Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 741-750 of 780

Mt. Hood Increased Pending Sales

by Liz Warren

Ok, I'm seeing some life in the embers! Just over the past week there appears to be more activity with buyers possibly getting "off the fence" a bit. Interest rates went down again, the stock market puffed up a bit, and the weather is fabulous, piles of homes to choose from, does this mean the dam has a crack in it? Mt. Hood homes and land have the highest inventory we've ever seen so if you've ever thought about buying on the mountain, opportunity is knocking!

Mt. Hood Foreclosures

by Liz Warren

We are reading daily about the increasing numbers of foreclosures hitting the market. Take a look at the Mt. Hood area sales since January 1, 2009 for Rhododendron, Government Camp, Welches and Brightwood. There have been 31 total sales and I uncover 2 foreclosure sales and 3 third party approvals or "shortsales". That's about 16% of sales for the Mt. Hood area so far this year. In comparing our area to others our foreclosures and shortsales are substantially lower.

What about Sandy Oregon Sales?

by Liz Warren

Nationally 50% of home buyers in the first quarter of 2009 were first time home buyers and nearly half of sales were foreclosures and short sales. Take a look at Sandy Oregon's sales for the past six months. You'll find of the 103 total sales for residential properties 83 were under $250,000. If this isn't affordability, I am not sure what is! The $8,000 tax credit is helping a lot of buyers get into their homes.

What sold on Mt. Hood in May 2009

by Liz Warren

Cash is king. Of the seven sales in May, four were cash transactions, two were seller held contracts and one was a conventional loan. The banks are a necessary evil in completing most primary home transactions but when it comes to second homes, which the majority of our transactions have been in May, cash is king.

Three Mt Hood National Forest cabins changed hands. Two of those sales were owner contracts since conventional financing is not possible on leased land. I expect we will see more seller held contracts for forest cabins in the future.

One Collins Lake Condo changed hands, which is amazing since the entire project is shut down for major reconstruction after the law suit was settled!

Here are the details:

Mt. Hood 2009 May Sales Numbers

by Liz Warren

The recent market action from multiple listing service is out and here are the numbers:

Looking for Mt. Hood Foreclosures?

by Liz Warren

Here are current offerings as of 6/10/09

Call or email for details

When to Buy a Home on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

When is the perfect time to purchase on Mt. Hood? Well opportunity is knocking on your door RIGHT NOW! Check out today's market cycle. Many people purchased in 2005 and 2006 at the top of the cycle but now we are in the low risk segment. We have plenty of properties to choose from, interest rates that are the lowest in decades, and anxious sellers. The combinations couldn't be better to make that investment now!

Mt. Hood Sales for April 2009

by Liz Warren

Here we go, the April numbers for sales in our Mt. Hood area are in. Total sales are down around 48% from last year's numbers. The next post will show what has sold over the past

Media Reports of Improving Markets

by Liz Warren

According to recent news events, things are improving slightly in the home sales department in the US. Well, perhaps a little. But, what is really selling? If you take a look at the first quarter numbers, according to NAR, the National Association of Realtors, half of all home sales were to first time home buyers.

It's also known that half of all sales in the first quarter were foreclosures and short sales. So, we have investors picking up foreclosers and short sales and first time home buyers picking up the rest. These sales are homes at the bottom of the pricing scale causing the median price of homes to decrease at a rapid rate. The mid and high end price ranges are not moving causing these homes to continue to decline in pricing.

Sure sales have increased in California, Florida and Nevada. These are states that have the most inventory and depressed prices in the US. Investors and first time home buyers are starting to work this inventory over but when will the recovery hit the rest of the pricing ranges? Stay tuned.

Displaying blog entries 741-750 of 780


