Mt. Hood October Market
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If there's one dominating market segment on Mt. Hood these days, it's the vacation rental market. This frequently combines an owners personal use with funds to offset their expenses to help pay off that mortgage or create a stream of income.
Clackamas County has studied the vacation rental market since there are no zoning and regulation policies for vacation rentals. Here is a recent notification from the county if you've been following the studies and local meetings:
The Clackamas County Board of Commissioners is holding a policy session on Wednesday, Sept. 25 to discuss draft regulations for short-term rentals in unincorporated Clackamas County. The meeting is scheduled from 9:30-11 a.m. in the Board Hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Public Services Building, 2051 Kaen Rd., Oregon City.
The materials prepared for the meeting by staff, including the draft regulations, are available here: The purpose of the meeting is for staff and commissioners to discuss next steps related to these draft regulations. The public is welcome to observe, but there will not be an opportunity for public comment. An audio-tape of the meeting will be available later in the week at
There’s no doubt that today’s housing market is changing, and everything we see right now indicates it is time to sell. Here’s a look at why selling now is likely to drive the greatest return on your largest investment.
Home values have been appreciating for several years now, growing at a strong, steady, and impressive pace. In fact, the average annual appreciation rate since 2012 has nearly doubled the average rate from the more normal market of the 1990s (think: pre-bubble).Appreciation, however, is projected to shift back toward normal, meaning home prices will likely keep climbing over the next few years, but they are not projected to continue to increase at such a high rate.
As noted in the latest Home Price Expectation Survey (HPES) powered by Pulsenomics, experts forecast an average annual appreciation rate closer to 3.2% over the next five years, which is more in line with a historically normal market (3.6%). The good news is, there’s still time to take advantage of the current strength of home prices by selling your house now.Looking at the projections as they stand today, 2019 is slated to drive the strongest appreciation as compared to the upcoming few years. With average home prices still on the rise, the pace at which they are predicted to continue increasing will likely soften by 2020.
If you’re thinking about selling your house, now is a great time to make your move. Don’t get stuck waiting until projected home price appreciation rates potentially re-accelerate again in 2023. You’ll likely earn the greatest return on your investment by selling now before the prices start to normalize next year.
Will home prices on Mt. Hood increase this year? Experts in the market say they will based on National surveys and information. Historically that increase is around 3% per year. So far, homes under $400,000 seem to be doing well for sales but once you jump up into the higher pricing points, things are a little slow. In general Government Camp commands the upper limit for sales on the mountain above $500,000.
Clackamas County my regulate short term rental properties in the Mt. Hood area. A meeting for input will be this coming Saturday to take input on the code, possible regulation and discussion. The meeting will be held at the Trees Room at the Mt. Hood Oregon Resort. Details are listed below.
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