Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 221-230 of 363

Informative Meeting for Sandy River Property Owners

by Liz Warren

Mark the date, November 10 at 9:00 am for an informative meeting in Welches on winter preparedness for Sandy River property owners. The workshop will be held at the Hoodland Fire Station. It's hosted by Clackamas County, the Villages at Mt. Hood, the Sandy River Basin Watershed Council and the Hoodland Fire District. There will be many experts on hand. Details on the Sandy River topics are covered in this news article.

First Snow and a Great Mt. Hood Ski Cabin

by Liz Warren

The first snows are coming to Mt. Hood and it won't be long until the boards are heading down the hill. Here is a great ski cabin with good winter access that holds a bunch of family and friends. You'll like the big open areas in the living room and dining area. Affordable at $130,000! leased land in the Mt. Hood National Forest.

Road 29 Lot 15 cabin info

Mt. Hood Ski Cabin




Mt. Hood Wild Spring Chinook Salmon Controvercy

by Liz Warren

As we know on Mt. Hood, "it's all about the fish". There's recent controversy over the wild and hatchery fish coming up stream after the removal of the Marmot Dam in 2007 (see video)

and their spawning grounds intermingling. These spawning grounds would be in our local Zig Zag River and Sandy River. The Sandy River Hatchery recently received approval from the Feds to run their program. I am by no means an expert on fish. I do my fishing at the local Trout Farm. Here is a recent article explaining the issues.

Happy Halloween! Find a Pumpkin Patch Here

by Liz Warren

Mt. Hood residents have to take a trek East or West to find a good pumpkin patch for Halloween.

EAST SIDE (Damascus / Boring / Corbett)

Liepold Farms: 14480 SE Richey Rd, Boring OR 97009
Olson Farms: 22255 SE Borges Rd., Damascus OR 97080
Bushue’s Family Farms: 9880 SE Revenue Road, Boring OR 97009
Old McDonald’s Farm: 1001 SE Evans Rd., Corbett OR 97019

Hood River:

Rasmussen Farm:

Villages of Mt. Hood Town Hall Meeting

by Liz Warren

Save the Date September 26th for the Mt. Hood Villages Town Hall Meeting!


Mt. Hood Villages Town Hall Meeting

Mt. Hood High Fire Danger

by Liz Warren

Extreme temps have no burning of any kind for our area. These higher temps will remain through the week so be extra cautious and diligent to be on the look out for any fires in our area. Haze and smoke is filling our skies blowing in from out of area fires. Here is a handy map to check on any current area fires in Oregon and Washington.

Sandy High School Grand Opening This Friday!

by Liz Warren

This Friday is the long awaited grand opening of the new Sandy High School. I took a tour of the new facility a couple of weeks ago and all I can say is this is the best thing to happen in our community in a long time. The thought and design features of the school are amazing. Public tours are offered this Friday afternoon starting at 3:30 pm. along with the opening dedication at 6:00. Governor John Kitzhaber will be at the dedication! If you can't make it to the tour, check out the new state of the art high school here!


Schedule of Events


Sandy High School Grand Opening Schedule



Hood to Coast This Weekend!

by Liz Warren

Locals and Mt. Hood visitors, get ready for Friday and the huge invasion of Hood to Coast runners (thousands) and vans as they head up to Timberline Lodge in Government Camp, the official start of the 31st,  Mother of All Relay Races, Hood to Coast Relay. This is the biggest relay race in the world with people coming from all over the country and the world to participate. From Government Camp the runners meander through Rhododendron, Welches and Brightwood

Here is the route from Timberline to Seaside! Enjoy the show!


Sandy Mountain Festival Parade This Thursday

by Liz Warren

This Thursday at 7:00 PM The Sandy Mountain Festival Parade will begin! Details may be found on the Sandy Mountain Festival Website. This weekend will bring two days of fun filled action at the festival. 

​Dates and times: 

Saturday, July 14th - 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Sunday, July 15th - 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Mt. Hood Summer Paving Delays

by Liz Warren

Ready for summer and your trip up to the mountain? Be prepared for the potential paving delays starting on July 9th. Locals and visitors may have 20 minute delays between S.E. Cherryville Drive and the Salmon River. We all have experienced the ruts and potholes after this past winter so the paving will repair the damage and make the road safer.

Westbound traffic will have not slow downs on Sundays from 9 am to 10 pm. No work will be done on holidays or starting from noon on the day before. During our Hood to Coast relay all lanes will be open.

Traffic updates may be found at

Displaying blog entries 221-230 of 363


