Real Estate Information Archive


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Mt. Hood December 2015 Real Estate Sales

by Liz Warren

The multiple listing service has released the sales numbers for 2015 December.

       Mt. Hood real estate sales for December 2015

December produced 20 closed sales making the year totals for 2015 at 203 sales. It's not that far off from 2014 totals with 10 more sales than last year. Real estate on the mountain is stable  and working towards recovery of 2007 values. Two out of every three homes that came on the market sold in 2015. Nationally predictions are that 2016 will be as good as 2015. Despite a small increase in interest rates, many buyers are opting in for a purchase now before rates continue to creep up. 

Snow Brings Thousands to Slopes on Mt. Hood Near Government Camp

by Liz Warren

Snow brings thousands to the slopes during holiday break with traffic slowdowns from Brightwood to Mt. Hood Meadows. At 3:30 PM today, traffic was bumper to bumper heading East towards three ski areas, Mt. Hood Meadows, Timberline and Ski Bowl plus travelers heading home to Bend and other areas on the East side of the state. 

Mt. Hood Traffic Jam in Welches December 26, 2015          Bumper to Bumper Traffic in Welches Oregon during Holdiay Break 2015

Stand still traffic with bumper to bumper conditions make the drive up and back from skiing challenging today. The best ski conditions we've seen in several years brought the skiers, boarders and snow seekers to Mt. Hood. When the sun went down some drivers took nearly two hours to drive from Mt. Hood Meadows to Welches on fairly clear roads. 

Mt. Hood Traffic Jam from Mt. Hood Meadows to Welches Oregon during Holdiay Break 2015

There's only one thing to do with this amount of people heading to the mountain and that's to get up early and hit the roads. Ski area parking lots will run out of room and the trip may be in vain if you don't get here bright and early! These conditions could continue through New Years with the amount of snow we have. 


Snow Piles in to the Mt. Hood Area!

by Liz Warren

Great news for skiers and local winter businesses on Mt. Hood who welcome the new two and three foot dumps that landed on our slopes this past weekend! Timberline and Meadows both had tons of folks coming to lay tracks Saturday and Sunday.

Timberline saw three feet of new snow and Mt. Hood Meadows had 54 inches. Ski Bowl is opening Wednesday at 3:00 PM for night skiing. Today will see a small sliver of blue sky as the next set of storms head in and should be bringing even more of the white stuff setting up our ski areas for a great winter break for vacationers.

Check your up to date ski conditions at these areas:


Mt. Hood Meadows

Ski Bowl

Its been two years since we've had a good dump at winter break holiday season so local ski shops, restaurants and hotels are looking forward to getting a boost this December!

What sold properties closed on Mt. Hood in November 2015

by Liz Warren

Here are the fifteen sales for November 2015.

Mt. Hood real estate sales for November 2015

Mt. Hood National Forest cabin sales once again took off with four completed in November. It seems this year more cabins sold at the first half of the year, summer time slowed down and then fall picked up again. 

Five creek front and riverfront homes sold. Any waterfront properties are the top sellers in our area. Two distressed properties were closed for the month. Although rarely do we have any distressed sales on the mountain any more. One or two to creep into the market

Next month I'll have total numbers for 2015.

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for November 2015

by Liz Warren

The multiple listing statistics just came out for Mt. Hood sales for the month of November 2015. 

Mt. Hood Real Estate sales for November 2015

November stats show 15 closed sales with the number of pending sales down 20% compared to November 2014. In December we currently have 16 pending sales so with the traditional holiday slow down I expect sales numbers to be close to the same for December's closings. 

There's no doubt 2015 has been the best year we've had for sales on Mt. Hood since the crash of 2008! Interest rates will begin to inch. The reality of low interest rates over the past seven years is going to be a major wake up call for anyone who hasn't experienced historically normal rates of 7 or 8%. 

I'm optimistic about 2016. Usually when interest rates begin to rise more buyers hit the market to take advantage of lower rates so we are expecting increased activity for 2016. 

Distressed Sales Decline in the Mt. Hood Area

by Liz Warren

Take a look at the RMLS statistics for distressed sales over the past quarter in all areas. Bank owned sales are just down to under 6% and short sales at under 2%! So far in 2015 the Mt. Hood real estate market has seen a total of 6 bank owned and zero short sales up to this point. In 2014 that total hit the 18 with 15 bank owned and 3 short sales. The "shadow inventory" of distressed homes is shrinking by the month and heading for historic norms. 

Distressed Real Estate Sales and Listings for Mt. Hood Real Estate

Clackamas County is having a public hearing for Planning File ZDO-254, Marijuana-Related Land Uses

Planning Commission: Mon, Oct. 26, 2015 at 6:00 PM. , Abernathy Center, 606 15th St. Oregon City,

Board of County Commissioners, Mon. Nov. 23, 2015 9:30 AM. Public Services Bldg. 4th Floor, 2051 Kaen Rd. Oregon City

Residents in the Mt. Hood area received this notice by mail with the following statements to be included in the notice:

Clackamas County has determined that adoption of Planning File ZDO-254 may affect the permissible uses of your property and other properties in the affected zones, and may change the value of your property. 

Underneath that statement on the postcard ,this statement follows: However, Clackamas County has not determined that this action will change the value of any property. 

Well, whether it will or not, it is certainly implied values of properties could change with these two statements so as a property owner in Clackamas County we all should be paying a lot of attention to what the county is putting out to the public about our property values.

Here is a link to the Clackamas County website that explains more about the hearings and changes that may be coming. 

April Closings on Mt. Hood Slide

by Liz Warren

The market conditions report in RMLS were a surprise for April with five closed sales for the month. Inventory surged in April with a whopping 31 new properties to hit the market. Although this news was a bit unnerving, there's currently 24 pending sales in line for closings so it could be a matter of the slower winter contracts in January and February that finally closed in April. I expect May and June's numbers to be substantially higher. 

Recent surges in purchases have caused longer inspection periods due to scheduling home and septic inspections. The second delay is the appraiser delays. They are backed up due to the number of buyers purchasing this spring. 

Although it's not reflected in April's closings, we will be seeing a great summer of activity this year.  I've posted the five closed sales under the RMLS chart below. 

      Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for April 2015

April 2015 Sales

           Mt. Hood Sales for April 2015

Real Estate Sales on Mt. Hood for March 2015 Summary

by Liz Warren

Recent numbers came in from RMLS for March 2015 mountain area sales. 

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for March 2015

Area 153, as defined by RMLS, compromises the Mt. Hood market and is physically a smaller area than probably most as listed in RMLS stretching from Government Camp to the Cherryville Hill area between Brightwood and Sandy. This space stretches around 30 miles as the crow flies from one end of Highway 26 to the other. 

I'm bringing this up because despite what these numbers tell us, our market is hoping and it's not really reflected in the RMLS numbers. The thirteen closed sales is consistent with the numbers we've seen through 2014 for a very strong market.

March stats were a bit surprising considering the amount of activity our office has seen. Pending sales are down nearly 40% from last year from March 2014. Marketing time is improving as inventory that had been sitting for sale a long time is moving out. Nearly a third of the current inventory came to market in March with 26 new listings! Our amazing spring like weather has led sellers to getting started early in the marketing process. We predict a very busy spring of sales.

Mt. Hood Sales for February 2015

by Liz Warren

The Mt. Hood real estate market is still strong with eleven sales in the month of February closing for the Welches, Government Camp, Rhododendron and Brightwood areas. As more inventory is coming to the market, sellers are getting their properties ready for the 2015 selling season. Nationally, this past winter saw three times the buyers out shopping for homes compared to the year before. 

Here are the local sales in February:

      Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for February 2015 including Brightwood, Welches, Government Camp and Rhododendron Oregon

Most of the pricing points were under $200,000 with two Mt Hood National Forest cabins selling. Cabin inventory is low for this time of the year but several sellers are preparing their cabins to hit the market soon. 

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