Real Estate Information Archive


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Holiday Tree Cutting on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

A holiday tradition on Mt. Hood is to trek out into the forest and make an adventure of finding and cutting your holiday tree.  For only $5.00, a permit will allow you to cut a holiday tree up to 12 feet high. There are permits for trees taller than 12 feet at an additional cost. Limit is 5 trees per household. 

    Clackamas River and Zigzag Ranger Districts Christmas Tree Permit Requirements

Permits may be purchased at Ranger Stations or at the following local stores in Sandy and Welches.


   ACE Heritage Hardware, 39181 Pioneer Boulevard, Sandy, OR. 503-668-8731

        Open Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

        Hoodland Thriftway, 68280 East Highway 26, Welches, OR. 503-622-3244

Open Daily: 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Thanksgiving Travelers Be Prepared for Snow!

by Liz Warren

There's a nip in the air and the hot chocolate is going out the door on Mt. Hood in preparation for lots of snow coming our way. Direct from KOIN News weather you can see the accumulations at each elevation. Government Camp is at 4,416 feet so expect over two feet at that location! The bottom of the hill at Kiwanis Camp Road (Forest Service Road 39) off Highway 26 is about 3,200 feet. 

Skiers and boarders are getting excited for area openings! Check the links below to see status of your favorite area. They may be opening as soon as Friday!

Snow forecast for Mt. Hood over Thanksgiving

Mt. Hood Meadows


Ski Bowl

October Mountain Sales Hit 18 for 2016

by Liz Warren

The numbers are still up for October 2016 sales on Mt. Hood. Despite huge obstacles in appraisal delays, which are causing many closings to take 60-90 days, more than likely these sales started in August and were just now coming to completion! 

Sales were scattered throughout all property types and areas. A couple of leased land cabins closed, two Mt. Hood RV Village units closed (Mobile homes with rental spaces), a couple of Timberline Rim and Twinberry Loop homes, plus three Government Camp properties including two chalets over $500,000 and one Collins Lake Condo unit. Buyers are still taking a great advantage of low interest rates that are starting to creep upwards. 

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for October 2016

Mt. Hood Reall Estate Sales for October 2016

Mt. Hood Real estate sales for October 2016

Appraiser Shortage Rocks Real Estate Sales on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

Getting a mortgage these days is filled with massive amounts of documentation, strict regulations red tape and on top of that a huge shortage of appraisers in the Northwest. The further away from urban centers the more delays you will face! What once was a thirty to forty five day process is now becoming a sixty to ninety day process. Not only is the Mt. Hood area, only one hour from Portland, facing extended closings, if you're in Southern Oregon or at the coast you need to count on a ninety day closing.

I've had three transactions assigned to appraisers coming from the Bend area to get the work done for the loan! Portland's mass influx of new residents has shaken the mortgage process and most appraisers are looking for the short drive near PDX vs. the hour East to service Rhododendron, Welches and Brightwood and Government Camp. It's not just the Northwest though, appraisals are affecting all other areas of the country too. Part of the problem is the amount of education and training it takes to become an appraiser. The bar for entry is too high! Current costs of appraisals on the mountain run $600.00 plus. Many I've seen have reached the $700-$750 range. Add on the expedited appraisal fee and we are talking $900 plus.

The impact of the appraisal issue hits both buyers and sellers.

*Delayed closings are rampant!

*Buyers loose their lock on interest rates. 

*Try to plan a move without knowing when the appraiser will take place.

*Excessive fees to buyers to "expedite" their appraisal.

Here are  few articles I found online that discuss some of the issues and resolutions. Bottom line: if you want your house to close by June 1st and move into your new home by the beginning of summer, I suggest you get under contract by March to get that accomplished which changes the mind set of most buyers and sellers in the process. Currently we don't see any resolution to the problem in the near future so it's best to plan ahead. 

Southern Oregon Appraisal Delays

Only eight appraisers in Clatsop County: Astoria, Oregon

The system is broken: Bend, Oregon

Appraisal fees in Portland


Mt. Hood Inspiration for Monday

by Liz Warren


"There's nothing as constant as change."
Feel on edge? Not sure what to expect next? Nerves frayed? Feeling overwhelmed by today's complex world situation? How is it that some people are calm, fearless, and content, while others are frightful, worried, overwhelmed, and uncertain about the future?
In the 1950's there were only three models of Chevrolet, about four dry cereals, two or three types of soap, etc. Mom went grocery shopping weekly. There were no shopping malls, computers, cell phones, portable CD players (or CD's), 401(k)s, Internet, or co-ed dorms. Life was simple and calm - and revolved around the family. Technology didn't dominate daily life.
Today, our choices have expanded exponentially. There are hundreds of vehicle models, 50 different cereals on the shelf, software for every occasion, hundreds of cable channels, and millions of pages on the World Wide Web. Think that might clog your thinking just a little? Want to get back to simplicity, peace, and security?
Try a few of the following suggestions. Begin limiting your choices. Spend less than you earn. Limit trips to the store. Spend the evening at home - with your family - with the TV OFF. Go directly home after work. Identify your principles - and live them. Count your blessings daily by entering them in a journal. Read. Treat yourself to a hot bath.
Think of your life as an extension cord with too many appliances plugged-in. Each vies for the limited energy you have available until a short-circuit or fire occurs. Start unplugging all those peripherals now, and you'll notice your life-light begin to shine.


Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for October

by Liz Warren

As we head into fall, the past month of October was still packed full of pending sales and 20 completed sales, probably finishing up summer contracts that have been going through the mortgage process. I'm warning buyers and sellers that some transactions are taking 2 to 3 months to close due to extensive appraisal waiting times. 

October saw higher sale prices making the average sale price $326,700 for the month. Closed sales for the year so far has hit 171! With only 60 active listings the inventory is thinning quickly with continued high demand and low supply. Interest rates are inching up after the election results so any first time home buyers should make their move now!


Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales and Listings for October 2016

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