Monday, December 17, 2012
by Liz Warren
Let’s take a look at the whopping 18 closed sales for the month of November on Mt. Hood listed below. The leased land cabins in the Mt. Hood National Forest came on gang busters with seven closed cabins. This is definitely a record breaking month for cabins. Typically summer months bring buyers out in droves for cabins but this year the fall brought cabin buyers out of the woods. The other strong segment of sales were cabins that were on fee simple land, or in other words, on their own land. These ranged in the areas of $100,000 to $200,000 mostly.
Timberline Rim racked up two sales and Zig Zag Village totaled one sale. Both of these subdivisions offer amenities of swimming pools and tennis courts which many homeowners prefer especially with kids.
The good news is that the more inventories that get sold the closer the mountain is to price stabilization.
If this isn’t the best time in history to buy on the mountain, I don’t know what is! Record low interest rates and plenty of cabins and homes to choose from makes a mountain purchase on the TO DO list for 2013!
Check out these offerings for your preferred pricing point:
Mt. Hood Homes and Cabins under $200,000
Mt. Hood Homes and Cabins between $200,000 and $250,000
Mt. Hood Homes and Cabins between $250,000-$300,000
Mt. Hood Homes and Cabins between $300,000 and $400,000
Mt. Hood Homes and Cabins between $400,000 and $500,000