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Board of County Commissioners approves Short-Term Rental regulations


Rules will affect STRs in unincorporated areas in 90 days

The Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved rules and regulations regarding short-term rentals (STRs) earlier today. The action was taken after two public hearings were held on the issue – one earlier today, and one last month.

The regulations will take effect after 90 days (Dec. 6), and only affect the unincorporated areas of Clackamas County – there will be no effect on STRs located within city limits.

The Board of County Commissioners intends to revisit these regulations in two years in order to evaluate the cost and efficacy of the program and make a determination whether to continue, amend, or discontinue the regulations.

Residents are encouraged to review the STR regulations, which were adopted as presented at this morning’s Business Meeting. Those regulations can be found online on the county’s STR webpage where future updates can be found.

Before going into effect, the county will post the registration application (for owners/operators) online.

The Board of County Commissioners was effusive in their thanks this morning to the many members of the public that provided testimony in person and over Zoom at both public hearings, as well as many more that emailed in their perspectives. Changes were made to the proposed regulations in-between the time of the first and second public hearings in response to community input. Watch today’s hearing.


Clackamas County currently has no STR regulations. These new regulations will require all STRs in unincorporated Clackamas County to register with the county. The process will be free and an in-home inspection will not be required. When registering, the property owner and/or manager will certify that the property meets safety standards and that they will abide by the STR program rules. These include, but are not limited to:

  • STR owners will continue to pay the county’s transient lodging tax (6%) 
  • The STR regulations impose a .85% user fee on the total rental amount 
  • No STR may be publicly advertised for rent unless it has been registered with Clackamas County 
  • STRs shall comply with all building and fire standards  
  • STR registration identification numbers shall be included on any advertisement or rental platform 
  • Contact information of a party responsible for the STR shall be posted at all times while paying guests are on the property, in an area and size readily visible from the nearest public roadway. (Per the draft STR rental application, that person/company must be available 24/7 and able to respond to complaints within two hours. See pages 10-11.)  
  • The number of STR occupants shall not exceed the number authorized in the registration. Fifteen occupants is the maximum.  
  • Notice shall be clearly posted in the STR that identifies and informs occupants of the county's noise control ordinance  
  • Adequate parking – one off-street motor vehicle space per sleeping area – is required. There are exceptions to this for certain areas of the Mount Hood community. 
  • Vehicles shall never block access for emergency vehicles, access to the premise, or a parked motor vehicle. These violations, or other parking performed in a manner that violates the county’s current parking and towing ordinance standards, may subject the offending vehicle to immediate tow. 
  • The proposed STR regulations do not apply to hotels, motels, bed and breakfast facilities, hostels, campgrounds, lodging and resort accommodations in commercial zones, recreational vehicle camping facilities, or organizational camps


Clackamas County encourages any residents/parties to cooperate directly to resolve conflicts arising from an STR. First attempts to remedy violations should be to contact the posted STR representative. If a person does not respond within 24 hours or does not adequately remedy the issue, the county should be notified. Further details:

  • Clackamas County reserves the right to immediately revoke registration if it determines an STR is a fire or life safety risk 
  • Clackamas County reserves the right to review pertinent financial records or visit the STR to ensure violations have been resolved at any reasonable time 
  • When noncompliance of the STR regulation is suspected, the county shall issue up to two warnings in writing 
  • An owner that operates an STR without an approved registration or while suspended shall be subject to penalties

Members of the media may contact Clackamas County Public Affairs’ Dylan Blaylock. STR owners and interested parties with questions can contact Policy Advisors Caroline Hill or Everett Wild at 503-655-8581 or [email protected].

Short Term Rentals on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

If you currently have a vacation rental in the Mt. Hood area in Government  Camp, Welches, Rhododendron or Brightwood you may be aware that Clackamas County has been studying the short term rental policies for unincorporated areas. Based on recent studies the county has sent out this email addressing the proposals for regulations:

Good morning,

After several months of public input and discussions with the Board of County Commissioners, updated draft regulations for short-term/vacation rentals in unincorporated Clackamas County are available for public review and comment.  Comments collected will be shared with County Commissioners to use as they consider adoption of these new regulations in 2020.  You can go directly to the draft regulations and the input form by using the following links.

Additional information about the draft regulations is available at  Please direct any comments or questions to Senior Planner Martha Fritzie at [email protected] or 503-742-4529.  \

You received this email because you have shown an interest in the this topic in the past.  If you would prefer not to receive any more updates on this topic, please send back an email asking to be removed from the email list.  Thank you.

Ellen Rogalin, Community Relations Specialist

Clackamas County Public & Government Affairs

Transportation & Development | Business & Community Services

503-742-4274  | 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

Office hours:  9 am – 6 pm, Monday-Friday

Here is a copy of the current draft of regulations

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