Real Estate Information Archive


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A recent article in Willamette Week states home prices in Rhododendron were up 47% over last year. Read article here.   The article is about folks moving out of Portland for less expensive housing so they can qualify to buy. This seems to be happening everywhere. Notice there are three of our burgs on Mt. Hood listed in the chart below. These numbers are coming from Zillow based on comments in the article. 

Willamette Week Stats from article May 2022

Recent RMLS statistics for the Mt. Hood area in March 2022 says our year over year for the entire area including Government Camp was 37.3%. If you add in another 10% for the 2020-2021 season, I can see where these numbers are coming from. I thought the Rhododendron comment was a little misleading under the main heading. These stats are for two years of sales vs. one year of sales. 

Bear Alert from Oregon State Fish and Wildlife

by Liz Warren

Bears are waking up from hibernation and are becoming active in your area. At this time of year, these hungry bears will be trying to get into every food source they can, including garbage, old grills, birdfeeders, and anything else that smells like food. Take steps to avoid conflict with bears by removing bird feeders and securing attractants. A bear's strongest sense is smell and they can pick up a scent from over a mile away.

Don’t reward bears with easily available food (including birdseed), liquids, garbage and scraps from a barbeque or grill. Intentional or unintentional feeding of bears teaches them to approach homes and people. This is dangerous for humans and bears. Keep Bears Wild by following the BearWise basics above and sharing this information with your neighbors. A community effort will be more effective in preventing conflicts with bears. For more information on living with bears visit

Today’s Home Price Appreciation Is Great News for Existing Homeowners On Mt. Hood

Today’s Home Price Appreciation Is Great News for Existing Homeowners | MyKCM

If you’re planning to sell your home this season, rising prices are great news for you. But it’s important to understand why prices are rising to begin with. One major factor is supply and demand.

In any industry, when there are more buyers for an item than there are of that item available, prices naturally rise. In those situations, buyers are willing to pay more to get the product or service they’re looking for when options are scarce. And that’s exactly what’s happening in the current real estate market.

Selma Hepp, Executive, Research & Insights and Deputy Chief Economist at CoreLogic, puts it like this:

With so few homes, buyers are once again left with fierce competition that’s driving the share of homes that sold over the listing price up to 66% . . . With the continued imbalance between supply and demand, home prices are likely to have another year of strong gains and are expected to average about 10% growth for the year.”

Because it will take some time for housing supply to increase, experts believe prices will continue rising. The latest Home Price Expectations Survey forecasts what will happen with home prices over the next 5 years. As the graph below shows, while the rate of appreciation will moderate over the next few years, prices will continue rising through 2026:

Today’s Home Price Appreciation Is Great News for Existing Homeowners | MyKCM

What This Means When You Sell Your House

If you’re a homeowner, the projection for continued price appreciation this year opens up an opportunity to move. That’s because it may give your equity a major boost. Equity is the difference between what you owe on your house and its market value. The amount of equity you have increases as you make your monthly payments and as rising home prices drive up the market value for your home.

Growing equity is a powerful tool for homeowners. When you sell your house, the equity you’ve built comes back to you in the sale. That money could be enough to cover some (if not all) of your down payment on your next home.

Of course, if you want to know how much equity you have in your current house, it’s crucial to work with a real estate professional. They follow current market trends and can help you understand your home’s value when you’re ready to sell.

What This Means for Your Next Purchase

But today’s rising home values aren’t just good news if you’re ready to sell. Because price appreciation is forecast to continue in the years ahead, you can rest assured your next home will be an investment that should grow in value with time. That’s one of several reasons why real estate has been rated the best investment in a recent Gallup poll.

Bottom Line

If you’re weighing whether or not you should sell your house this season, know rising home values may be opening up an opportunity to use equity to fuel your move. Let’s connect so you can find out how much your home is worth and to learn more about all the benefits you have in today’s market.

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