Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 1611-1620 of 1904

Zig Zag Riverfront Cabin New on Market

by Liz Warren

Great location on the Zig Zag River and only seven minutes to the slopes. Get ready now and enjoy your recreational getaway! High ceilings in this 1939 cabin which features original paned windows, wood floors and a stone fireplace to enjoy after skiing. The cabin is located in Rhododendron Oregon and is in the Mt. Hood National Forest on leased land. All cabins sit in a pristine forested setting and are only about an hour from Portland!

There's a country kitchen with an old fashioned wood cook stove, a mud room to take off your wet boarding clothes and a big covered porch to sit and watch the river go by. A nice spot down by the river has picnic tables for an afternoon lunch. There is one bedroom on the main floor and up the stairs a huge loft with tons of beds for all of your guests.

The seller says sell this today and it's priced very well for this market at $165,000!

take a tour here


Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


Men are disturbed not by things that happen, but by their opinions of the things that happen.
- Epictetus (55-135)


Ever feel yourself getting perturbed by something that happens during your day? Ever have the urge to say something about it, when silence might be the best approach? Perhaps you feel the need to make a judgment about each situation that arises

Maybe it's time to slow down a bit. As the song says, "Don't worry - be happy!" The truth is - none of us have the right to judge others, nor their actions. We can control only one thing - our own actions. If there is something to be judged, it would be our reaction to things that happen, not the events themselves.

In Stephen Covey's "Seven Habits," Habit #5 says, "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." In explaining, Covey states that "People do not see the world as it is; they see it as they are - or as they have been conditioned to be." He goes on to make the simple statement that "When you understand, you don't judge."

Once you take the time to understand each situation, there is no longer a need to judge. Interestingly, when others realize that you no longer make those judgments, you will find that they no longer judge you either.

Want to free yourself from being disturbed about the events of the day? Just follow the advice of Epictetus, who said, "When considering the future, remember that all situations unfold as they do regardless of how we feel about them. Our hopes and fears sway us, not events themselves."

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"When roadblocks, locked gates, and unexpected turns sprout up along the path we've mapped out, we can quit on the spot and progress no further. Or, we can build a new path and follow it in whatever direction our imagination takes us. For those who dream, the choice is simple."
~ from Country Living magazine


So . . . you've done all those things the greatest minds have suggested - you've planned your life's objectives and created a career/life/family path, and have no doubt where it will lead you. You're on your own "Yellow Brick Road" to happiness and prosperity until . . . ZAP! . . . there appears a sign on the path that reads, "Road Closed."

You peer past the sign to determine the road condition. It looks OK, so you veer around the sign and continue. The road turns to gravel, then dirt, then narrows to a walking path. You leave the car, and continue on foot. Soon your arms are scratched by briars, you begin to tire, and the path abruptly ends at a sheer 200' cliff. Your trip is over. There are no more "yellow bricks" to follow. What now?

If you've ever come to the end of such a road in your life, you well know the sinking feeling that came over you. No matter how much you felt like giving up, the situation was no doubt resolved by creating a new road, a new path leading in an entirely different direction.

You may have had to hack at the briars, trim back the trees, and even bulldoze your way in a new direction. It may have taken time, with compass and hiking shoes, to blaze that new trail. It may have been exhausting work, but in the end you reached your destination.

You have two choices when faced with a roadblock. You can quit, or you can put your imagination to work finding an alternate route. In the words of Sir Winston Churchill "Never give up. Never give up."

Mt. Hood Fireworks

by Liz Warren

The closest location to view fireworks in our area will be in Sandy at the Sandy High School. Turn North at Bluff Road at Walgrens and it's just a couplle blocks away!

There's always Hood River Fireworks too!

Have a great 4th! Be safe!

PRICE SLASHED $10,000!!!!

by Liz Warren


NOW $190,000!!!!!!!!!!!

Hit the brakes! This is a great one for retirees or first time home buyers. This is a very affordable home in today's market. The seller has done all the expensive updates including a hot water heater, a propane stove for the living room, paint, landscaping and ten solar tubes to add lots of natural light. Three bedrooms and two baths with a huge back deck perfect for entertaining. The backyard is completely fenced with a wonderland of paths and great sitting areas.

The seller loves to grow roses so the path to the front door is lined with her best smelling roses. Everyone loves the huge boulders that add to the ambiance of the yard! This home will qualify for the USDA 100% loan.

take a tour here    even more details on this home here

Mt. Hood Condos New FHA Rules

by Liz Warren

FHA has come out with new Condo lending guidelines. Here are some of the highlights that will have an impact on buyers and sellers in Welches, Government Camp and Rhododendron.

*Will not insure units if more than 10% are owned by investors. This rule applies to unsold units a builder owns or that are rented out by a developer.

*Will not insure if less than 50% are not sold nor are owner occupied.

*If there are more than 30% FHA loans already in the project, they will not insure. (I don't get that one)

*No financing of condo units within 1,000 feet from a major hiway-to avoid noise pollution impact on values. (Now that is a new one!)

Check with your local mortgage professional to get clarification on any of these items when buying or selling condos in the Mt. Hood area!

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning   Coffee


"Learning is the fountain of youth.
No matter how old you are,
You mustn't stop growing."

~Taoist Meditation, Deng Ming-Dao


Don't believe the phrase "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." Creativity isn't only for artists, writers, or musicians. Creativity isn't just what is represented by a canvas or a novel or a song. We can all be creative in our own way, and the most common way that we can all do this is through learning.

As long as we continue to learn and to try new things, we keep our minds fresh and young, and we engage in the act of "creating ourselves" continually. Today's world presents plenty of opportunities for learning, especially about the environment, other cultures, and technology. Technology itself provides ever-easier ways of accessing knowledge through computers and the Internet. And no one is too young or too old to start!

Look around you at the most vital and energetic seniors you know. What do they have in common? A continuing interest in learning and sharing their knowledge and experience with others - so they are engaged constantly in the process. They keep their minds challenged and young, and in so doing, feel younger in body and spirit. They are certainly different than in their youth, but they continue the learning that began there.

Each new phase of our lives brings us new challenges and opportunities for growth. Growing older necessarily means learning new things. We are constantly creating ourselves in this way, and we can adapt ourselves to any situation by that continuing act of creativity that keeps us young.

Government Camp Ski Cabin

by Liz Warren

Government Camp SKI CABIN!


Completely furnished spacious minilodge is ready for family and friends to hit the slopes! Plenty of room to sleep a bunch with three bedrooms on the main level and a huge loft upstairs. You will love the high vaulted ceilings and stone fireplace. Wood is everywhere from the walls and ceilings to the kitchen cabinets. Big Beams throughout the cabin give it a grand feel. It's only a short walk to downtown Government Camp! Located on a paved and plowed road for easy winter access. Get rid of the hassles of driving up and down the mountain in winter and own your own ski country getaway. Well maintained! Don't miss your chance at an affordable price! Just a little over an hour to Portland.

Take a tour he


Mt. Hood Mortgage Problems?

by Liz Warren

If you are a homeowner in Brightwood, Welches, Government Camp or Rhododendron and are having some problems making your mortgage payment you may want to visit this site. It's called This site will guide you through options if you have a second mortgage or line of credit that is making your current mortgage unaffordable.

This is part of the government's programs to help the housing crisis and make loans more affordable for homeowners by getting them out with short sales (selling for less than is owed on the home) or by loan modifications (lengthening time frame or reduced interest rate).

Use this site as a resource to guide you through the process.

Looking for a Hike on Mt. Hood?

by Liz Warren

Although we are closing in on almost the 4th of July, the current snow level is  3100 feet depending upon sun and other factors. If you are looking to take off on a hike in the Mt. Hood area, please stay on the lower trails and don't attempt to travel snow covered trails because they are easy to loose in these conditions!


Displaying blog entries 1611-1620 of 1904


