Real Estate Information Archive


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Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"There's nothing as constant as change."
~ Unknown


Feel on edge? Not sure what to expect next? Nerves frayed? Feeling overwhelmed by today's complex world situation? How is it that some people are calm, fearless, and content, while others are frightful, worried, overwhelmed, and uncertain about the future?

In the 1950's there were only three models of Chevrolet, about four dry cereals, two or three types of soap, etc. Mom went grocery shopping weekly. There were no shopping malls, computers, cell phones, portable CD players (or CD's), 401(k)s, Internet, or co-ed dorms. Life was simple and calm - and revolved around the family. Technology didn't dominate daily life.

Today, our choices have expanded exponentially. There are hundreds of vehicle models, 50 different cereals on the shelf, software for every occasion, hundreds of cable channels, and millions of pages on the World Wide Web. Think that might clog your thinking just a little? Want to get back to simplicity, peace, and security?

Try a few of the following suggestions. Begin limiting your choices. Spend less than you earn. Limit trips to the store. Spend the evening at home - with your family - with the television OFF. Go directly home after work. Identify your principles - and live them. Count your blessings daily by entering them in a journal. Read. Treat yourself to a hot bath.

Think of your life as an extension cord with too many appliances plugged-in. Each vies for the limited energy you have available until a short-circuit or fire occurs. Start unplugging all those peripherals now, and you'll notice your life-light begin to shine.

Mt. Hood Christmas Tree Cutting

by Liz Warren

It's that time of year again and a great family outing that many enjoy is the yearly trek to the Mt. Hood National Forest to cut your own Christmas Tree. Snow levels are fairly high this year so access will be good for a while to find that perfect tree. Permits are for up to a 12 foot tree! A permit can be found for $5.00 at the following locations:

On the Mountain:

Zigzag Ranger District, 70220 E. HWY 26, Zig Zag, OR. 503-622-3191.
Monday thru Friday 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM (closed from Noon to 1:00 for lunch).
Saturdays, November 28, December 5, 12 and 19 from 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM (closed from Noon to 1:00 for lunch)
Sundays, December 6, 14 and 20 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

In Sandy:

Mt Hood National Forest Headquarters, 16400 Champion Way, Sandy, OR (SE 362 and HWY 26) 503-668-1700 Monday thru Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM (closed 11:30 to 12:30 for lunch)

Instrutions will be given at the time the permit is obtained. Enjoy your mountain time!

Foreclosure Facts From Mortgage Bankers Association

by Liz Warren

Here are some recent numbers from the Mortgage Bankers Association.

1 in 7 loans are delinquent right now.

1 in 22 families in the US. are in the process of loosing their homes right now. (last year 1 in 34)

There will be 2.9 million foreclosure starts this year based upon these numbers.

This info comes from the Center for Responsible Lending. This is a great website that has information on credit cards, fees, lending and money matters.




Mt. Hood Area Short Sales

by Liz Warren

If you are currently living on the mountain in Rhododendron, Welches, Government Camp or Brightwoodand are considering a short sale, what should you do first as a seller? If it were me I'd pick up the phone and call either my tax preparer/cpa or a good attorney.

First you need to know your credit will be dinged for several years with a short sale. Beyond that, there are the two things you need to be aware of:

1. A seller can be pursued by the lender, after the sale of the home, for the repayment of debt, that is unless your paperwork from the lender specifically says the debt is forgiven. Many lenders will have you sign a promissory note to repay the debt or some other paper saying they can pursue that debt after the sale.

2. The lender then sends a document to the Feds triggering the IRS. They may require you to pay tax on the unpaid debt. The tax bill cometh. You will need to keep your paperwork from the lender showing that you signed a promissory note or other paperwork saying the debt can be pursued to avoid paying those taxes on the debt.

TALK to your accountant or advisor to be sure you are doing the right thing!

Be sure to take these two items into consideration when considering a short sale. You don't want any surprises!


Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless'd;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes."
- William Shakespeare


Remember when you were a teenager leaving the house on a date? Your parents' last words as you went out the door were, "We'll leave the light on for you". Think about that. So what if they did or didn't leave the light on? Their words were really more of a verbal hug. They cared about you - wanted you to know it - and applied the hug with kind words.

With Thanksgiving in just a few days, why not take the time to "leave the light on" for someone who may not get many hugs? There's still time, and it's easy.

First, learn who needs hugs. Check with your local fire, police, or sheriff's department. Ask whether they know of three or four families or individuals who could use a hug. Ask also whether they would consider delivering your hugs at the appropriate time. Two groups stand out as needy - the elderly and families with small children. Of course, we're talking about individuals who are experiencing difficult circumstances in their lives, be they physical or financial.

Next, consider what type of hugs you have to offer. Perhaps you might prepare three or four Thanksgiving turkeys with all the trimmings. Live in the country where people heat their homes with a wood stove? Deliver firewood. Live in a cold climate? Add some warm socks or a sweater to your dinner box. It's really not that difficult to come up with ideas that would make a difference to your chosen recipients. If you aren't able to provide "things," consider visiting with some nursing home residents. Brighten their day by listening for a while.

It goes without saying that our country is truly blessed. Although practically invisible to most of us, however, there are some individuals who are being challenged. They need a hug, and we can brighten their lives by way of simple gestures. Make a family project out of it - involve your kids. Do it anonymously. Afterwards, when you get home, we'll leave the light on for you!

Government Camp Sales

by Liz Warren

The last four months of sales activity has been a bit on the slow side. Despite a nice sized inventory for sale, prices need to come down a bit to get this inventory moving. Here are the three sales. The second sale was a foreclosure and the last sale was a property that had been on the market for four years!


Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"You will be what you will to be."
~ James Allen


You say to yourself, "I think I'll go shopping," - and you do. You say, "I think I'll buy that new CD," - and you do. You say, "I think I'll put it on my credit card," - and you do.

James Allen lived from 1864 until 1912. As was popular in the early 1900's, he wrote a series of short essays known as pamphlets. The best known, "As A Man Thinketh," was his most famous work. In it, he provided timeless inspiration on the value of thought as it motivates us to action.

In his pamphlet, Allen states that, "All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts." Speaking of mankind, he continues with, "They themselves are makers of themselves." Thought precedes all action; thus, he reasons that by controlling our thoughts, we also control our destiny.

Notice in the first paragraph above that the "I think" part always seems to lead to the action of "doing." Rarely do we hop in the car, drive aimlessly around, accidentally arrive at a music store, plunk down our credit card, and then say to ourself, "I think I'll go shopping."

If we are the sole controller of our thoughts, it stands to reason that we can also control our actions - and our outcomes in life. Our mind and our thoughts are the seedbed of our futures. What a novel thought. Plant some great thoughts in your mind. Do it today!

Not Such Good News for Lease Fees

by Liz Warren

Ok, I thought we had good news on the National Forest Lease Fees for next year but it wasn't as good as I had thought it would be. The cap of a 25% increase is mainly directed at other forests where they are facing astronomical lease increases. Basically, it does not affect our Mt. Hood National Forest cabins.

Here is information explaining the C2's latest political events.

Mt. Hood Area October 2009 Sales

by Liz Warren

The Portland Metro RMLS has just released the market stats for October 2009. Our area from Rhododendron, Government Camp, Brightwood and Welches saw a total of nine sales close this month. This brings total mountain sales up to a total of 77!

Mixed Bag of Mt. Hood Sales in October

by Liz Warren

October sales were a mixed bag of sales. Two foreclosures closed and two forest service cabins on leased land. A big surprise were the upper end properties which closed this month. After a major drought and tightening of financing over the past year a few came to fruition. One of these properties had been for sale nearly FOUR years.

Government Camp totaled three sales as folks were gearing up for this winter of skiing! The number of second homes selling this month show improving economic conditions!

Here are the sales for October

Displaying blog entries 1-10 of 14


