Mt. Hood National Forest
Forest Service News Release
Free family fishing event June 4 east of Estacada
Join Mt. Hood National Forest for a day of fishing and family fun. This outdoor event will take place on Saturday, June 4 from 10:00- 3:00 at Small Fry Lake in Promontory Park, just east of Estacada. 
Fishing clinic participants can enjoy free fishing lessons, casting competitions, a contest for the largest fish, and other games. Loaner fishing poles and bait are available. Children 13 years and under must be accompanied by an adult. This is a great opportunity for families to learn how to fish together and spend time in the outdoors!
June 4-5 is a Free Fishing Weekend in Oregon, meaning no license or tag is necessary to fish these two days. For more information about state fishing licenses visit the OR Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own fishing gear if possible. Loaner fishing gear and bait will be available during the event. Please bring snacks and water and wear clothing appropriate for the weather. Bringing a cooler for hauling home your catch of the day is recommended.
This event is held in cooperation with the OR Department of Fish and Wildlife, PGE, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Trout Unlimited, and Timber Lake Job Corps.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
Photo: Fishing clinic at Small Fry Lake at Promontory Park