Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 1431-1440 of 1909

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for May 2010

by Liz Warren

The Portland Metro RMLS has sent out the latest sales for May 2010. Here are the stats:

Mt Hood real estate sales May 2010

The numbers tell the story. Lots of inventory coming on to the market for summer with 36 new listings in May! Although this chart tells us there were six sales, there were actually seven. Pending sales are up compared to last year at this time with a 50% increase. The majority of these pending sales are foreclosures under $200,000.

Buying Mt. Hood Foreclosures

by Liz Warren

If you are considering purchasing a foreclosure on Mt. Hood from Government Camp, Rhododendron, Welches or Brightwood, you may want to review the "gut check list" here:

Distressed Property Buyer Info

foreclosures demand a different mindset from buyers and they need to be mentally prepared.

View Foreclosures in our area here

Mt. Hood Forest Homeowners Association Annual Meeting

by Liz Warren

Attention Mt. Hood National Forest Cabin Owners!!!!!!

The homeowner's meeting is scheduled this Saturday, June 26th in the Zig Zag Ranger Station Parking Lot.

Meeting starts at 12:45


Lunch 12:00

Please bring a salad or dessert or another of your favorite dishes to share.  You will need to provide your own chairs for seating.



Welcome and update from Board

          Accomplishments since last meeting

                                C2 contribution


                                Appraisal Results/Appeal Process

                                Introduction of new board members


Water – Dave Jacobs

                Water Master update on both systems


Forest Service – Christy Covington and Fran Lanagan


                Road Maintenance Discussion


Guest Speaker – Pete Bailey – NFH Board Member

                Update on legislative effort of C2

                Political progress that affects Ht Hood Cabin  owners

                Work at the National Forest Homeowners regarding the   Future of                                         our Cabin Permit Fee



Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"The world makes way for a man who knows where he is going."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


You may recall the story of how steel-magnate Andrew Carnegie commissioned Napoleon Hill to learn the true philosophy of success from America's most successful individuals of the early 1900's. Hill's search for those success secrets culminated in his well-known book "Think & Grow Rich".

What you may not know was how Hill almost squandered the opportunity offered by Carnegie. At the end of a long interview, Carnegie abruptly told Hill, "We've talked a long time and I have shown you the greatest opportunity a young man ever had to become famous, rich, and useful. Now - if I choose you out of the two hundred and forty other applicants - if I introduce you to the outstandingly successful men in America - if I help you get their collaboration in finding out the true philosophy of success - will you devote twenty years to the job, earning your own living as you go along? We have had sufficient discussion. I want your answer - yes or no."

Hill tells that he spent twenty-nine seconds struggling with a negative mental attitude, thinking of all the hurdles he would face over the twenty-year project. Finally, finding the positive mental attitude he had temporarily lost, Hill replied, "YES!"

How did he know it took 29 seconds to answer? At that point, Carnegie showed Hill the stopwatch he had been holding beneath his desk. Carnegie had allowed Hill just 60 seconds to show his positive state of mind, the one trait he felt most critical to achieving his desired results.

Hill hesitated. We all do from time to time. What's important, like Hill's answer, is that we ultimately grasp that sometimes-elusive positive mental attitude, and adopt it as our own. Had he hesitated for thirty-one seconds more, Napoleon Hill would have given up a wonderful opportunity (as well as depriving us of his inspiring book). He didn't . . . and neither should we.

It's Time To Buy

by Liz Warren

Graduations are over and school is out. Now is the time to buy with increased inventory giving lots of opportunities for choices on the mountain! Interest rates are the best we've seen in a long time and sellers are motivated. The rain is over and there's plenty to look at so take advantage of these times.

Your dollars will go farther with low interest rates. If rates increase by 1% you will loose 10% of your buying power. There are many foreclosures and short sales too for bargain hunters and investors!

Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"When people are highly motivated, it's easy to accomplish the impossible.
And when they're not, it's impossible to accomplish the easy."

- Bob Collings (Cited in BITS & PIECES)


Beginning in the late '60s, a revolution of sorts began in this country. It was a revolution that was irreverent at times, almost always anti-establishment, and it turned many traditional social customs upside-down.

How did it begin? The young, many of college-student age, began to ask WHY? They challenged everything by asking a simple question - WHY? Why must it be so? Why is this or that the "right" way? Why can't I try a new approach? Everything that had been taken for granted by the establishment up to that time was up for grabs.

Voila! The country changed and will never be the same. Was the change all for the good? Hardly. Families suffered. The security blanket of social customs was yanked away. Collectively, we had to find a new direction, new meaning, for our lives. Was it worth two decades of turmoil? So it would seem.

Today's young families seem to be returning to principle-centered living. They are more sophisticated. They understand and adopt good personal money-management philosophies, and they still ask "why?"

The "why" of today, however, is more constructive. It has led to astounding advances in technology. When you ask a "why" today, you can locate the answer in minutes via the Internet. Audio books, motivational tapes, and "online" educational courses make it possible to become enlightened without the need for social revolution.

What about you? Are you asking "WHY?" often enough? Today, the world is yours if you know how to ask the right questions! The "ask why" generation's gift to all of us was the freedom to question and learn, guilt-free. Want to grow as a person? Start asking "WHY?"!

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"What is more mortifying than to feel you've missed the Plum for want of courage to shake the Tree?"
~ Logan Pearsall Smith


Many years ago, in a country far away, a ruthless dictator terrorized his prisoners. On their execution day, each prisoner was summoned for an audience with the cruel dictator. Standing face-to-face, the dictator gave each condemned man a final choice - to either face the firing squad - or go through the "black door."

Having experienced countless episodes of torture and cruelty already, the prisoners invariably chose death over the unknown terror that they imagined must lie beyond the "black door." Finally, the day came when the dictator himself lay on his deathbed. Curious, his inner circle of advisors asked him, "What lies beyond the 'black door'?" His answer? "Freedom!"

People are still making that choice today - choosing lives dampened by fear, rather than taking a chance on the unknown beyond the black door. That awful, scary feeling that comes from "fear of the unknown" is often just enough to keep us from breaking out into the clear light of day that illuminates our success.

The next time an opportunity presents itself, yet fear threatens to smother success, take time to understand your fear. Make a list of what you fear may happen. Write down the worst that could happen. Next, make a list of the benefits you would reap by taking positive action. When the benefits exceed the risks, the decision will become clear.

Get in the habit of setting clear, concise daily goals for yourself. As you set and achieve them, you will notice that "fear of the unknown" begins to fade. You will accomplish more in a day than you otherwise would in a month.

Finally, remember one of my favorite and often used quotes: "Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there."

Henry Creek 1922 Classic Cabin

by Liz Warren

This is Bebe's cabin a 1922 original in Rhododendron. It sits on Henry Creek with a fine view and multiple decks to enjoy the outdoors. Wood ceilings and walls with paned windows and a rock fireplace make this well maintained cabin a joy to own.

Here's the view anad you can take a tour of the cabin below

Henry Creek Cabin View



Play VisualTour

Mt Hood Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Cheshire-Puss," . . . said Alice, "would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"

"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.

"I don't much care where - " said Alice

"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.

" - so long as I get somewhere," Alice added as an explanation.

"Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."

- from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll


Alice had no destination in mind when she began walking - no goal or objective to be achieved. She just wanted to "get somewhere." Might there be a parallel to that simple lesson in the business of everyday living?

In the average 168-hour week, chances are good that each of us will sleep for approximately 56 hours. That leaves about 112 hours for work and play. Whether or not we know which direction to take each week, we still have that same 112 hours.

If we choose a destination for the week - in the form of some personal or business goal - then set out in that direction, chances are good we will arrive. We will have -0- hours left at the end of the week, and will have achieved our objective.

The reverse is also true. When we allow the week to happen to us, vaguely hoping to "get somewhere," yet having no destination in mind, we still end the week with -0- hours remaining. The difference, of course, is that we accomplish no worthwhile objective.

How often have we been reminded of the importance of having goals and writing them down? With clearly defined goals, we can build a roadmap to our greatest achievements. Without them, we are like a ship without a rudder, unlikely to even get out of the harbor without ending up aground on the beach.

Choosing a worthy destination for our lives is a simple task. We get to choose any direction that excites and fulfills us. Then, once chosen, we need only construct our own "yellow brick road" to take us there.

Case Shiller's Numbers For Portland

by Liz Warren

It's the perfect storm for buyers of Mt. Hood properties. An incredible inventory of choices and some of THE BEST INTEREST RATES we've seen plus MANY motivated sellers!

This chart shows the Case Shiller numbers over the years for cities and how they look during different time frames from the peak of the market. I'm glad I don't live in Vegas! Of course the Mt. Hood area, which is predominately a second home market, will be greater than 21% but to pin that number down is not within my capabilities.

Portland Case Shiller Index for March 2010



Displaying blog entries 1431-1440 of 1909


