Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 261-270 of 381

Tight Lending Requirements and Credit Scores

by Liz Warren

Now that housing is starting to stand on its wobbly legs after years of uncertainty, Lawrence Yun, chief economist of NAR, the National Association of Realtors, is asking for some loosing up on lending standards to keep this housing recovery on its way. Here is an except from an article from NAR on credit scores and lending practices. You can see that most recent loans only go to buyers with the most stellar credit.  In 2011, around 75% of loans purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, had credit scores of 740 or above!

Credit Scores are high for buyers

Mt. Hood Vacation Home Tax Deductions

by NAR




Were you Foreclosed on in the Mt. Hood Area?

by Liz Warren

If you had your bank loan from  Bank of America, Wells Fargo JP Morgan Chase,  Citigroup, or Ally Financial and were foreclosed on between 2008 and 2011 you might be eligible for a settlement of up to $2000 through a recent foreclosure settlement.

If your loan was owned or backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: they are not part of this deal. Call your bank, listed above to start your initial contact. 

​Check additional Mt. Hood Foreclosure info here.

Negative Equity in Oregon


This map shows the negative equity state by state.

Negative Equity State by State


Lowest Interest Rates in History

by Liz Warren

Today's rates brings the greatest time to purchase a home or cabin in history! Check out this chart showing how low rates are just over the past 20 years. The yearly average has been 8.74% and we are below half that rate right now. 

Lowest Interest Rates in History

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for September 2011

by Liz Warren

Real estate sales for Mt. Hood were excellent in September with nine closings for the month. These sales were likely put together in July and August for a September closing. Here are the numbers from the multiple listing service showing year to date results for Government Camp, Welches, Brightwood, and Rhododendron.

September sales for Mt. Hood area 2011 from RMLS


Foreclosures and Short Sales on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

Ever wonder about what percentage of total sales are foreclosures or short sales in Welches, Government Camp, Rhododendron and Brightwood? As of today there have been 69 sales on the mountain. Twenty five of those sales were REO/bank owned properties and four were completed short sales. That's a total figure of 42% of total sales.

Foreclosures and Bank Owned Properties on Mt. Hood

​How does the Portland Metro area compare to our area? Here are numbers for the first two quarters.

Portland metro distressed sales


Mt. Hood Foreclosures-Facing Foreclosure? Read This

by Liz Warren

If you are facing a Mt. Hood foreclosure you may want to pay attention to this recent article in the Oregonian concerning a delay of many foreclosures going to court. This could delay your foreclosure for a while and as the court reviews these cases, some of our Oregon laws could make you liable for the difference in what you owe to the lender and what your home actually sells for. 

This article highlights what happened to a Sandy real estate agent who was in the midst of packing for her foreclosure date.

​How did this happen? Well, last year Federal judges started blocking foreclosures because the lenders did not follow procedures properly. If your mortgage was sold many times (and most have- through MERS*) the requirement is that each sale of that mortgage is to be recorded in the County that the sale takes place. MERS eliminated that "recording" process and these Federal judges are calling that process invalid because they did not follow the law's requirements.

​Call your lender and be sure of the dates for foreclosure because you may be premature in your move out of your home. 

*What is MERS and what does it mean to me in an Oregon foreclosure?

Oregon VA Home Guaranty Loan Program

by Matt Polsky

Oregon VA Home Guaranty Loan Program

Purchasing a home is an exciting step in life, and one of the most important options you have to consider is how to finance the home. If you are a veteran or an active military member, a VA Home Loan is certainly a financing option to look into. The VA loan program offers benefits that no other loan program can match, which makes it one of the most advantageous loans on the market. While a VA Loan may not be the best option for every service member, it is important to understand the benefits when compared to conventional financing options.


VA Loan Benefits:

  • No money down option for qualified buyers
  • Does not require you pay Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
  • No prepayment penalties
  • Interest rate caps for active duty service members
  • Credit guidelines are more lenient since service members experience frequent moves and deployments, which can prevent establishing long-term credit and savings.

How Much Can I Borrow?

In the Mount Hood area, the VA loan amount is set at $417,000 (this is typical for most counties). With a VA Loan, you are able to refinance a current single-family home, purchase a new home, or VA-approved Condo as well. (In terms of purchasing, the home or condo must be your primary residence).

There are many more options when using your VA home loan benefit, so it is important to speak with a knowledgeable VA approved lender, like VA Mortgage Center, before you moving too far forward.


To be eligible a service member must have served on active duty for three months during wartime or 181 days during peacetime. A service member is also eligible after serving in the National Guard for at least six years; however, service members with a dishonorable discharge do not qualify for the program.

For more information on using your VA home loan benefits and finding the home of your dreams contact Liz Warren or a VA approved lender today!

Matt Polsky is a blogger associated with VA Benefit Blog, a blog focused on providing veterans and service members with current news and information on the VA benefits they have earned through serving our country.

Foreclosures and Shortsales in Today's Market

by Liz Warren

Tracking distressed sales on the mountain in the area from Government Camp to Brightwood shows that short sales and foreclosures make up 40-50% of our area sales over the past several months on average. Nationally, these numbers match. Here is a chart showing the short sales and foreclosure movement.

Displaying blog entries 261-270 of 381


