Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 1631-1640 of 1903

Change in the Air

by Liz Warren

Change is in the air with government run Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congress is having a house financial subcommittee start with hearings on how to restructure Fannie and Freddie in the future.

What does this mean to you? Since these two have failed and been taken over and run by the Feds the entire process is in for an overhaul. 

Fannie and Freddie have written the book and dominated the real estate market for decades on down payments, credit score requirements, loan amounts and underwriting standards. New rules will literally change these requirements and dictate what interest rates you will be eligible for.

Some theories suggest they morf into one unit. It's possible they could also help the jumbo and commercial markets with loans since these areas currently have no where to go to get money causing many problems in these areas.

If I hear any additional rumblings about where this is headed I'll include them in this blog.

Morning Coffee on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren
Monday   Morning Coffee


"The greatest pleasure I have known is to do a good
action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident."
~ Charles Lamb (1775-1834)


Here's a "feel good" idea that pays big dividends to both giver and receiver: "Give something away every day!"

We all get caught up in our day-to-day routines and responsibilities. Between family and home, work and leisure, our daily schedules are usually packed with the things we do for ourselves. Managing to squeeze in a little time for others is often out of the question.

In the big picture, however, it is not what we do for ourselves but for others that really matters in life. We're not just talking about those who are "less fortunate" in this context. The world of "others" includes family members, associates, the elderly, those experiencing illness, those in our geographical, social, or church community, or the less fortunate.

So . . . what do you give away? Are we talking big money to charities or an endowment to the local university? Nope! What you give away is up to you. It might just be your time - something as simple as taking your grandchild for a walk, offering to take an aging neighbor grocery shopping, or donating a Saturday to Habitat for Humanity. On days when you lack ideas, just give away a smile, a compliment, or some encouragement.

Maybe you give away some of your material possessions. That might include a piece of furniture, an antique, a piece of family heirloom jewelry, or the like-new clothing in your closet that never fit right. Why not donate some of the kids' toys to a day-care center?

Whatever you decide to give away, do it quietly - and anonymously when possible. Make it a habit. It will bring you the special joy of knowing you've made a difference.

Mortgage Changes in the Air

by Liz Warren

Change is in the air with government run Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congress is having a house financial subcommittee start with hearings on how to restructure Fannie and Freddie in the future.

What does this mean to you? Since these two have failed and been taken over and run by the Feds the entire process is in for an overhaul. 

Fannie and Freddie have written the book and dominated the real estate market for decades on down payments, credit score requirements, loan amounts and underwriting standards. New rules will literally change these requirements and dictate what interest rates you will be eligible for.

Some theories suggest they morf into one unit. It's possible they could also help the jumbo and commercial markets with loans since these areas currently have no where to go to get money causing many problems in these areas.

If I hear any additional rumblings about where this is headed I'll include them in this blog.

Mortgage Delinquencies on Rise?

by Liz Warren

Are Mt. Hood mortgage delinquencies on rise? Well, yes according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. In fact, since keeping track since 1972, last quarter was the highest first quarter of delinquencies since records have been kept.

Unemployment and continued area job losses make mortgage payments difficult to meet. Although some reports say Oregon will see some job stability in the fourth quarter of 2009, most of the country is predicted to continue with higher unemployment well into 2010.

Top off the unemployment rates with increased foreclosure rates and the reset of subprimes coming up in '09 and '10 we should see more aftermath of bad loans impacting area homeowners.

Nationally one in ten of homeowners are in trouble with their loans. This seems to be a cascading effect that is inescapable if you have borrowed to the max or taken out home equity loans.

Stay tuned for the impact these events will have on the Mt. Hood market. So far the hardest hit area appears to be Government Camp. Not only did this area escalate in pricing at breakneck speed, like Bend, this market will take a very hard hit adjusting to current market conditions.

Mt. Hood Wine Lovers

by Liz Warren

Here is your chance to meet the author of two Northwest books on wine,'Wine Trails of Oregon' and 'Wine Trails of Washington'.He is Steve Roberts and mark your calendar for Friday June 26th at 7:30 PM. He will be visiting our own Wy'East Booke Shoppe and Gallery. His wine guides give information on the wine makers, their philosophies, maps, hours of operations, wine edicate and other tidbits.

Speaking of wine, a recent article in US News says Portland is one of the top ten retirement locations for wine lovers. Here is a link to this article.


Employment Rebound in 4th Quarter?

by Liz Warren

According to Moody's there are five states which are poised to start an employment rebound in the fourth quarter of 2009. Their prediction is that Oregon will be one of those states. This would be great news since we are 2nd in the nation for unemployment. Our recession began in August of 2008 according to their numbers.

Lenders Can Use Your Tax Credit!

by Liz Warren

The new regulations helping first time home buyers use their tax credits to purchase should give a breakthrogh for buyers in the Welches, Rhododendron and Brightwood areas. FHA loans require 3.5% for a downpayment. Lenders can tap the $8,000 tax credit to help with this downpayment. Lenders can get paid direct from the IRS when the buyer files and uses this credit! This should take the stall out from many buyers sitting on the fence without the actual cash to move forward. See the letter from HUD which you can down load here.

New Hud info on Tax Credit for Mt. Hood Buyers

by Liz Warren

Here is the lastest info for you to download concerning the $8,000 tax credit. Take advantage of this opportunity today!

Click here to download

Call or email me now for area homes this program will work for. Selection is fantastic! Homes in Brightwood, Rhododendron and Welches will qualify!

Call me now at 503-705-3090!

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday   Morning Coffee


"A penny saved is a penny earned."
- Ben Franklin


Waiting for your ship to come in? Think you need to win the lottery to become a millionaire? Waiting for your inheritance to come through? Dream on - but don't hold your breath. The truth is that "steady as she goes" is the watchword for accumulating real wealth. In baseball terms, the method would be to hit plenty of "singles" and "doubles" and forget about the "home runs."

Consider this method for becoming a millionaire: At age 25, begin setting aside just $100 each month. Invest the money at 12% - yes that is do-able! At age 65, you would have accumulated $1,176,477. In other words, if you never increased the $100 per month, regardless of all the raises and increases in income you experienced over your lifetime, you would have over $1,000,000 in your investment account.

Now let's say you received a very modest $1,000 per year increase in pay over your 40 year working life. By putting aside an additional $250 each year (just 25% of your yearly raise), an additional $191,772 would be added to your million-plus nest egg.

Better yet, here's the easiest method. Beginning at age 20, put $2,000 per year into an IRA for just three years. Never add another nickel to the account. At age 65, the account would be worth $1,153,180.

What if you're already 45 years old (the average age at which Americans begin saving)? You would need to put aside $1,100 each month for 20 years at 12% - giving you $1,187,106 at age 65.

Financial security requires patience, persistence, and self-discipline (sort of like real-life). Spend less than you earn, and put the rest to work for you. It's a simple formula that few ever attempt, yet it yields unfailing results!

Camp Creek $15,000 price reduction!

by Liz Warren

This is an awesome cabin with all the upgrades completed! Just reduced by $15,000! Located right on the creek with a huge sunny deck and tall vaulted ceilings!!!! Now only $240,000!

Click here to see the details

Displaying blog entries 1631-1640 of 1903




Contact Information

Photo of Liz Warren Real Estate
Liz Warren
Merit Properties Group - Keller Williams Realty PDX Central
Box 131
Welches OR 97067
Direct: 503-705-3090