Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 191-200 of 363

Market Trends Newsleter

by Liz Warren

Catch up on the local market trends in the Mt. Hood area from Welches and Brightwood to Government Camp. See the 15 real sales in February and get details on the mountain's favorite event, the Bite, coming this month!

Market Trends Newsletter

Government Camp Recent Small Earthquakes

by Liz Warren

This past weekend a series of small earthquakes have been hitting the Government Camp area with up to 30 quakes from a magnitude of .3 to the largest at 2.3 on the Richter scale. Residents have not been able to feel the quakes but scientists are paying attention because this is a new fault that they were not aware of. This fault is now on the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network list of faults to watch. This map is direct from the PNSN website showing the location of the mini-quakes. 

           Government Camp Earthquakes March 2014



Mt. Hood one of the Seven Wonders of Oregon

by Liz Warren

The Seven Wonders of Oregon features our local Mt. Hood in one of the new Travel Oregon ad campaigns. Our spot has Timberline Lodge, Trillium Lake, skiing and boarding, and of course the mountain itself.

Visit Travel Oregon  to find out all the things to do and see on and around Mt. Hood.

Flood Insuarnce Update

by Liz Warren

The house just voted on a bill 306-91 to approve the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act with amendments.

The bill would repeal FEMA's ability to raise rates and use new flood maps. It will also cap rates at a max 18% per year. Refunds would be given to flood insurers who were unaware of the new increases without warning. The Senate must pass the amendment before the bill would become law. 

Read the Homeowner's Flood Insurance Affordability Act Fact Sheet from NAR This will get you up to speed on what this act means to anyone in a flood area. 

Seven Wonders of Oregon

by Liz Warren

Travel Oregon has kicked off a massive campaign about the seven wonders of Oregon. It's a great  clip!



Of course with Mt. Hood being one of the seven wonders we are ready for the barrage of tourists coming to enjoy our area.

Mt. Hood Express Bus

by Liz Warren


Mt. Hood Express

If you haven’t noticed there’s a new bus in town. It’s called the Mt. Hood Express and it’s a new and exciting addition to the mountain. Great things are happening in Clackamas County and a recent Federal Lands Access Program grant of $476,000 has expanded the old Mountain Express, which expired in 2013,  to an even  bigger and better option for residents, workers and tourists to get to Government Camp and Timberline Lodge at a very affordable rate. The collaboration between Sandy, the Mt. Hood National Forest and required private grant match funding with the Resort at the Mountain, Ski Bowl and Timberline make the $2.00 ticket very affordable. 

Transportation to the mountain has evolved over the years but it's always been a challenge with a challenging road to Timberline and today's clogged roads and limited parking. Old School transportation was the Skiway. See the video below of the tram. The Skiway tram was built in the 1950's and loaded passengers on a tram bus that cabled up to Timberline Lodge starting at today's Thunderhead Lodge. 




                                                                       New School 

                                                  Mt. Hood Express Bus

Mt. Hood Express Bus Schedule download here

Mt. Hood Express Route Map



How did the bus system evolve and where did the grant come from?


Cold Snap Coming to Mt. Hood Area-Winterization Tips

by Liz Warren

We made it through Thanksgiving with minimal snow on the slopes and the weather folks have the warning signs on for a cold snap that is heading our way next week. It begins on Monday and will be with us through the week, even into next weekend. Home and cabin owners in the area should take preemptive measures now to contain the possible freezing pipe caused water damage that we have see in years past when the temperatures are way under freezing for extended periods of time.  

    Cold weather coming to Mt. Hood in December


Mt. Hood Winterization Tips


Mt. Hood Christmas Tree and Bough Permits are On Sale

by Liz Warren

It's that time of the year where many folks head up to the Mt Hood Forest to cut their own Christmas trees. Permits are available at many locations and are only $5.00 per permit with a limit of five per household. The height limit is twelve feet unless you pay a little extra.

Here are the locations to purchase permit for the forest:

Mt. Hood Christmas Tree Permits

Mt. Hood Ski Forecast for Thanksgiving Week

by Liz Warren

This past opening weekend for skiing at Mt. Hood Meadows and Timberline lacked a bit snow to really bring out any crowds. The forecast this week doesn't bod well for skiers and boarders but Thanksgiving travel looks great compared to the rest of the country! 

Local businesses and ski areas love Thanksgiving and lack of snow on Mt. Hood creates a difficult economic scene for local merchants in Welches and Government Camp. Check out the balmy weather for the rest of this week.

It could be the perfect week for day trips to Mt. Hood to tour Timberline Lodge, visit the Mt. Hood Brewery for some famous Ice Axe, or hit the links at the Resort at the Mountain! For evenings there's always live music at the Skyway. Have a great Thanksgiving!

                              Thanksgiving week on Mt. Hood


Mt. Hood Glacier Caves

by Liz Warren

OPB will be presenting "Thin Ice" a stand alone production about the largest discovered glacier caves, outside of Alaska, in the United States right here on the Northwestern slopes of Mt. Hood in the Sandy Glacier. Oregon Field Guide will be airing several episodes of the exploration of the cave with explorers and mappers Eddy Cartaya and Brent McGregor with Oregon Public Broadcasting's Amelia Templeton. Frozen waterfalls and up to 80 foot wide caves will first be seen for many on this presentation!

  • Thursday, October 10 at 8:30 p.m. on OPB TV
  • Sunday, October 13 at 1:30 a.m. on OPB TV
  • Sunday, October 13 at 6:30 p.m. on OPB TV


Displaying blog entries 191-200 of 363


