Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 771-780 of 780

July 3rd Report: Inventory is way up!

by Liz Warren

Summer has finally hit the mountain with warm temps and hazy Northern California smoke interrupting our Mt. Hood views. Along with the smoke rolling in we are seeing increasing inventory of properties rolling in.  All price ranges are seeing jumps in active numbers. Take a look at the info below to see the current numbers.  Average days on market have hit 106 with a  22 month supply of homes currently for sale.  Of course some price ranges are moving better than others. The majority of the homes sold in the past twelve months were in the $225,000-$235,000 range.

If there was ever a great time to purchase on the mountain it is right now. Interest rates are historically screamingly low hovering at 6.3-6.5% and a large choice in inventory. It’s a buyer’s paradise.

We suspect as the 4th of July weekend moves on we will see the bargain hunters emerge.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July!

Credit Crunch Changes The Game

by Liz Warren

What will the credit crunch bring to today's market in the Welches, Rhododendron, Government Camp and Brightwood area?

1. Reduced equity lines of credit.

2.Removing subprime and Alt-A loans completely

3.Higher fees for loans that lenders do make.

Lending practices of the years 2002-2007 are over.


Builders will be building smaller homes.

Lenders will be lending much less money.

Buyers will be saving home and borrowing less.

Fewer buyers, fewer loan products, and higher loan costs create an even more competitive market for sellers and lowering  prices through that competition to sell.


2007-Second Home and Investor Numbers Will Surprise You

by Liz Warren

This is a real eye opener considering 2007 reports on the market! Second home and investment buyers purchased about one third of properties sold in 2007 according to the National Association of Realtors. Vacation home sales only declined two percent from 2006 to 2007. (12% of total sales in 2007).

Despite the fact that we are in a credit crunch and in tough economic times, second homes are elective purchases. Locally we know that at least a third of homeowners in Portland have no mortgage. We also know that Oregon ranks 47th in the subprime problem-which means there is extra money available for purchasing second homes.

Actually, it’s a bonanza of an opportunity for buyers with super low interest rates, softening prices and increased inventory. Yes, primary home sales have softened the most but second home sales have not seen the declines locally that many media outlets have declared.

Believe it or not 28% of second home buyers paid cash for their purchase. Many second home  buyers are looking to purchase now knowing their investment will appreciate greatly in the next five to ten years. Portland metro has a particularly great opportunity with a recreational area so close to the city, many weekenders take advantage of the quick one hour drive making the Mt. Hood area a premium destination for a rec home that can be used year round.

Oregon Trail School District Needs A New High School Desperately!

by Liz Warren

The Oregon Trail School District has formed a Task Force who has been working very hard on the high school issues at hand. They are recommending a November 2008 bond election to build a new 1,600 student high school and improve safety, security, and deterioration issues at other district facilities.

To read about the bottom line and outline of what is needed you can download this pdf file of information.    

click here

If you have ever visited Sandy High School, you will understand why this is an urgent need not only for area children but this will help maintain a more stable and desirable community for the entire area from Sandy and Boring to Welches and Government Camp.


Cumulative Days On Market

by Liz Warren

Gone are the days when agents would reenter a listing as new to draw attention to a property or to market it as "new" in the eyes of the public. The latest statistic for real estate agents straight from multiple listing is the "cumulative days on market" field.

Cumulative Days on Market  really tells the true story vs "days on market" since the property didn't sell the first time, this is the true marketing time. The true time from start to finish with a sale, with price adjustments, new agents or companies entering the picture: it's the whole enchilada.

Today's statistics show the inventory for Government Camp, Welches, Rhododendron, and Brightwood at around 87 properties for sale. We have a current 17 month supply of homes! Average days on market: 78 but cumulative days on market: 101. That's a 22% difference in perception.

Rather than going through the math at a painful pace through the history section, this simplifies the process.

Mt. Hood Area Real Estate Appreciation Numbers!

by Liz Warren


The numbers are in for 2006. Take a look at the mountain's appreciation over the past thirteen years. National news doesn't sound good for the real estate markets but with steady numbers like these the Mt. Hood market is maintaining fairly well.

Naturally there are market segments which can be taken out of these figures to give a more realistic picture of true appreciation but on the whole, we are maintaining very well compared to other areas rampant with foreclosures and pricing pressures bringinig values down.

What kind of a Market does the Mountain have?

by Liz Warren

There's a lot of talk of doom and gloom out in the media of massive foreclosure rates, mortgage fraud, over saturated markets and other issues.. Recently the National Association of Reatlors is seeing stabilization in the national market with some areas still trying to absorb the excess inventory.  Let's face it, real estate is a "local" market and can't be dictated by sweeping "national trends". Take a look at current statistics for area "153" the mountain market straight from the Multiple Listing Service. This area serves statistics  from Cherryville Hill (half way between Brightwood and Sandy) to Government Camp.

The market has a general two month supply of homes. Naturally, many sellers take their homes off the market in winter thinking there are few buyers but recent listings with multiple offer situations prove that there are many active buyers waiting for any new listing to hit the market. Rates are fantastic and with predictions of nearly 7% fixed rates by the end of 2007, NOW is a GREAT time to BUY or SELL!


Mt. Hood Top Five Requests For Purchasers

by Liz Warren

What are the top five characteristics of properties requested by buyers on Mt. Hood?

1. Waterfront of any kind. Some buyers prefer the larger rivers but others with kids are more pleased with creeks. Pick your waterfront just to mention a few: Salmon River, Sandy River, ZigZag River, Still Creek, Clear Creek, Henry Creek, Boulder Creek, Rockway Creek and more!

2. View properties. Mt. Hood views are few and far between and only available up the LoLo Pass area. The surrounding hills of Hunchback mountain, Zig Zag Mountain and Sugarloaf are popular too.

3. Acreage. Any property with over an acre of land is high on buyer's lists. Most parcels over three acres are located off of Country Club, Barlow Trail and LoLo Pass Road. Due to surrounding Mt. Hood National Forest, BLM land and timber parcels, existing acreage for sale is difficult to find.

4. Seclusion. Yikes! Very difficult to find. If passing through on Hwy 26 you would think you were out in the woods when reaching the Hoodland Corridor. A community group is active in looking for a name change to be called the Villages at Mt. Hood. It's deceptive when driving by but once you get off the beaten path you will find a plethora of many dirt and gravel roads that take you to hidden homes and cabins. On deeded lands in tall stands of firs the typical mountain lot will be less than a quarter of an acre. In Government Camp lots are mostly 50 X 100. Many prefer the leased land cabins (560) in the Mt. Hood National Forest spread out along many creeks and rivers giving a feel of more seclusion and isolation.

5. Fireplaces, Knotty Pine, and Log: Yes, it's back to the old days of and the roots of Mt. Hood. in the 20's 30's and 40's! When families would treck to the mountain for their summer stays in their family cabins which usualy had a riverrock fireplace and lots of knotty pine. Steiner Log cabins were always at the top of any buyer's list too. There are even Steiner Log Home tours offered through the Government Camp Museum. This link will take you to a new web site for Steiner Log Homes with photos:

What ever type of property you're looking for I have been working with buyers for 22 years and am well aquainted with what is available. Be sure and send me an email and I can help you find your  dream home or cabin. [email protected]

Market Forcast

by Liz Warren

November 3, 2006











Fixed mortgage rates

6.3% to 6.4% for the rest of 2006

6.7% by the end of 2007

6.8% by the end of 2008



Down 9% for 2006 over 2005

Down 8% for 2007



Down 18% for 2006 over 2005

Down 8% for 2007


Appreciation of existing houses 2.5% for 2006

Source: Mortgage Bankers Assoc., Oct. 24 forecast

Displaying blog entries 771-780 of 780


