Real Estate Information Archive


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This graphic comes from NAR, the National Association of Realtors. It shows how the Portland-Vancouver metro area compares to last year at this time. You can see the number of listings available has declined nearly 30% compared to 2010. Could this mean sellers are waiting out this market?

This is not true for the Mt. Hood area market in Brightwood, Welches, Rhododendron, and Government Camp. This market is flush with homes, cabins and condos and a buyer's dream. Rates have never been this low coupled with a fantastic selection of properties, it's a perfect time to purchase!


Nar chart of sales for June 2011

Mt. Hood Area Sales for June 2011

by Liz Warren

June was pretty amazing compared to the first five months of the year in monthly sales. Government Camp, Welches, Brightwood and Rhododendron hit a whopping eleven sales for June. Residential sales totaled 39 for the year with the addition of these 11. That total is no record breaker of course and here's hoping better weather and more buyers come out and take advantage of this inventory the second half of the year.

Here are the June sales:

3 foreclosures

2 forest service cabins

1 Condo

1 Timberline Rim home


Mt. Hood Area Sales for June 2011

The multiple listing service just came out with the Mt. Hood area statistics for June. This is for sales including Government Camp, Welches, Rhododendron and Brightwood. Number of sales were substantially up to eleven sales! Total sales since the beginning of the year hit 39.

mt hood real estate sales

Summer has finally arrived and many sellers have placed their properties on the market for the prime summer season. Incredible deals are available with many motivated sellers. It's the perfect time to purchase while interest rates are low making homes more affordable. This could be a once in a generation opportunity according to CBS Money Watch.

Mt. Hood Time to Buy Real Estate

Looking for a foreclosure to purchase in Government Camp, Welches, Brightwood, or Rhododendron? Here are today's offerings on the market:

Three condos are on the market with two in the Government Camp Collins Lake complex and one in the Fairway Estates units at the Resort at the Mountain.

Mt. Hood Foreclosures

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales

by Liz Warren

Market activity for the month of May has been reported to multiple listing service for Government Camp, Welches, Rhododendron and Brightwood. A total of four sales for the month of May.

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for May 2011


From the numbers above you can see year to date, pending sales are down nearly 24% from the year before. This makes for a very competitive marketplace for sellers. Buyers can pick and choose to their hearts content. It's the perfect time to buy while rates and down and costs are low for buyers. Even if prices go down further, this is the best time to purchase while the cost of borrowing is low.

Mt. Hood Inc.

by Liz Warren

Follow OPB's current series on Mt. Hood Inc. This story is about the economic impact of it Mt. Hood disappeared and what would happen to the many jobs in the area. It's called: How Many Jobs Disappear If Mt. Hood Inc. Leaves Oregon? and it covers ski areas, National Forest jobs, resort jobs and more. 

Mt. Hood on OPB

by Liz Warren

If you missed the story on OPB today live at Timberline Lodge you can catch the podcast here. OPB, Oregon Public Broadcasting, is presenting a series called Mt. Hood Inc. This series is to cover the "value" of Mt. Hood, economically and otherwise.

Beginning the week of June 13th the following areas will be covered on OPB:

Business, Jobs, Products, Brand, Costs and Economic Impact

Find more news, photos and details to follow the week's stories check here.

This gives a valuable background of many details about our Mt. Hood area from tourism, to jobs, numbers of visitors, how people feel about the mountain and more. This will be likely the most comprehensive analysis of the mountain area that has been done in a long time.

For example, did you know that 1.7 million dollars of board feet of timber was cut in the Mt. Hood National Forest in 2010?

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for May 2011

by Liz Warren

The numbers are in for the month of May 2011 for all Mt. Hood sales. We had a total of four properties close last month. Two were foreclosures. News sources, and NAR have told us sales were down all across the US in April and May's results too are weak. They are particularly down when compared to last year's spring when the first time home buyer credit was winding down.

Here are the sales. The second and third sales are foreclosures.

Four Sales for Mt. Hood Area in May 2011

Mt. Hood Foreclosures

by Liz Warren

Foreclosure properties bring a unique opportunity for buyers right now in the Mt. Hood area. Interest rates are the lowest since the beginning of 2011. Choices are many and it's the perfect time to invest in mountain property.

Here is how Oregon stacks up in the first quarter with foreclosure sales compared to Washington, California and the entire US. These numbers are from RealtyTrac.


Mt. Hood Foreclosures


The pipeline of foreclosures is still building and yesterday's numbers indicated about 2 million more are heading to the market. Here's stats from MBA, Mortgage Banker's Association. 


Foreclosure pipleline


So, if you want to take advantage of an immediate price break in purchasing a Mt. Hood Second home, cabin, Condo, rental, or future retirement home, this is the time to make your move. Today's inventory of foreclosures in Government Camp, Welches, Rhododendron and Brightwood are listed below.


Mt. Hood Foreclosures

Mt. Hood Market Action for April 2011

by Liz Warren

The multiple listing service has just come out with the market stats year to date for area 153 comprised of Government Camp, Welches, Rhododendron, and Brightwood. Pending sales were down nearly 50% compared to this same month last year. Year to date we are down just over 25%. Sales might be down due to the artificial stimulus of the first time home buyer credit from last year. This pushed many buyers forward into the year creating a void of buying over the summer months.

Oddly enough I would think buyers would be rushing in to take advantage of these interest rates and the high level of selection currently available on the market.


Mt. Hood Market Action for April 2011

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