Real Estate Information Archive


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Thinking of Selling Your Mt. Hood Property?

by Liz Warren

There hasn't been a better time to sell with inventory levels at the lowest we've ever seen on the mountain! Only 41 properties are currently for sale. Here's how the national inventory looks. 

Low inventory for the Mt. Hood Area and a look at the National statistics

Mt Hood Thirteen Sales for Februray 2018

by Liz Warren

The sales for February 2018 hit thirteen closings. We saw four fixer-uppers, two Timberline Rim homes, two Government Camp condos and one Mt. Hood National Forest cabin close. Inventory under $200,000 sits at five properties at the moment. As we head into spring we are seeing a few new home entering the inventory. Nearly a third of our inventory for sale is over $400,000!

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for February 2018

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales 2018 February

Salmon Valeey Water System in Welches Oregon

by Liz Warren

If you're in the Salmon Valley Water district you may or may not be aware of a pending sale of the water system. It looks like Northwest Natural Gas Company has struck a deal with the water company in December 2017. The sale should be completed no sooner than 60 days from their agreement and must be approved by the Public Utility Commission of Oregon. It may have already happened by the time this is posted. Here is a link to their website for additional information.

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for Februaruy 2018

by Liz Warren

Recently released stats for February by RMLS show only 43 active listings for sale. Inventory is the word of the day for the mountain. This is the greatest seller's market I've seen in over 10 years. Priced right and in demand properties usually have multiple offers within a day. If you're a seller and on the fence, now is the time to have your property on the market. 


Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales February 2018

Resort at the Mountain Bell Ringing Event March 11, 2018 Welches, Oregon

Here are details right from the Clackamas County website:

Project Description: Replace the existing one-lane bridge with a new two-lane bridge. The current bridge, built in 1958, is reaching the end of its functional life and is weight-limited.  The 18-month construction  project includes building a temporary detour bridge, removing the old bridge, building the new bridge and then removing the detour bridge.

Things to be aware of:

  • Trees are being removed early to avoid any conflicts with nesting birds.
  • Work in the water is limited by law to strict time periods (known as the “in-water work window”), generally 6 weeks during the summer
  • There may be delays of up to 20 minutes, but no complete closure is scheduled.  If there is a need for a closure of longer than 20 minutes, area residents will be notified at least 24 hours in advance and accommodations will be made for emergency vehicles, as needed.


  • $2.9 million -- Federal Highway Administration Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program
  • $330,000 -- County Road Fund

You may be interested to know:

  • The bridge is a critical life line for residents, as this is the sole access to several homes
  • The bridge is considered structurally deficient and functionally obsolete.
  • The bridge has three spans (100-foot steel pony truss and two timber approach spans).

More details: Visit

Displaying blog entries 1-6 of 6


