Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 1301-1310 of 1910

Wall Street, Banks and White Collar Crime

by Liz Warren

Baggage of the financial meltdown:

Mortgage loans are getting more difficult to get these days. Mortgage broker compensation is under attack by the Feds with difficult interpretive regulations. Community banks are failing left and right reducing a buyers choice for a lender. The big four banks are making the majority of loans these days. Less competition means less choice for the consumer.

Here is a recent statement made by the Kansas City Fed president at a financial meeting about our post economic crisis:

What is the Volker Rule? This link will give an explanation.

For the less squeamish, here is a new article on our financial mess and how Wall Street crime goes unpunished, here is a link to the latest Rolling Stone article Why Isn't Wall Street in jail? coming out in March 2011. This article is about compensation packages, investor fraud, accounting fraud, symbiotic relationships of the criminals and the enforcers and how nothing happens to the perpetrators.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox for today!


Home Affordability Numbers

by Liz Warren

Did you know that the last quarter of 2010 had the greatest home affordability for the US in the past 20 years when records were started for this index! No misprint! Taking the average income of a family, this is the most affordable time to purchase a home. It looks like 2007 was the least affordable time to purchase a home. Indianpolois-Carmel, Indiana is the most affordable location in the US to buy a home today with 93% of the average income earners in the area able to purchase a home. At the other end of the spectrum, Santa Cruz, California was the least affordable for the average income earner at a 45% rate able to purchase. If you can qualify for a loan, this is the best time to purchase a home!

Mt. Hood Home Affordability chart

January Multiple Listing Stats for 2011

by Liz Warren

The regional multiple listing service has released the numbers for January 2011. The glaring number is the 50% increase in pending sales from this same month last year. This reflects the huge decrease in sales at the end of 2009 that would have been closing in 2010. The days on market is an eye opener at 253 days. This shows it's much better to have your home priced competitively on the market rather than churning up marketing time which will produce a lower price in the long run.

Listing and Sales chart for January 2011


Mt. Hood Sales for January 2011

by Liz Warren

The numbers are in for January 2011. Six sales closed this past month. Only one foreclosure in the group. Most sales this month were second home buyers.

Mt. Hood Sales for January 2011

Fantastic Welches Acreage 1.44 for sale

by Liz Warren

This is a great lot with a great location. The best water on the mountain, Welches water, comes with the lot, septic approved for a four bedroom home. Just down the street from the recently renovated Resort at the Mountain with a 27 hole golf course. It's only a block from the Salmon River and has a cleared building area with sun and woods surrounding the property.

Only 20 minutes to the slopes and one hour from Portland. The price is now $110,000!

Play VisualTour

Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt
the impossible - and achieve it, generation after generation."
- Pearl S. Buck


Ever watched a healthy smiling child try to walk? For each step attempted, a dozen result in miserable failure and a bump on the head. Does the child admit defeat and stop trying? Never! The child doesn't know enough, doesn't have enough information or experience, to understand the concept of quitting. The child attempts the impossible, and succeeds.

So - what happens over the years that stops us from attempting the "impossible?" Og Mandino reminds us in "The Greatest Miracle In The World":

"You weep for all your childhood dreams that have vanished with the years. You weep for all your self-esteem that has been corrupted by failure. You weep for all your potential that has been bartered for security. You weep for all your individuality that has been trampled by the mobs. You weep for all your talent that has been wasted through misuse."

To paraphrase Og's words, we let our life's experiences rob us of the innocent optimism of our childhood. We come to know too much about life's hard knocks - making us prudent, cautious, afraid, and wary of trying. We avoid failure by not attempting.

OK - so it's too late for us to return to the innocence of the cradle. So . . . what now? We must identify the source of and overcome our fear of failure. By developing courage and faith, we can deny fear a foothold in our lives. As someone once commented, "Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there!"

More Flooding Meetings Announced

by Liz Warren

Good afternoon,

MEETINGS -- The Interagency Flood Response Group that we’ve pulled together – including Clackamas County, Department of State Lands, US Army Corps of Engineers and the National Marine Fisheries Service  – met with residents from Zig Zag Village last week.  Now we are working on scheduling similar meetings with groups from two more areas – Autumn Lane/Lolo Pass and Timberline Rim – during the week of Feb. 28.

We have sent letters to people in both those areas – if you are in one of the areas and have not yet received a letter, please let us know.

PERMITS -- Please remember – for your sake and the sake of your neighbors and community -- permits are required for work on structures, on the riverbank or in the river, and no blanket permits have been issued.  Work done without permits is subject to fines and/or required to be undone.

We appreciate the cooperation we’ve received so far.  If you have questions, the key contacts continue to be Steve Hanschka ([email protected] or 503.742.4512) or Rebecca Ceniga ([email protected] or 503.742.4505) in Clackamas County Land Use & Zoning.

Zig Zag Bridge Update

by Liz Warren

Good news for local residents who wish to use the Zig Zag bridge to LoLo Pass Road. Here is an update on the Zig Zag Bridge reapair from the county:

Good afternoon,

We’re making good progress on the Zig Zag Bridge – thanks to the continuing supreme efforts of our local contractors, Konell Construction & Demolition – and expect to be able to begin a limited opening of the bridge to traffic beginning at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 15

Here’s the plan for the limited opening:


o       Beginning Tuesday, Feb. 15, one lane will be open to regular traffic from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. weeknights, when workers are not present. 

o       The bridge will be open to regular traffic all day on Saturday and Sunday when workers are not present.

  • CLOSED TO REGULAR TRAFFIC -- The bridge will continue to be closed to regular traffic weekdays (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) when work is taking place on the bridge.
  • AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES ONLY -- Beginning Wednesday, Feb. 16, one lane will be available 24 hours a day for emergency vehicles only.

Thank you for your continued patience and support as we take the time to try to make lasting repairs.


Ellen Rogalin

Community Relations Specialist

Department of Transportation and Development

Development Services Building

150 Beavercreek Rd., Oregon City, OR  97045


Government Camp Real Estate-A Buyer's Market

by Liz Warren

The Government Camp real estate market is a total buyer's market. Here are statistics from First American Title for the past week's round up. Extended marketing times of over 400 days for most price ranges indicate a need for movement downward to sell. The most plentiful of choices come at Collin's Lake where condos are offered in the low $200,000 range. Although many of these offerings are bank foreclosures-most are located along Hwy 26 with a level of noise many buyers are not willing to accept. Difficulty in securing financing on Condo units should continue to crowd this market with additional inventory causing prices to dip further.

Government Camp real estate market

Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Always remember the distinction between contribution and commitment. Take the matter of bacon and eggs.
The chicken makes a contribution. The pig makes a commitment."
- John Mack Carter


OK, sure - you prepare the meals, maintain the yard, balance the checkbook, take the kids to soccer, wash and iron the clothes, tune-up the car. You take care of all the daily needs of the family. So - is that your contribution to them, or a contribution to your commitment to them?

Our world today is frantic. As adults, our responsibilities are awesome. Our careers require long and odd hours away from family. Our children are lured by television towards needs and desires for more and more material possessions, i.e. logo clothing, "gaming" accessories, makeup, or cool vehicles. Our spouse wonders why there's never enough time for "us." Where will it all end? How can we slow down?

If your family is moving at the speed of life, and there seems to be no end in sight, maybe it's time to take a look at your commitment to all involved. A great place to start is time alone with your spouse - away from home. If possible, that means an overnight or weekend trip. It's a time to re-examine your values, your goals in life, and the direction you would like your family to take. Finally, it's a time to re-commit to the health of your marriage.

You may quickly realize that it's a time to simplify your life - and that of your family. That's easy to say - more difficult to accomplish - yet attainable with a firm commitment. If you like the idea of simplification, there are three excellent books that can move you in that direction.

First is a great primer, Anne Morrow Lindbergh's "Gift From The Sea." Next, for both men and women is "The Simplicity Reader" by Elaine St. James. Finally, and especially for women, is "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Why not make a new commitment to your family, beginning today? Your contributions will be much more enjoyable!

Displaying blog entries 1301-1310 of 1910


