Real Estate Information

Mt. Hood Real Estate Blog

Liz Warren


Displaying blog entries 1331-1340 of 1909

Mt. Hood Housing Factors to Watch in 2011

by Liz Warren

There are five factors to watch in housing over 2011 and the impact they will have on our housing nationally and locally.

1. Good news on mortgage rates. They should stay under 5% for the balance of 2011. Four out of five current mortgage applications are for refinancing homes.

2. Nationally, housing prices will possibly bottom out in the first half of 2011. Locally, it may take longer due to our "lagging behind" nationally in Oregon. The second half of the year may see a slight stabilization.

3. Affordability: The affordability index started in 1971. The home affordability has never been better since the inception of the index. There has never been a better time to purchase a home. This could cause an increase in sales for 2011!

4. Fewer mortgage originations: Well, if most people have already financed over the past year and four out of five will be refinancing now, there will be less mortgages taken out over 2011. Estimates are, because of tightening credit and low credit scores that nearly a third of Americans cannot qualify for a mortgage.

5. Gradually lower delinquent rates on mortgages. As the foreclosure mass comes to the market this year there will be lower delinquent rates due to some stabilization in employment. Bernanke predicts 4 to 5 years before employment returns to "normal" rates.

So, with a large inventory of homes and cabins in the Mt. Hood area, super low intersest rates, motivated sellers left and right and many foreclosures to choose from it is a perfect time to buy!

Still Creek Cabin-Brand New!

by Liz Warren

If you are looking for that perfect getaway on Still Creek that sleeps a bunch and is in brand new condition with absolutely no work, you have found it. The four bedroom cabin sits right on Still Creek with easy access to the highway to get to the ski areas, or walk over the foot bridge to Rhododendron for groceries and movies!

Still Creek Cabin Brand New in the Mt. Hood Forest

Location Location Location! There's hardwood floors, French doors and walls of windows that look out over Still Creek. A gourmet kitchen with granite counter tops makes cooking a breeze. You'll love the covered deck right on the creek with tons of room for summer barbeques. There's even a two car garage!

Still Creek in the Mt. Hood National Forest

Located in the Mt. Hood National Forest on leased land. And the best part-It's only One Hour from Portland. The perfect mountain getaway!

Located on Road 14 Lot 4!   $274,985

Play VisualTour


Visit Mount Hood Cabins


Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference."

- Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken"


Every morning a telephone operator in a small town received a phone call in which she was asked the time of day. One day, the operator asked her mysterious caller why he called every day to ask the correct time.

His answer? "I'm responsible for blowing the town whistle every day at noon, and just want to be sure I'm right on the second when I do it." With a chuckle, the operator replied, "Here at the telephone exchange, we set our watches and clocks by the town whistle!"

Watch children in a schoolyard and you'll notice the same thing. Children watch the child they perceive to be the leader, and then mimic his or her actions. They never realize that the other child is following the lead of still another.

So how will your day play out? Have you made original choices for the day, or will you be playing follow the follower? Either way, by bedtime tonight you will have been awake for about 16 hours and involved in some activity. Why not end the day with thanks - knowing that whatever you accomplished was by choice - not chance?

Mt. Hood Mortgages and Credit

by Liz Warren

If you're looking to purchase a new home or second home in the Mt. Hood area one of the most important things you should be concerned about is, will I qualify for a mortgage? One of the most critical components of getting a mortgage, a car, credit card or any other type of borrowing vehcile is your credit report.

There's a new site provided by the Feds that is excellent and explains everything you need to know about credit, how to improve your rating, how to clear up credit report errors and more. 

Make a New Year's resolution to get your credit score up so you don't pay a higher interest rate for consumer goods and loans. Visit the site today and pick up your pointers!

The Unemployment Recession Update

by Liz Warren

The unemployment figures are important to buyers and sellers in today's market and is a major component of home values and purchases. In a prior blog post on unemploymentunemployment recession

Government Camp Condo Foreclosures

by Liz Warren

Looking for a foreclosure in Government Camp? Look no more. Three units are on the market as 2010 ends. Two are Collins Lake Units and one Eidelweiss unit is currently available. Here are the details below.

Government Camp condo foreclosures

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Who exactly do you want to be? What kind of person do you want to be? What are your personal ideals?
Whom do you admire? What are their special traits that you would make your own?

It's time to stop being vague. If you wish to be an extraordinary person, if you wish to be wise,
then you should explicitly identify the kind of person you aspire to become."

- Epictetus


Microsoft uses that slogan to convince you that with their software you can head in any direction you please. Earl Nightingale, one of the great motivational speakers, said it better. "Imagine that you are the captain of a great ocean-going vessel," he suggests. "Before even leaving the harbor, you lay out plans for your voyage. Using maps, you choose a destination, then employ your navigational skills to arrive safely".

"Without a chosen destination and a map to help you arrive," he continues, "you are akin to a ship without a rudder. If you get out of the harbor at all, you'll probably end up a derelict on some deserted beach."

On this verge of the year 2011, I hope you've decided on a destination for the year and have looked carefully at the map that will take you there. A word of caution is in order. Be careful not to choose too many destinations, meaning don't set too many goals for the year. Including more than a handful of worthy objectives can leave you with maps and navigational instruments strewn all over your desk - resulting in chaos, lack of focus, and questionable navigation.

It's better to have four clearly defined targets for the year, accompanied by a masterful plan for their achievement, than to have only a list of 25 hoped-for achievements. Anthony Robbins suggests the following agenda for achieving your most worthy objectives.

First, write down a "dream inventory" - a list of everything you want to accomplish in 2011. Next choose the four most important major goals. For each of the four make a list of the benefits you will enjoy when you achieve them. Then list all the resources you currently possess which would be of benefit to achieving your major goals, i.e. experience, knowledge, skills, positive attitude, friendliness, perseverance, etc.

Continue by listing the three most successful times in your life. Under each, write down a description of how you felt and acted during those times, i.e. felt invincible, presented a professional image, smiled a lot, wasn't afraid to try a new approach, etc. Next write down the type person you would have to be to achieve your goals, i.e. must be prepared for presentations, must always have confidence, must put others' needs first, must organize my time, etc. Follow this with a list of "What prevents me from achieving this right now." Write down your fears, your lack of action, etc.

Finally, write down the steps you must take to achieve each of the four major goals. This would be a list of each and every task that must be completed in order to produce the maximum results. By breaking down the objective into individual steps, it becomes more manageable.

Notice that achieving a major goal requires major planning. Have you already done your homework and feel completely prepared? Hopefully so. If not, take the first week of the coming new year to build a plan for your future. It's well worth the effort!

Mt. Hood Foreclosures For Sale December 2010

by Liz Warren

Here are all the foreclosures currently for sale in the Mt. Hood Area from Government Camp to Welches, Rhododendron and Brightwood. Some properties have major issues, need substantial work, but most are close to 33% or more below current market value.

December 2010 Mt. Hood Foreclosures


by Liz Warren

It's starting at the 1400 elevation and it looks like a big one. Riders and skiers, this is going to be a good one!

Here is a handy link to current conditions at our three local ski areas:

Mt. Hood Meadows


Ski Bowl

Timberline Rim CC and R's Extension

by Liz Warren

A local subdivision, Timberline Rim, in the Mt. Hood area recently had their CC and R's (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) extended by a majority vote. Recently buyers for that area have had some anxiety with the the possibility that the vote for extension would not be approved. We are waiting for details soon to be released.

Displaying blog entries 1331-1340 of 1909


