Real Estate Information Archive


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Homeownership the American Dream

by Liz Warren


Forest Service News Release
Celebrate Safely this Independence Day
Summer has finally arrived, and Mt. Hood National Forest officials remind all those headed to public lands this Fourth of July weekend to take precautions to prevent wildfires and natural resource damage. While there are currently no campfire restrictions on Mt. Hood National Forest, campers and picnickers are encouraged to always plan carefully before starting a campfire.
Fireworks and explosives are never allowed on national forests, regardless of weather or conditions. Possessing, discharging, or using any kind of firework or other pyrotechnic device is prohibited; this includes smaller consumer fireworks such as sparklers, firecrackers, bottle rockets, and smoke balls. Violators can be subject to a maximum penalty of a $5,000 fine and/or up to six months in jail (36 CFR 261.52). Fireworks are also prohibited on other public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and Oregon State Parks, as well as most county and city parks.
Abandoned or unattended campfires are the number one source of wildfires on public lands. If you are planning to have a campfire, please remember:
  • Keep your campfire small and away from flammable material.
  • Use a designated campfire ring when available.
  • Keep water and shovel nearby, and never leave a campfire unattended.
  • Completely extinguish your campfire by drowning your fire with water and stirring with a shovel.
  • Make sure your campfire is cold to the touch before leaving it – if it’s too hot to touch, it’s too hot to leave.
  • Portable fire pits and propane-fueled stoves with an “off” switch are a good alternative to campfires as they can be extinguished quickly.
More information about recreation sites, seasonal road closures, and areas impacted by wildfire damage is available on our website:
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
Mt. Hood National Forest

Zig Zag Riverfront 1922 Cabin

by Liz Warren

Zig Zag Riverfront Cabin Built in 1922

     Stone Fireplace in Zig Zag Riverfront Cabin        Mt. Hood Cabin Primary Bedroom

Here's a great mountain getaway. Located in the Mt. Hood National Forest and only 10 minutes to skiing. You can forget the long lines of traffic trying to get to the slopes on the weekend. This charmer has a lot to offer. Two bedrooms, stone fireplace, comfortable great room with pellet stove and paned windows to enjoy the forest. Huge decks for barbecues too. $299,000

Bear Issues on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

It appears there are increasing problems not only in the Mt. Hood area but in Hood River also. This information recently appeared concerning bears in the Hood River area and some tips from ODFW

Oregon Fish and Wildlife ODFW responds to garbage bear problems in Hood River area; Residents reminded it is against the law to feed wildlife in Oregon Black bears June 24, 2022 HOOD RIVER, Ore. – ODFW is urging residents in the Hood River area and other towns along the Cascades to take steps to prevent bear problems. The bears have torn down bird feeders, gotten into trash cans and a smoker, damaged fences and dug up gardens. The bears have been repeatedly seen around homes during the day and appear undeterred by efforts to haze them such as setting off car alarms or using other noise-making techniques. "Black bears are moving through neighborhoods in the Hood River area looking for a free meal," said Jeremy Thompson, ODFW district wildlife biologist based in The Dalles. "Garbage cans left unsecured and bird feeders are the main attractants that we’ve seen this spring." Once a bear gains access to human food or garbage and becomes habituated it can lose its natural fear of humans, which can lead to a variety of safety problems for both people and bears.

ODFW will not relocate bears it considers habituated, because these bears simply return or repeat the behavior elsewhere. "It’s unfortunate to have to put down a bear that is a public safety risk simply because it got easy access to food from people," added Thompson. It is illegal to either directly or indirectly feed bears (ORS 496.730) and can result in a criminal citation (Class A misdemeanor) by Oregon State Police.

Some basic safety tips include: Never feed bears. Store garbage cans in a garage or shed or purchase bear-resistant garbage cans if possible. Put garbage cans out just before pick-up. Keep pet food inside. Remove bird feeders. Keep BBQ grills and smokers clean or in garage. Clean up fruit under fruit trees. Keep all food stored outdoors (patio refrigerators, etc.) locked As bears are in the area,

ODFW also shares advice for what to do if you encounter a bear: STOP: Never approach a bear at any time for any reason. If you see bear cubs, leave the area. GIVE IT SPACE: Give any bear you encounter a way to escape. STAY CALM: Do not run or make sudden movements. Face the bear and slowly back away. AVOID EYE CONTACT: Don't make eye contact with the bear. DON'T RUN: It may encourage the bear to chase you. FIGHT BACK: In the unlikely event you are attacked, fight back, shout, be aggressive, use rocks, sticks and hands.

Todays Housing Market Isn't in a Bubble on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

Two Reasons Why Today’s Housing Market Isn’t a Bubble on Mt. Hood

Two Reasons Why Today’s Housing Market Isn’t a Bubble | MyKCM

You may be reading headlines and hearing talk about a potential housing bubble or a crash, but it’s important to understand that the data and expert opinions tell a different story. A recent survey from Pulsenomics asked over one hundred housing market experts and real estate economists if they believe the housing market is in a bubble. The results indicate most experts don’t think that’s the case (see graph below):

Two Reasons Why Today’s Housing Market Isn’t a Bubble | MyKCMAs the graph shows, a strong majority (60%) said the real estate market is not currently in a bubble. In the same survey, experts give the following reasons why this isn’t like 2008:

  • The recent growth in home prices is because of demographics and low inventory
  • Credit risks are low because underwriting and lending standards are sound

If you’re concerned a crash may be coming, here’s a deep dive into those two key factors that should help ease your concerns.

1. Low Housing Inventory Is Causing Home Prices To Rise

The supply of homes available for sale needed to sustain a normal real estate market is approximately six months. Anything more than that is an overabundance and will causes prices to depreciate. Anything less than that is a shortage and will lead to continued price appreciation.

As the graph below shows, there were too many homes for sale from 2007 to 2010 (many of which were short sales and foreclosures), and that caused prices to tumble. Today, there’s still a shortage of inventory, which is causing ongoing home price appreciation (see graph below):

Two Reasons Why Today’s Housing Market Isn’t a Bubble | MyKCMInventory is nothing like the last time. Prices are rising because there’s a healthy demand for homeownership at the same time there’s a limited supply of homes for sale. Odeta Kushi, Deputy Chief Economist at First American, explains:

“The fundamentals driving house price growth in the U.S. remain intact. . . . The demand for homes continues to exceed the supply of homes for sale, which is keeping house price growth high.”

2. Mortgage Lending Standards Today Are Nothing Like the Last Time

During the housing bubble, it was much easier to get a mortgage than it is today. Here’s a graph showing the mortgage volume issued to purchasers with a credit score less than 620 during the housing boom, and the subsequent volume in the years after:

Two Reasons Why Today’s Housing Market Isn’t a Bubble | MyKCMThis graph helps show one element of why mortgage standards are nothing like they were the last time. Purchasers who acquired a mortgage over the last decade are much more qualified than they were in the years leading up to the crash. notes:

. . . Lenders are giving mortgages only to the most qualified borrowers. These buyers are less likely to wind up in foreclosure.”

Bottom Line

A majority of experts agree we’re not in a housing bubble. That’s because home price growth is backed by strong housing market fundamentals and lending standards are much tighter today. If you have questions, let’s connect to discuss why today’s housing market is nothing like 2008.

Home Equity Gains on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

The Average Homeowner Gained $64K in Equity over the Past Year

The Average Homeowner Gained $64K in Equity over the Past Year | MyKCM

If you own a home, your net worth likely just got a big boost thanks to rising home equity. Equity is the current value of your home minus what you owe on the loan. And today, based on recent home price appreciation, you’re building that equity far faster than you may expect – here’s how it works.

Because there’s an ongoing imbalance between the number of homes available for sale and the number of buyers looking to make a purchase, home prices are on the rise. That means your home is worth more in today’s market because it’s in high demand. As Patrick Dodd, President and CEO of CoreLogicexplains:

“Price growth is the key ingredient for the creation of home equity wealth. . . . This has led to the largest one-year gain in average home equity wealth for owners. . . .”

Basically, because your home value has likely climbed so much, your equity has increased too. According to the latest Homeowner Equity Insights from CoreLogicthe average homeowner’s equity has grown by $64,000 over the last 12 months.

While that’s the nationwide number, if you want to know what’s happening in your area, look at the map below. It breaks down the average year-over-year equity growth for each state using the data from CoreLogic.

The Average Homeowner Gained $64K in Equity over the Past Year | MyKCM

The Opportunity Your Rising Home Equity Provides

In addition to building your overall net worth, equity can also help you achieve other goals like buying your next home. When you sell your current house, the equity you built up comes back to you in the sale. In a market where homeowners are gaining so much equity, it may be just what you need to cover a large portion – if not all – of the down payment on your next home.

So, if you’ve been holding off on selling or you’re worried about being priced out of your next home because of today’s ongoing home price appreciation, rest assured your equity can help fuel your move.

Bottom Line

If you’re planning to make a move, the equity you’ve gained can make a big impact. To find out just how much equity you have in your current home and how you can use it to fuel your next purchase, let’s connect so you can get a professional equity assessment report on your house.

We're Up to 23 Listings on Mt. Hood!

by Liz Warren

More Listings coming to Mt. Hood real estate market

Is the Housing Market Correcting on Mt. Hood?

by Liz Warren

Is the Housing Market Correcting on Mt. Hood?

Is the Housing Market Correcting? | MyKCM

If you're following the news, all of the headlines about conditions in the current housing market may leave you with more questions than answers. Is the boom over? Is the market crashing or correcting? Here’s what you need to know.

The housing market is moderating compared to the last two years, but what everyone needs to remember is that the past two years were record-breaking in nearly every way. Record-low mortgage rates and millennials reaching peak homebuying years led to an influx of buyer demand. At the same time, there weren’t enough homes available to purchase thanks to many years of underbuilding and sellers who held off on listing their homes due to the health crisis.

This combination led to record-high demand and record-low supply, and that wasn’t going to be sustainable for the long term. The latest data shows early signs of a shift back to the market pace seen in the years leading up to the pandemic – not a crash nor a correction. As says:

The housing market is at a turning point. . . . We’re starting to see signs of a new direction, . . .”

Home Showings Then and Now

The ShowingTime Showing Index tracks the traffic of home showings according to agents and brokers. It’s a good indication of buyer demand. Here’s a look at that data going back to 2019 (see graph below):

Is the Housing Market Correcting? | MyKCM

The 2019 numbers give a good baseline of pre-pandemic demand (shown in gray). As the graph indicates, home showings skyrocketed during the pandemic (shown in blue). And while current buyer demand has begun to moderate slightly based on the latest data (shown in green), showings are still above 2019 levels.

And since 2019 was such a strong year for the housing market, this helps show that the market isn’t crashing – it’s just at a turning point that’s moving back toward more pre-pandemic levels.

Existing Home Sales Then and Now

Headlines are also talking about how existing home sales are declining, but perspective matters. Here’s a look at existing home sales going all the way back to 2019 using data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) (see graph below):

Is the Housing Market Correcting? | MyKCM

Again, a similar story emerges. The pandemic numbers (shown in blue) beat the more typical year of 2019 home sales (shown in gray). And according to the latest projections for 2022 (shown in green), the market is on pace to close this year with more home sales than 2019 as well.

It’s important to compare today not to the abnormal pandemic years, but to the most recent normal year to show the current housing market is still strong. First American sums it up like this:

“. . . today’s housing market looks a lot like the 2019 housing market, which was the strongest housing market in a decade at the time.”

Bottom Line

If recent headlines are generating any concerns, look at a more typical year for perspective. The current market is not a crash or correction. It’s just a turning point toward more typical, pre-pandemic levels. Let’s connect if you have any questions about our local market and what it means for you when you buy or sell this year.


Wildfire Tips for Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

If you're looking for some good Mt. Hood Wildfire tips, this is a great site to visit and review for preparation:

Wildfire Tips for Mt. Hood

Displaying blog entries 171-180 of 473


