Real Estate Information Archive


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You’re invited to Flood of Information IV: Preparing for Winter on the Sandy River. 
Saturday, October 24, 2015
9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Resort at the Mountain, Lolo Pass Room 

This free event is open to all Clackamas County residents, property owners and businesses interested in learning how to prepare for winter weather conditions and emergencies on Mt. Hood and surrounding flood-prone areas.

Workshops will include information on ways to minimize risk, featuring experts from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Western Federal Lands Highway Division, State Lands, National Weather Service, and Clackamas County’s departments of Emergency Management, Planning, Transportation & Development, Water Environment Services, and Resource Conservation & Solid Waste.

This year’s event also features two special sessions:

  1. A presentation of the results of the recently completed Sandy River Erosion Study documenting risks, channel migration and hazards from the river and potential future floods (9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.)
  2. A Public Open House where attendees will have the opportunity to speak with experts about long-term access options for the areas served by Lolo Pass Road and to comment on the draft Lolo Pass Road Access Alternatives Analysis (10:30 a.m. to noon).

Historic and current information concerning the volatility and dangers associated with the Sandy River will be available, including stories and videos of past flood events, the recent Erosion Study, East Barlow Trail Road work planned for 2016, the latest on flood insurance, maps, and much more. There will also be refreshments and door prizes.

The Flood of Information series is sponsored by Clackamas County, Villages at Mt. Hood, Hoodland Fire District, and the Sandy River Basin Watershed Council.

For more information about the event, contact Jay Wilson with Clackamas County Emergency Management at (503) 723-4848.

Learn more about the Lolo Pass Road Access Alternatives Analysis.

Clackamas County is having a public hearing for Planning File ZDO-254, Marijuana-Related Land Uses

Planning Commission: Mon, Oct. 26, 2015 at 6:00 PM. , Abernathy Center, 606 15th St. Oregon City,

Board of County Commissioners, Mon. Nov. 23, 2015 9:30 AM. Public Services Bldg. 4th Floor, 2051 Kaen Rd. Oregon City

Residents in the Mt. Hood area received this notice by mail with the following statements to be included in the notice:

Clackamas County has determined that adoption of Planning File ZDO-254 may affect the permissible uses of your property and other properties in the affected zones, and may change the value of your property. 

Underneath that statement on the postcard ,this statement follows: However, Clackamas County has not determined that this action will change the value of any property. 

Well, whether it will or not, it is certainly implied values of properties could change with these two statements so as a property owner in Clackamas County we all should be paying a lot of attention to what the county is putting out to the public about our property values.

Here is a link to the Clackamas County website that explains more about the hearings and changes that may be coming. 

Hood to Coast Friday and Saturday!

by Liz Warren

It's Friday on the mountain and the van loads of runners are hitting the road with runners from all over the country and world to participate in the 34th Hood To Coast relay race. It starts at Timberline Lodge and ending at Seaside! This world renown race has been one of the biggest mountain events for August and brings a multitude of guests that visit our area. Most locals prefer to stay off Hiway 26 as distracted drivers and runners make for a more dangerous drive for miles. 

The race is notorious for slowing down traffic especially in the afternoon. Watch out for runners if you're in the area!

Mt. Hood Villages Meeting

by Liz Warren

     Mt. Hood Villages Meeting

New Hoodland Public Library Open House on Welches Road

by Liz Warren

Welches Oregon Library Open House on Mt. Hood

Villages at Mt. Hood Public Meeting

by Liz Warren

The Villages at Mt. Hood Board of Directors will sponsor a public meeting to gather constructive information that will help the Mt. Hood Transportation Alliance and Clackamas County enhance the Mt. Hood Express Bus Service. We are making a very strong effort to reach out for public input, and would like your valuable input as it pertains to the Mt. Hood Express, and the service it provides to our mountain communities.


Please plan to attend Monday night’s meeting at 7:00 p.m.; Mt. Hood Lion’s Club; Welches, Oregon. Our vision and goals are as follows:




Enhance and sustain a transit system for the Mt. Hood and Columbia Gorge region that provides local circulation and seamless regional connections to meet current and future transportation needs of local residents and visitors to the region.


Goal 1: Develop financial sustainability for regional transit service.


Goal 2: Expand year-round travel options to enhance mobility and access to recreation areas and rural communities.


Goal 3: Improve transit service to relieve traffic and parking congestion and enhance safety in the Mt. Hood Corridors.


Goal 4: Continue to integrate schedules with regional transit services.


Mount Hood Transit Implementation Plan


Visitors travel from around the world to enjoy Mt. Hood and the surrounding forest. Most of the travel to this area by visitors is currently by private cars. The Mt. Hood Express provides bus service for communities along Highway 26, running from the City of Sandy, east to Government Camp and Timberline Lodge. This bus service provides an important connection for residents along the Highway 26 Corridor to get to work at business along the corridor or at the ski resorts, as well as access to other needed services. Clackamas County has contracted with LSC to develop a Transit Implementation Plan for the Mt. Hood Express. This plan will look at existing and future transportation needs and develop specific recommendations for service improvements and long-term funding to sustain the service.


Multiple opportunities will be provided for community input including public meetings, a resident and visitor survey questionnaire, and posting interim reports on this website.


The First community meetings will be held on the following dates at the locations listed:


July 20th - 7:00 p.m.

Mt. Hood Lions Club

24730 E. Woodsey Way

Welches, OR 97067


July 22nd - 7:00 p.m.

Mt Hood National Forest Headquarters

16400 Champion Way

Sandy, OR 97055


For more information, please see the flyer below (Adobe Acrobat - PDF - format):


If you are a resident, part-time resident, or visitor of the Mt. Hood area, please take a moment to fill out the survey below:


George C. Wilson


Villages at Mt. Hood BOD



Mt. Hood Express Community Meeting

by Liz Warren

Mt. Hood Express bus service to hold community meetings in July

 The Mt. Hood Express bus service invites the public to attend community meetings in Sandy, Welches and Government Camp to share ideas, concerns or to learn more about the Mount Hood Transit Implementation Plan.

 Residents and visitors to the Mount Hood area are encouraged to attend one of these meetings, all held in July, and help shape the Mt. Hood Express public transportation system.

 “These public meetings are important to make sure that our transit plan considers the ideas and concerns of the public, both current and future riders,” said Jacques Livingston, Administrative Analyst with the Mt. Hood Express.

 The Mt. Hood Express bus service runs along U.S. Highway 26 between the city of Sandy and the Government Camp/Timberline areas. The service has recently expanded to seven daily trips during winter months and six daily trips the rest of the year. Additional service enhancements, including ski equipment boxes and bike trailers, provide a unique opportunity for recreational passengers visiting the region. The service is a much-needed transportation option for local residents to travel for employment, medical appointments and vital services.

 Meeting locations and times are as follows:

 Government Camp meeting

Saturday, July 18, 7 p.m.

Mt. Hood Cultural Center & Museum

88900 Government Camp Loop

 Welches meeting

Monday, July 20, 7 p.m.

Mount Hood Lions Club

24730 E. Woodsey Way

 Sandy meeting

Wednesday, July 22, 7 p.m.

Mt. Hood National Forest Headquarters

16400 Champion Way

 More information on the Mt. Hood Express is available at More information on the Mount Hood Transit Implementation Plan may be found at

 For more information, members of the media or public may contact Administrative Analyst Jacques Livingston at [email protected] or 503-650-5758


From: Dylan Blaylock, Clackamas County Public and Government Affairs, 503-742-5917




Sandy Mountain Festival 2015

by Liz Warren


JULY 11th and12th!

One of the Mt. Hood areas mountain favorite events during summer is the Sandy Mountain Festival. This year marks the 43rd year of this summer festival. The local parade starts at 7:00 pm on July 9th. Horses, cars, floats, marchers, music and the 5 generation Sandy court . Plus Bear and Mountain Man will all be there too! 

Booths filled with crafts and food will open this weekend from 10-8 on Saturday and 10-6 on Sunday. Carnival rides for kids is a big feature too. The festival has live music and delicious food  at Meining Park. Over 120 local artists are participating during the festival from painters, jewelers, potters and more! 

This is a great fund raising event for this weekend!

                         SANDY MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL DETAILS

Mt. Hood National Forest Homeowner's Meeting

The Bite of Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

The Bite, held at the Resort at the Mountain in Welches, is one of the premier fund raising events for  the Mt. Hood Chamber of Commerce TODAY! April 11  from 5 PM through 9 PM. Hit the bite below for more details on great food, good music, art work and more including a silent and oral auction to help raise money for the area! A portion of the proceeds benefit the work of local school programs or organizations.  Fantastic local food, great music, tons of local art plus friends and neighbors to enjoy!

The Bite of Mt. Hood for 2015

Displaying blog entries 161-170 of 363


