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October Mt. Hood Sales Top 26 for the Month

by Liz Warren

Fall sales are plugging along at a steady pace following the summer of activity. October saw 26 sales closings which likely were a result of August and September's activities. Each new listing that hits the market sees a flurry of activity sometimes resulting in multiple offers. 

Mt. Hood October sales for 2017

Recent RMLS statistics show a decline of nearly 26% comparing October 2016 to October  2017 and a total of a 15% decline year to date. This decline can easily be explained  by a lack of inventory in the market. Less homes to buy, less sales. 

Lets take a look at pricing points available in the November market for single family detached homes for sale. There are 49 available properties. About 25% of our current inventory is under $300,000! This is why people believe the market is slowing but not really, it's because of a lack of inventory. 

<$100,000                        1

$100,000-200,000            4
$200,000-$300,000          8
$300,000- $400,000         9
$400,000-$500,000          8
$500,000-$700,000         12
>$700,000                         7

Mt. Hood Summer Sales Boom!

by Liz Warren

Mt. Hood summer sales boomed with 20 closed sales for the month of August! Believe it or not there were a few sales under $100,000 which is nearly unheard of these days. 

Mt. Hood National forest service cabins dominated the closings with seven sales! One cabin broke all sale records for a price of $337,000! Cabins maintain their popularity on the mountain for their uniqueness and pristine settings which can't be matched by any other properties in the area. 

On another note, Timberline Rim prices are escalating nicely. There's a lack of inventory and with the Rim having a more affordable pricing point, many folks are opting to purchase here for full time living and as a vacation spot. 

Listed below are the 20 sales for August 2017.

Mt. Hood Real estate sales for August 2017 for 97028,97067,97011, and 97049

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for August 2017 for Brightwood, Welches, Government Camp and RhododendronMt. Hood Real Estate sales Boon  in August 2017Mt. Hood Sales Boom in August 2017 for Welches, Rhododendron, Brightwood and Government CampReal Estate sales boom for Mt. Hood the summer of 2017

Check out the June sales statistics from RMLS! The average price of the 14 sales reached $343,300 with year to date average sales price hitting $312,200. These numbers tell the tale of less inventory and rising prices on the mountain.

As of today there are 66 properties for sale with 26 of those over $400,000. Twelve properties are under $200,000 with several in parks, which have rental fees or on leased land in the Mt. Hood National Forest. June saw 32 new listings hit the market and for July there's been a steady stream of new listings.

The rainy spring really delayed sellers getting their properties ready for market. With the shortage of contractors, landscapers, and general services on the mountain getting work done has been a real challenge bringing late comers to the summer market. 


Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales Statistics for June 2017

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for May 2017

by Liz Warren

Today's Mt. Hood real estate market has small inventory and rising prices. Here is the info direct from RMLS for the month of May. Only 44 active listings for sale. Some properties are trickling in for the summer season. Only eight homes closed for the month and an escalating average sales price has climbed substantially from the $200,000 range. Entry level homes are nearly impossible to find with multiple offers as soon as they hit the market. Shortened marketing days show the high demand in this seller's market. The sub $300,000 market has been depleted showing the 17% average sales price change in the last row. Keep in mind, these stats are based on a very small market with minimal inventory.


      Mt. Hood Sales stats for May 2017

Mt. Hood Sales for April 2017

by Liz Warren

Here are April's sales in the Mt. Hood area. We totaled 17 properties closing for the month. Inventory is dwindling. Some new properties should be coming available as we get closer to summer. 

Mt. Hood Real Estate sales for April 2017Mt. Hood Sales for 97067, 97049,97028.97011

Mt. Hood Reall Estate Sales April 2017 for Welches, Brightwood, Brightwood, Sandy

Pending Sales Plummet Due to Low Inventory on Mt. Hood

by Liz Warren

Numbers are out for April from RMLS for the Mt. Hood area. Minimal inventory has caused pending sales to plummet compared to last year at this time. Although common for the Portland metro area, many properties that hit the market have multiple offers and bidding wars. Who knows what will happen over the summer. Stats below shows an average 12% price change from year to date. With little inventory this number tends to be skewed compared to other areas but we expect prices to rise due to supply and demand. 

At the time of this report we had 42 active listings but currently on 26 properties are for sale. 


April 2017 sales in the Mt. Hood Area

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for February 2017

by Liz Warren

February sales on the mountain hit 15 with six of those properties in Government Camp. Four of the Government Camp sales were for condos. This amazing ski season has totally revived the Condo market in Government Camp after a drought of poor snow seasons. 


Two Mt Hood National Forest cabins closed and the inventory of cabins is still sadly lacking at this time. Perhaps sellers are waiting for summer to roll around after this challenging winter of snow decreasing accessibility.


Take away the condo market and we only have 32 single family homes for sale today. Just over a third of those homes are in the Government Camp area which brings about 19 homes available in the higher populated Welches, Rhododendron and Brightwood area. 


The pervasive housing crunch in Portland and our area has created a problem for renters and buyers seeking their first home as prices continue to edge upward due to limited supply. 


When 22% of your available homes for sale are under $300,000 you know your choices are limited and affordable housing is quickly out the door. 


Mt. Hood inventory is under a three month supply creating a sellers market from top to bottom. 


Here are February sales:


Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for February 2017Real Estate Sales for Mt. Hood February 2017Government Camp, Welches, Rhododendron, Brightwood sales

Mt. Hood February Real Estate Sales

by Liz Warren

Now that we are heading into spring after the pretty harsh winter of snow and storms, limbs are getting picked up, yards are looking better and trees are getting trimmed. The last March snow storm was a surprise for many but the mountain is getting cleaned up! 

February sales that closed were mostly a result of transactions put together in 2016 with a total of 16 residential sales. 

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales February 2017

Inventory is super low right now. We only have 46 homes currently on the market and 11 of those properties are under $300,000! Price per square foot is inching up to around $200. You can see the pending sales were down 25% compared this month last year. The average sales price is now $313,000 for 2017. This should be an interesting year as we head towards summer!

January 2017 Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales

by Liz Warren

January stats show nineteen sales closed for the mountain. The Government Camp market dominated with three Condo sales including Barlow Pass West, Edelweiss and one Collins Lake unit and three single residential units closing from $395,000 to $550,000. No doubt this winter's stellar snow amounts helped drive that market which had been slower in prior years due to poor ski conditions. 

The second largest area of sales were in Timberline Rim. Four homes closed in January. We still have many buyers looking for Timberline Rim homes due to their affordability and amenities. Homes in Timberline Rim range from around $180,000 to $400,000 and is the largest subdivision in the area. Originally offered in the late 1960's it's been a big favorite for vacation home owners and full time residents. Paved roads with sewer and water plus swimming pool in the summer and tennis court make a great neighborhood setting. 

Minimal inventory could slow sales down this year but hopefully as we near spring things will pick up and satisfy the demand. 

Mt. Hood Real Esatte sales 2017 for 97067,07028,97049,97011

January Real Estate Sales for 2017 for areas 97049,97011,97067,97028

97067,97049,97028,97011 sales in January 2017

January 2017 Mt. Hood Sales

by Liz Warren


The multiple listing statistics are out for January 2017. Inventory is unbelievably low right now with only 45 active listings. Likely, most of the eighteen sales for the month were cumulative from October, November and December pending sales. You can tell inventory is low with the average sales price climbing to $307,600.


 Mt. Hood Sales for January 2017


Homes under $300,000 are in highest demand frequently having multiple offers on the table. Buyers are out to find their dream home before interest rates start to move up this year cutting into affordability. Here are the projections from MBA, NAR and Fannie Mae.

Mortgage Rates predicted for 2017

Sellers should consider getting their homes on the market today with minimal competition right now. As we head towards spring, the majority of sellers will place their home on the market in April, May and June creating more competition!



Displaying blog entries 111-120 of 353


