Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 1601-1610 of 1904

Mt. Hood Blue Grass Music!

by Liz Warren



Laurie Lewis and Tom Rozum are coming up from California to kick off the Timberline Mountain Music Series. The concerts are free to the public and start at 3 p.m. in the amphitheater. The forecast looks good, but fyi we’re going to do this one rain or shine. It the weather doesn’t permit an outside show, we will be moving it into the main lobby.


Please encourage our guests to come out and enjoy the music, and chek it out yourselves after your shift. The concerts go till approx. 5 p.m.

Since forming a musical partnership in 1986 when Tom first joined Laurie's band, this acoustic duo has recorded 12 albums and has been nominated for a Grammy Award. They are widely regarded as leaders of the modern bluegrass sound. Guitar and mandolin player Tom Rozum also has a wonderful tenor voice. Laurie, a fine guitar player and a terrific fiddle player, is an award winning songwriter, and was twice named Female Vocalist of the Year by the International Bluegrass Music Association.

Check out

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday   Morning Coffee


"No matter where you go, there you are."
~ Unknown


Ever felt crippled by fear? Perhaps you dread that unwanted phone call, that knock on the door, or the return of pain. What makes it worse is your imagination. Your mind conjures up all sorts of imaginary shadows on the wall or things that go bump in the night.

Remember when you were just a kid? You saw those shadows on the wall and cried out in fear. Your mom or dad came in, turned on the light, and "Voila!" - no more shadows on the wall. Simply by exposing your fear to light you learned to overcome your fear.

Now you're an adult and your fears are different, more complex, yet most are still conjured up by your imagination. Fear of the unknown holds you in its grip. Where is the light that used to save you?

The light is still there - with one difference. Now, as the adult that you are, you must be the one to turn on the light. It is up to you to expose the fear for what it usually is - a figment of your imagination. Fear is most easily overcome through exposure. Take time alone to examine your fears, determine their origin, and overcome their crippling effect on you.

If you suffer from a health problem, get a diagnosis and begin a treatment plan. If creditors are calling, face them, and then determine how you allowed yourself into the present situation. If sales are down, adjust your marketing approach.

It takes faith on your part to know you have the power to overcome your fears. Hence another quote: "Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there."

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning   Coffee


"Set your purse to fattening."
- George S. Clason ("The Richest Man in Babylon")


In 1926, George Clason introduced a series of pamphlets on thrift and financial success which were widely distributed by banks and insurance companies. He used fables, set in ancient Babylon, to make his points. The most famous of them, "The Richest Man in Babylon," is familiar to millions.

In the story was a very rich man named Arkad. Arkad was generous with all and spent liberally, yet he grew wealthier with each passing year. A group of friends from his youth approached him, asking how he had amassed such wealth while they lived a lifestyle of mere subsistence. His answer was, "If you have not acquired more than a bare existence in the years since we were youths, it is because you have either failed to learn the laws that govern the building of wealth, or else you do not observe them." The pamphlet then goes on to explain the "Seven Cures For a Lean Purse."

So, who are you most like - Arkad . . . or his friends? If you know and practice Arkad's teachings, your primary obligation now is to teach your children, and their children. If you have not been so fortunate as to learn the "laws" and practice them, take heart. It is not too late.

In simple terms, "spend less than you earn" is the critical element that produces wealth. It also requires self-discipline, learned behavior, persistence, wisdom, knowledge, integrity, and more. But, hey, why rewrite the book here when you can just order the paperback online? It's an easy read packed with simple to follow steps to financial independence. If you're tired of the stress, worry, and frustration of never having enough, try giving this book a read!

Government Camp Ski Cabin SLASHED $20,000!

by Liz Warren

Government Camp Ski Cabin>>>>>price slash of $20,000. Asking price is now $380,000!!! Turn Key Ready for SKIING!!!

See the inside!!!!

Mt. Hood Increased Pending Sales

by Liz Warren

Ok, I'm seeing some life in the embers! Just over the past week there appears to be more activity with buyers possibly getting "off the fence" a bit. Interest rates went down again, the stock market puffed up a bit, and the weather is fabulous, piles of homes to choose from, does this mean the dam has a crack in it? Mt. Hood homes and land have the highest inventory we've ever seen so if you've ever thought about buying on the mountain, opportunity is knocking!

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"We will either find a way, or make one."
- Hannibal (247-183 B.C.)


From well-known author Napoleon Hill ("Think & Grow Rich") comes this story about Napoleon Bonaparte. It seems that he was called the "100,000 man" because despite the size of his army, it seemed to the enemy that he had 100,000 men going into battle with him every time. Just before one successful battle, Napoleon called his officers to discuss the impending clash. One of them told him the battle would have to be delayed because "the conditions were not just right." Napoleon's answer was, "The conditions are not right? I MAKE the conditions - ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK!"

Napoleon, you see, was a "market maker" - someone who created the situations required to be successful. He was proactive rather than reactive. He acted upon others, instead of re-acting to them.

No matter what your objectives, your success is as close as your ability to act upon your "market." In business, that means choosing to cause others to be attracted to you, rather than waiting for them to call. In your personal life, it means acting upon your family and loved-ones in such a way that peace, harmony, and love are the result.

Want to lose weight, have more energy, enjoy greater stamina? Maybe it's time to act upon your own body. That can mean grocery shopping for fruit and nuts rather than snacks and sodas. It can mean treating your body to a brisk walk or strength training rather than more TV (and snacks & sodas).

As has been said many times, "Think you can, think you can't - either way, you're right." It's your choice: financial success or failure, stressful living or family peace, low blood pressure and trim body or . . . well, you get the picture.

It's not necessary to suddenly become a human dynamo. Choose to act in favor of small changes at first. Watch what happens. For every action, you will see an "equal and opposite reaction." Try delivering a cheerful "Good morning!" to the first person you meet today. Chances are they'll return the gesture with a smile. Go ahead, make your day happen the way you've imagined it!

Mt. Hood Sales

by Liz Warren

Numbers are in for the month of June from our Market Action compliled by the multiple listing service for Government Camp, Rhododendron, Welches and Brightwood. The mountain scored six sales for the month. Most notable is that marketing days are getting longer showing 210 days of average marketing time. Pending sales are down nearly 42% from last year. Now that half the year is over we have seen around 34 closed sales. There is no doubt that this is an extemely competitive market if you are a seller!


Short Sales Foreclosures on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

Short sales and foreclosures make up around 50% of sales in most of the country, sometimes more in certain areas. Take a look at the six sales on the mountain for June. The first and second sales are foreclosures and the last on the list a short sale.

It's a real eye opener for the second home on the list. This sold after 305 days on the market with the bank first offering the property at $328,000. It's final sales price at $175,000 was a long road down in price. Naturally, the more foreclosures and short sales we have in our Mt. Hood area, the more prices get hurt because these are the comparables buyers and banks use to justify their offers and prices!

$10,000 PRICE REDUCTION on Mt. Hood!

by Liz Warren


This seller wants this home sold! Three bedrooms, two baths, a two car garage and fully landscaped yard was just reduced another $10,000! Asking price is now $180,000. This home will qualify for a USDA loan. It's in great condition too.


Appraisal Info for Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

Anyone in the Welches, Government Camp, Rhododendron or Brightwood area who has recently been involved with a real estate transaction or refinance know the problems which have cropped up with appraisals. There is some good news.

Freddie Mac has reviesed their guidelines for appraisals. There guidelines say "Sellers should consider membership in a professional appraisal organization as a qualification criterion". What this means is that appraisers should have the Appraisal Institure's MAI, SPRA or SRA designations. The Appraisal Institute requires extensive experience, education requirements, complies with a strict Code of Professional Ethics and follows the Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.

Finding and hiring an appaiser with these types of qualifications will help insure a better and more accurate appraisal for buyers and sellers and the banks to prevent fraud.






Displaying blog entries 1601-1610 of 1904


