Real Estate Information Archive


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Monday Morning Coffee for Inspiration

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite
capacity to not know what can't be done."

~ Henry Ford


If you've ever had a dream - you've also had critics. It seems they show up right on cue every time that special new dream begins to form. Critics come in the form of family members, employers, friends, and associates.

Interestingly, the only opinion worth listening to is your own. The opinions of others simply reflect their own limitations - and have nothing to do with the achievement of your dreams. Just imagine how shallow the world would be today if the following individuals had listened to their critics:

Arnold Schwarzenegger's family said, "How long will you go on training all day in a gymnasium and living in a dream world?"

Mary Kay Ash's attorney advised two weeks before her first store opening, "Liquidate the business right now and recoup whatever cash you can. If you don't, you'll end up penniless."

His teachers to Ray Charles: "You can't play the piano, and God knows you can't sing. You'd better learn how to weave chairs so you can support yourself."

What Diana Ross heard her teacher say when auditioning for a high school play: "You have a nice voice, but it's nothing special."

Have a dream? Live it, pursue it, and achieve it - with a passion!

Timberline Rim Home Sales

by Liz Warren

There are currently sixteen homes for sale in the Timberline Rim subdivision near Brighwood and Rhododendron. The lower end starts at $183,000 and the high end sits at $322,000.

The past six months has seen a total of nine sales. All are $240,000 and under. Several were foreclosures. Here are the sales over the past six months:

Timberline Rim is one of the most populated and popular subdivisions on the mountain. It's a great place to live with low association fees and many amenities. It's located right along the Sandy River with access to trails, picnic areas, a swimming pool, tennis courts plus a recently updated lodge and business office.

Originally developed in the late 60's it is nearly completely built to full capacity. Paved roads with sewer and water make this a low maintenance living location. Homes range anywhere between $180,000 to over $500,000.

Mt. Hood Foreclosures and Short Sales

by Liz Warren

What are predictions for the 2009 market on Mt. Hood? Well, it isn’t easy to come up with a steadfast answer on this one. Nationally many experts are predicting things will turn around in the second half of the year.

The Case-Shiller pricing index tells us that in at least 20 metro areas prices are currently at March 2004 levels- down about 18%. More foreclosures than 2008 will hit the market due to adjusting adjustable mortgages. We are seeing a few foreclosures and short sales hit our mountain market.

Here is a short sale that popped up today. Five acres of land, which typically can’t be found for under $200,000 with a large home for less than $500,000


The greatest percentage of sales in our local market is the second home sales. As discretionary income for this purchase, folks have the option to wait and buy at their leisure. Considering the limited amount of land the mountain has to offer for ownership, there couldn’t be a better time to take advantage of this inventory with future population impacts coming to the Portland metro area.

Historically we usually don’t see the unique combination of low home prices and low interest rates so this is an exceptional time to invest in the mountain. Typically interest rates are higher when home prices are low and some buyers are recognizing this fact.

Keep checking back to see how this year unfolds!

Mt. Hood Sales For December 2008

by Liz Warren

The numbers are in for December 2008 sales totalling five residential sales. Here's how they look below.

As you can see, one is a forest service cabin in the Mt. Hood National Forest and one is a foreclosure in Timberline Rim. Considering we had around three weeks of interesting weather, I suspect January sales to be around the same number. Although interest has picked up. Marketing times are extended to around 122 days and three of these sales exceeded 121 days on the market.

Pending sales total six with two additional lease options listed as "pendings" in multiple listings. There are a multitude of people refinancing at this time and I suspect many will pull funds to purchase investor or second homes with rates under 5%.

Stay tuned for more info on today's market from Welches, Brightwood, Rhododendron to Government Camp!

How Are Land Sales on Mt. Hood?

by Liz Warren

How were land sales on Mt. Hood over the 2008 year? Well, slowing to a snail's pace for the second half of the year! Sales totaled eight from Government Camp to Brightwood. Two sales closed in Government Camp with a high of $258,000 and the other at $186,900. As the economy went into a slump starting in July, there has been only one land sale for the second half of 2008.

There is only one pending sale for land in area 153. This is a Summit Meadows lot listed at $75,000 and well covered by tons of snow at the moment.

There are 43 parcels and lots currently offered for sale in our area! There are motivated sellers out there and deals to be had. Take advantage of today's opportunities and get your lot before they are all gone. With Portland's increasing population coming, there won't be any land left to purchase so now is the time to make your investment!

Welches Building Lot

by Liz Warren

Location, Location, Location! Build a great home on this Welches lot just a block from the senic Salmon River! You can also walk to the 27 hole golf course at the Resort at the Mountain. Only minutes to premium ski areas and the Mt. Hood National Forest is nearly in your back yard.

Change your lifestyle and relax in the pristine mountains of Oregon. A recreational paradise.

This lot is flat and has excellent access right off a paved road. Listen to the river and enjoy the trees. Cleared and ready for your dream home. Septic approved and Welches Water included (the BEST on the mountain)!

Details can be found here



Rates Under 5%

by Liz Warren

Looking to purchase homes near Mt. Hood? Rates are incredible right now. A 30 year fixed loan at under 5% interest! It's true. Investors, now is the time to act! Get your rental properties now in Rhododendron, Welches, Brightwood or Government Camp. If you need a lender, shoot me an email!


Weather Beaten Market

by Liz Warren

No doubt about it, the crazy snow pilling up, melting snow and rain, falling trees and branches and a general lack of accessibility will be reflected in fewer pending and sold properties showing up in January. From Government Camp, which was buried with snow and constantly battling power outages closing down local ski areas to Welches, Brightwood and Rhododendron, it was a rough winter holiday season. People just couldn't get around on the roads let alone view properties.

The clean up has begun and most roads are easy to navigate so showings are happening and buyers are back. Rivers and creeks are dabbling at high water levels. Many basements are flooded and finally, everyone has their power back on.

As we shake all of this off, 2009 should be one for adjustments as major price reductions are rampant in the multiple listing service. Some owners have dropped their prices nearly 40% chasing the market down.

Buyers have rarely had so much inventory to choose from and with rates hovering around 5%, opportunity knocks!

FHA loans have increased their down payment qualifications to 3.5% down. FHA loans numbers have increased significantly from the past couple of years.

Speaking of incredible rates, this is currently causing a rush to refinance. Mortgage brokers are busy getting folks into incredibly affordable loans. If you have a lot of equity in your home, this is  a great time to pull that down payment out for a second home purchase.

Well, it's back to work for me now that the power and internet are working again!

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Who exactly do you want to be? What kind of person do you want to be? What are your personal ideals?
Whom do you admire? What are their special traits that you would make your own?

It's time to stop being vague. If you wish to be an extraordinary person, if you wish to be wise,
then you should explicitly identify the kind of person you aspire to become."

~ Epictetus


Microsoft uses that slogan to convince you that with their software you can head in any direction you please. Earl Nightingale, one of the great motivational speakers, said it better. "Imagine that you are the captain of a great ocean-going vessel," he suggests. "Before even leaving the harbor, you lay out plans for your voyage. Using maps, you choose a destination, then employ your navigational skills to arrive safely".

"Without a chosen destination and a map to help you arrive," he continues, "you are akin to a ship without a rudder. If you get out of the harbor at all, you'll probably end up a derelict on some deserted beach."

On this verge of the year 2009, I hope you've decided on a destination for the year and have looked carefully at the map that will take you there. A word of caution is in order. Be careful not to choose too many destinations, meaning don't set too many goals for the year. Including more than a handful of worthy objectives can leave you with maps and navigational instruments strewn all over your desk - resulting in chaos, lack of focus, and questionable navigation.

It's better to have four clearly defined targets for the year, accompanied by a masterful plan for their achievement, than to have only a list of 25 hoped-for achievements. Anthony Robbins suggests the following agenda for achieving your most worthy objectives.

First, write down a "dream inventory" - a list of everything you want to accomplish in 2009. Next choose the four most important major goals. For each of the four make a list of the benefits you will enjoy when you achieve them. Then list all the resources you currently possess which would be of benefit to achieving your major goals, i.e. experience, knowledge, skills, positive attitude, friendliness, perseverance, etc.

Continue by listing the three most successful times in your life. Under each, write down a description of how you felt and acted during those times, i.e. felt invincible, presented a professional image, smiled a lot, wasn't afraid to try a new approach, etc. Next write down the type person you would have to be to achieve your goals, i.e. must be prepared for presentations, must always have confidence, must put others' needs first, must organize my time, etc. Follow this with a list of "What prevents me from achieving this right now." Write down your fears, your lack of action, etc.

Finally, write down the steps you must take to achieve each of the four major goals. This would be a list of each and every task that must be completed in order to produce the maximum results. By breaking down the objective into individual steps, it becomes more manageable.

Notice that achieving a major goal requires major planning. Have you already done your homework and feel completely prepared? Hopefully so. If not, take the first week of the coming new year to build a plan for your future. It's well worth the effort!

Displaying blog entries 11-19 of 19


