Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 251-260 of 363

Clackamas County Community Meeting on the Sandy River

by Liz Warren

Clackamas County Meeting on the Sandy River

Mt. Hood National Forest Still Creek Bridge Is Closed

by Mt. Hood Forest Homeowner's Association

Still Creek Bridge is Closed

November 9 Emergency System Test

by Liz Warren

On November 9th, next week, there will be a nationwide emergency test coordinated by multiple government agencies for a three minute period. We've all heard this on radio and TV when the announcement comes on and obnoxious white noise filters into the airwaves. This test will be for three minutes so spread the word. What's different? The length of the test and the number of agencies involved.

​Read more details here.

Welches School ABC Auction and Dinner

by Liz Warren

Saturday November 5th at 5:30 PM at the Mt. Hood Village RV Resort

Come and help raise funds for the Welches school students to enhance and enrich their lives. Food and live music will be available. This is a great event and is held annually! Come bid on some great auction items!

La Nina Coming to Mt. Hood!

by Liz Warren

Now that the cooler weather of fall is upon us, the first frost is on it's way,  and the leaves are coming down like crazy in my yard, it's obvious winter will soon be on it's way.  Rumor has it we are in another La Nina year! What does that mean for locals in Government  Camp, Welches, Brightwood and Rhododendron? Get the firewood in and the soup on the stove. 

Here is a great run down of what La Nina means to locals and Portland folk who visit the mountain. 

Mt. Hood Meadows adds New Stadium Express Chair

by Liz Warren

Great news for Mt. Hood Meadows skiers with the new addition of the Stadium chair coming online!

Find details about the new Mt. Hood quad here.

This quad will load up 2,000 people per hour. ​It also gives a second quad for night skiing plus helps restore sensitive wetlands areas at the area!

Villages at Mount Hood Town Hall Meeting







Saturday, 9:30 - 12:00


Message from the Villages Board: There's a TOWN HALL at the Welches Elementary School on Saturday.  We are looking at/ educating ourselves on funding options for our community, including special/service districts, as well as incorporation.  This is INFORMATION ONLY, and the Village at Mt.Hood Board of Directors would love to have you come and learn with us what this is all about.......  And please pass this information on to anyone you know who might be interested.

The agenda for Saturday is below and all previous minutes & agendas are always available at


***** ***** *****



Saturday October 15, 2011

9:30am-12:00pm, Welches Elementary School



Vote on by-law changes

Ballots can be cast from 9:30-11:30am, proof of residence is required to vote


9:30 a.m. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

            Shirley - Village Chair


9:35 a.m. Overview of proposed bylaw amendments



9:40 a.m. Why are we looking at options?

            Kara - introduction / overview of events


9:45 a.m. Special Purpose Districts - what is this, exactly?

-      Frank Stratten, general manager - Special Districts Association of Oregon -

  • Provide information about the purpose, possibilities, and formation of special service districts.


10:00 a.m. County Service Districts - what's the difference?

-      County Attorney's Office / Staff Member -

  • Provide information about the purpose, possibilities, and formation of service districts.  

10:15 a.m. Incorporation

-      League of Oregon Cities - Jennie Messmer -

  • Provide information about the purpose, possibilities, and formation of a city.

10:30 - 10:40 BREAK


10:40 a.m. Answer survey questions/ concerns regarding to incorporation and special/ service districts


11:00 - noon Audience participation / questions

          *Individual question & answer time will be limited to three minutes each to insure as many topics of interest are covered in a short time frame.*


Noon - voting results


          Please take time to fill out comment cards & drop-off or send in.


Business meeting portion postponed to next Town Hall due to time constraints.

          (minutes approval, treasurer's report)

Wild and scenic Boulder Creek, which feeds into the Salmon River, has new recreational and habitat protection through the recent purchase of 245 acres of land from Clackamas County. The land has been conveyed to the BLM Bureau of Land Management for protection. 

The removal of the Marmot Dam has brought many native fish back in to the local area. The purchase will help protect one of the prime fish producing streams in the Sandy basin area. 

Western Rivers Conservancy

Wild and Scenic Rivers in Oregon

Sandy River Chinook Salmon Info from our local Experts

The Fly Fishing Shop in Welches

Still Creek Salmon Spawning in the Mt. Hood National Forest

by Liz Warren

Today was another beautiful day on Mt. Hood and especially in Rhododendron. A short drive took me to the Still Creek bridge near the Mt. Hood National Forest's Road 20 and Road 12. This particular location is fantastic for viewing salmon heading up Still Creek to spawn. I caught a few on camera.


For another great place to learn about salmon and fish in the river, stop at  the 600 acre Wildwood Park. The BLM park is located just a little  East of Mt. Hood RV Village along Highway 26 near Brightwood on the South side of the Highway. Not only are there picnic areas, shelters, softball fields and play areas and equipment for kids you can take the Wetlands Trail to Cascade Steam Watch. This paved 3/4 mile trail teaches you about the Salmon River and takes you to an interpretive center with  fish viewing below the stream level. 

Dollar Lake Fire Renamed the Nine Million Dollar Lake Fire

by Liz Warren

Now that the smoke has settled with a weekend of rain in the mountains the Dollar Lake Fire should be under control and the firefighters are doing a happy dance. Locals feel we dodged a bullet with the Hood River fire hoping over to our side of the mountain heading towards the Bull Run, Portland's watershed, and the huge BPA power lines hanging along LoLo Pass Road. Around 300 homes were threatened. Smoke hung in the valley and ash covered homes up LoLo Pass we are all relieved. Now the work begins on understanding how this fire blew up so fast and cost as much as it did, around $9,000,000! 

Read about the details in this Oregon Live article.


Displaying blog entries 251-260 of 363


