for lunch) Sundays, December 5, 12 and 19 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

  • Tygh Valley General Store, TV Road, Tygh Valley, OR 541-483-2324 Open Monday thru Friday 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM, Saturday and Sunday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

  • Kramers Market, Main Street, Dufur, OR. 541-467-2455 Open Monday thru Thursday 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Friday and Saturday 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and Sunday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

  • The Feed Shack, 2315 E. 2nd, The Dalles, OR 541-298-4937 Open Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

  • Estacada Tackle Shop, 210 SE Hwy 224, Estacada, OR 97022 503-630-7424 Open Monday thru Saturday 6:00AM to 10:00PM and Sunday 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Hoodland Thriftway, 68280 E Hwy 26, Welches, OR 503-622-3244 Open 7 days a week 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day the store closes earlier.


Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless'd;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes."

~William Shakespeare


Remember when you were a teenager leaving the house on a date? Your parents' last words as you went out the door were, "We'll leave the light on for you". Think about that. So what if they did or didn't leave the light on? Their words were really more of a verbal hug. They cared about you - wanted you to know it - and applied the hug with kind words.

With Thanksgiving in just a few days, why not take the time to "leave the light on" for someone who may not get many hugs? There's still time, and it's easy.

First, learn who needs hugs. Check with your local fire, police, or sheriff's department. Ask whether they know of three or four families or individuals who could use a hug. Ask also whether they would consider delivering your hugs at the appropriate time. Two groups stand out as needy - the elderly and families with small children. Of course, we're talking about individuals who are experiencing difficult circumstances in their lives, be they physical or financial.

Next, consider what type of hugs you have to offer. Perhaps you might prepare three or four Thanksgiving turkeys with all the trimmings. Live in the country where people heat their homes with a wood stove? Deliver firewood. Live in a cold climate? Add some warm socks or a sweater to your dinner box. It's really not that difficult to come up with ideas that would make a difference to your chosen recipients. If you aren't able to provide "things," consider visiting with some nursing home residents. Brighten their day by listening for a while.

It goes without saying that our country is truly blessed. Although practically invisible to most of us, however, there are some individuals who are being challenged. They need a hug, and we can brighten their lives by way of simple gestures. Make a family project out of it - involve your kids. Do it anonymously. Afterwards, when you get home, we'll leave the light on for you!

Mt. Hood National Forest Lease Fee Update

by Liz Warren

If you're a cabin owner in the Mt. Hood National Forest, Fran Lanagan, the permit administrator at the forest service, wants all cabin owners to be aware of the current status of next year's lease fees. Here is her statement and a revision underneath:


Mt. Hood Cabin Owners

Cabin Owners,

I made a mistake on the fee information I sent out.  I’m so sorry!

Here is the correct information.  Simply put, 2011 bills will be the same as 2010, but we must also add the current inflation index which is less than one percent.  So, the Forest Service will bill you for the same amount paid in calendar year 2010, with the addition of the annual index.”

I am very sorry about my error.  Thanks so much to MHFHA for helping us with the communication.

Fran Lanagan
Permit Administrator
70220 E Hwy 26
Zigzag, OR 97045
503-622-5622 fax

Mt. Hood Sales Stats Year to Date for 2010

by Liz Warren

Here are the numbers from RMLS for 2010 to give you an idea of what is happening as of the end of October. Average sale prices are down nearly 20% compared to last year. This is obviously due to the foreclosure sales this year at the lowest end of the pricing range. Our pending sales compared to last year at this time are down 23%. This reflects the difficulty in getting mortgage money in current times. Most sales that become pending through the rest of the year will probably close in 2011 with the banks moving at a snail's pace. Here's hoping 2011 will see lots of improvement!!

Mt. Hood Sales for October 2010

by Liz Warren

Eight total sales for the month of October. Here they are:


Three foreclosures this month and several second homes with price tags over the $300,000 mark. Finally, a sale in Government Camp!


Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Ideas come from space. This may seem astonishing and
impossible to believe, but it is true. Ideas come from out of space."
- Thomas Edison


From the "Commercial and Financial Chronicle" (December 10, 1932) comes this quote from an article entitled "El Dorado":

"El Dorado, a country rich beyond all precedent in gold and jewels, lies at every man's door. Your bonanza lies under your feet. Your luck is ready at hand. All is within; nothing is without, though it often appears that men and peoples by dumb luck or avarice or force or overreaching strike upon the sea of prosperity. Man individually and collectively is entitled to life in all abundance. What do you seek? Pay the price and take it away. There is no limit to the supply. By a full and powerful imagination anything can be brought into concrete form."

Thomas Edison was a man of 10,000 ideas - a virtually endless supply. Grasping those ideas that he attributed as coming "from space," he created a long string of life-changing inventions. By his "full and powerful imagination" he brought the light bulb into its tangible form.

Inside each of us lies that same power - to see the future through our own imagination, and then cause it to happen by taking actions consistent with its manifestation. As author Wayne Dyer said in his book by the same name, "You'll see it when you believe it." By understanding the power of your own imagination, you are capable of creating your own "El Dorado," both in the physical and the spiritual plane.

Displaying blog entries 1351-1360 of 1909


