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Displaying blog entries 271-280 of 363

Mt Hood Community Planning Organization

Special Guest:Kimberly Benthin, Code Compliance Specialist, Clackamas County

July 7, 2011 7-9:00 PM

Dorman Community Center, 24500 E Salmon River Road, Welches, Oregon

Come ask questions about county permit requirements, etc.

· Does the county enforce code retroactively on, for example, a 40 year old cabin built before current codes were in effect?

· How can we foster an atmosphere where people feel safe getting building permits?

· What needs permitting and what does not? If a homeowner does his/her own repairs, is a permit needed?

· Can builders and homeowners follow verbal "okays" from county code enforcement staff?

· Get an update on permit process for homes with flood damage or potential flood damage

· Will the county work with owners or contractors to mitigate fines? And conversely, when some contractors flaunt all rules and sanctions are not enforced, why should others "toe the line?"

Builders and Homeowners can get answers from County staff at the July meeting of MHC-CPO

Fourth of July Fireworks Moved in Sandy!




Centennial 4th of July Fireworks
Monday, July 04, 2011 at 9:00 PM
Special Centennial Fireworks display sponsored by Clackamas County Bank (thanks CCB!).

At a new location this year due to construction of the new high school.
By the Sandy Cinema. Viewing areas on the sidewalk in front of the businesses by the cinema (food & refreshments by Smoky Hearth, Paris Cafe, Sandy Cinema et al). Or take your lawn chairs or blankets to the vacant grass lots at Champion Way & Industrial Way.

Walk or bike if possible; parking will be limited.


Mt. Hood Inc.

by Liz Warren

Follow OPB's current series on Mt. Hood Inc. This story is about the economic impact of it Mt. Hood disappeared and what would happen to the many jobs in the area. It's called: How Many Jobs Disappear If Mt. Hood Inc. Leaves Oregon? and it covers ski areas, National Forest jobs, resort jobs and more. 

Mt. Hood on OPB

by Liz Warren

If you missed the story on OPB today live at Timberline Lodge you can catch the podcast here. OPB, Oregon Public Broadcasting, is presenting a series called Mt. Hood Inc. This series is to cover the "value" of Mt. Hood, economically and otherwise.

Beginning the week of June 13th the following areas will be covered on OPB:

Business, Jobs, Products, Brand, Costs and Economic Impact

Find more news, photos and details to follow the week's stories check here.

This gives a valuable background of many details about our Mt. Hood area from tourism, to jobs, numbers of visitors, how people feel about the mountain and more. This will be likely the most comprehensive analysis of the mountain area that has been done in a long time.

For example, did you know that 1.7 million dollars of board feet of timber was cut in the Mt. Hood National Forest in 2010?

Mt. Hood National Forest Homeowner's Association Meeting

by Liz Warren

Mt. Hood National Forest Homeowner's Assocation Meeting for 2011

Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp Needs Your Vote

by Liz Warren

We need your help! The local Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp in Government Camp is in the running for a grant from Chase Community Giving. The Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp is the only Portland area non profit competing in the second round for up to $500,000!

Vote between May 19 and May 25th.

Go to to cast your vote and pass the word around!

Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp Government Camp

Government Camp Looses County Funds

by Liz Warren

Lets face it, budgets are tight and Clackamas County is one large county cutting back on expenses. Locals and visitors alike have been amazed at the transformation of Government Camp from the sleepy ski town to a bustling beautifully developed environment that it is today. Streetlights, paved sidewalks, paved and plowed streets are a couple of improvements from the urban renewal district which was formed in 1989.

At the tune of around $20,000 per year, Clackamas County had arranged to keep the sidewalks cleared and streets lit for the past five years. Now, time is up and Government Camp must find a way to pay for these amenities on their own.

Incorporation failed on the May 2010 ballot so alternative actions are sought by residents on how to pay for these items. Options include a road district or a county service district. Both have their downfalls.

Meanwhile meetings are in the works on how to solve the funding issues for these improvements. More details may be found in this Oregonian article.

Mt. Hood Bite Second Event

by Liz Warren

Last years Bite which was put on by the Mt. Hood Chamber of Commerce was a huge fund raiser and success! This year the event will be heald at the Resort at the Mountain in the Mallards. Save the date, May 14th! Here are details with more to come. BITE DETAILS HERE  5-9PM.

The Bite

Mt. Hood Flooding Update from Clackamas County

by Liz Warren

Here is a Clackamas County update on the recent flooding in January. Status of the bridges and road work.

Mt. Hood Flooding County Update March 16

More Flooding Meetings Announced

by Liz Warren

Good afternoon,

MEETINGS -- The Interagency Flood Response Group that we’ve pulled together – including Clackamas County, Department of State Lands, US Army Corps of Engineers and the National Marine Fisheries Service  – met with residents from Zig Zag Village last week.  Now we are working on scheduling similar meetings with groups from two more areas – Autumn Lane/Lolo Pass and Timberline Rim – during the week of Feb. 28.

We have sent letters to people in both those areas – if you are in one of the areas and have not yet received a letter, please let us know.

PERMITS -- Please remember – for your sake and the sake of your neighbors and community -- permits are required for work on structures, on the riverbank or in the river, and no blanket permits have been issued.  Work done without permits is subject to fines and/or required to be undone.

We appreciate the cooperation we’ve received so far.  If you have questions, the key contacts continue to be Steve Hanschka ([email protected] or 503.742.4512) or Rebecca Ceniga ([email protected] or 503.742.4505) in Clackamas County Land Use & Zoning.

Displaying blog entries 271-280 of 363


