Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 1471-1480 of 1905

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."
- James B. Cabell


"The glass is half-full." "The glass is half-empty." "Looks like a beautiful day!" "I think it's going to rain." "I'm happy." "I'm depressed." "I'm an optimist!" "How can you be an optimist with things the way they are?"

OK, we all know the difference between an optimist and a pessimist - right? In some of Steven Covey's material, he states that "no one knows enough to be a pessimist." Pessimism, more often than not, is generated by inner fears, most likely fears "of the unknown." Hence, "No one knows enough to be a pessimist."

Consider the child about to learn the art of riding a bike. "I know I'm going to fall," proclaims the child - just before taking a skinned knee. After a week of practice, is the child still fearful? Once bike riding becomes second nature, i.e. once the child "knows" enough about bike riding, the fear (a.k.a. pessimism) disappears.

Just as the child's pessimism ("I'm going to fall...") precedes the skinned knee, our other pessimistic thoughts may precede our worst fears. By substituting a positive thought for a negative one, therefore, is it not possible that the action that follows might also be positive?

Add to that positive thought an extra measure of learning and knowledge, and it's highly unlikely there will continue to be room for either the pessimism or the subsequent negative action. From one optimist to another, heed this advice: "Don't worry - be happy!"

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Whoever gossips to you will gossip of you."
- Spanish Proverb


You know the type - there's a gossip in everyone's life. It may be a friend, an acquaintance, or a total stranger. Regardless, it is the person who shares with you any amount of information about another, either about what they have accomplished, or more often, what they have not.

Why does a gossip perform his or her service so readily? Self-aggrandizement is often the culprit. Knowing such valuable information about another as to be able to share it, reasons the gossip, reflects favorably on the provider of such knowledge. In fact, however, gossiping is nothing more than the act of judging others.

When a friend passes judgment on another, might it be that, in your absence, they also pass judgment on you? In most cases that is true. Thus, one measure of another's character might be the presence or absence of such a tendency.

Steven Covey (of "Seven Habits..." fame) offers a solution when he says, "If you do not judge others, they will not judge you." In other words, if you are of such character as to never discuss the merits or actions of others, unless they are favorable, it is highly likely that others will reciprocate in kind. If someone makes a negative comment about another, Covey suggests that your reply might be, "That's interesting. He has always spoken very highly of YOU."

Many wise men, in many languages, over many centuries, have repeated and paraphrased the maxim "Judge not, that ye be not judged." It's easy to neutralize the gossip's sting by practicing such clear advice

Mt. Hood Foreclosures

by Liz Warren

Listed below are the latest Foreclosed Properties on the mountain from Government Camp, Brightwood, Welches and Rhododendron.

There are bargains to be had in this group!

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales

by Liz Warren


February sales in the Mt. Hood area brought three waterfront properties, one Government Camp sale, one leased land sale, three subdivision sales (two Timberline Rim homes and one Zig Zag Village) and one foreclosure. Reviewing county records, there are more foreclosures on the way.

Second home sales are dominating this month with the highest sale amount hitting $335,000. Activity for waterfront homes and cabins seem to dominate current showing activity for Rhododendron, Brightwood and Welches.

March sales to date are currently hittinga total of five but four out of the five closed sales are under $100,000.

Custom 2007 Chalet on over an Acre!

by Liz Warren

This is a stunning mountain chalet tucked away in the woods on 1.28 acres and boardering BLM land! High vaulted pine ceilings and floor to ceiling windows dominate the great room which is perfect for family gatherings or piles of friends. Sit on your sunny deck, listen to the Sandy River and watch the deer and wildlife stroll by.

All the bells and whistles in this home including Vermont Casting wood stove, stainless steel appliances, jetted tub in master bedroom surrounded by tile, hickory cabinets in the kitchen and the list goes on.

$330,000 take a tour of this great buy below!

Play VisualTour

Mt. Hood Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us."
- Marcel Proust

ON MY HONOR . . . !

The Boy Scouts have long espoused the same set of principles. It goes like this: "A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent." How simple life could be if we all practiced just that short list. Each in itself denotes a wonderful trait. When put into action, all can make the world a better place.

So, what happens between the age of scouting and age 30, 50, or 75? How is it that we turn from being a friendly 12-year-old to a suspicious, stand-offish adult? How do we turn the corner from being obedient to our elders to challenging the authority of our employers or government? Why won't we open the door for someone who can't? Did simple courtesy die with our youth?

Perhaps experience has taught us that others are not always friendly, courteous and kind. "Turn-about is fair play," we may respond. Why should we be thrifty, taking care to save for our future, when everyone around us has "maxed out" their credit cards? Reverence for all we know to be of value seems to have become the victim of political correctness. Why should we be any different?

The greatness of our country was built on the solid rock of "principles." The soft, easy life of an affluent society may be our undoing. Our forefathers had it tough. Most of us living today had a cake-walk, comparatively speaking. Our forbearers had to live their principles - or face the defeat of poverty, ill-health, and despair.

Our children can bring us back if only we will take the time to teach them those simple principles. More than teaching, we might help them practice those principles in their daily lives until habit makes them permanent. Begin while they are still playing in the sandbox. They will grow soon enough into men and women who live principle-centered lives!

Mt. Hood Economic Conditions

by Liz Warren


The National Association of Realtors provided this information comparing the Portland Metro area economic conditions with the rest of the US. These numbers were produced from the 4th quarter of 2009. Once we regain jobs our housing market will recover.

Mt. Hood February Sales 2010

by Liz Warren

Multiple Listing has just released the February sales numbers for the Mt. Hood area from Government Camp, Brightwood, Rhododendron, and Welches. Number of sales are up and prices are down.


Our area saw eight closed sales. Pending sales are up 20% from the same momth in 2009 and 30% up year to date. This is good news. Compared to last year at this time the "number of sales" is a good indicator that 2010 should be a much better year than 2009 when we were still realing from the stock market plunge and credit tightening. Listing numbers are starting to increase. If interest rates stay near their present numbers this bodes well for a better market.

Clackamas County Credit Conditions

by Liz Warren

There's lots of credit information/conditions getting tracked by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Not only do they track mortgage information but credit card delinquencies, student and auto loan delinquencies and more!

Here are some interesting statistics for Clackamas County from this site:

* 4.2% of all mortgages are delinquent at 90 days or more

* 5.3% of Jumbo mortgages are in foreclosure

* 1.6% of prime loans are in foreclosure

* 1.9% of FHA and VA loan mortgages are in foreclosure

* 92.7% of prime loans are current!

* 9.1% of student loans are 60 days delinquent

If you'd like to check out other Oregon counties or states, visit this web site.


Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"I keep waitin' for my ship to come in, but all that comes in is the tide."
- Lyrics from "Hard Time Losin' Man" by Jim Croce


The well-known Nike commercials have hammered into our heads the phrase "Just do it!" Regardless of how you view their advertising, there is magic in the words "just do it." The real key to the message is "doing it," a.k.a. taking action. Anything you have ever desired is available to you if you will it.

Now, consider those who are constantly washed over by the "tide." Note that the lyrics in Jim Croce's song say, "I'm WAITING for my ship to come in . . ." and then, "but all that comes in is the tide." That sounds like a victim's lament, as in, "Oh poor me, here I am ready and excited, waiting for my ship to come in, and I get dumped on by the sorry tide. Bummer. How unfair." Duhh! Helloooo!

It's easy to see that "action" is the opposite of "waiting." Yet, it's so easy to do nothing - waiting passively. Action requires energy, enthusiasm, movement, and objectives, while waiting requires not even a thought.

Whether your desire (your "ship") is a relationship, wealth, a healthy body, or a new car, you must be the captain, not the port - the "master of your fate," not a tide-washed, sand-covered beach ball. Life is great! On your next trip to the beach, buy a boat, a map, and a compass, and then choose your own port of call. You'll dine at the Captain's Table every day!

Displaying blog entries 1471-1480 of 1905


