Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 1261-1270 of 1912

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for May 2011

by Liz Warren

The numbers are in for the month of May 2011 for all Mt. Hood sales. We had a total of four properties close last month. Two were foreclosures. News sources, and NAR have told us sales were down all across the US in April and May's results too are weak. They are particularly down when compared to last year's spring when the first time home buyer credit was winding down.

Here are the sales. The second and third sales are foreclosures.

Four Sales for Mt. Hood Area in May 2011

Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday     Morning Coffee


Everyone says it differently, but the message is the same.
Here are three oft-quoted thoughts on "thinking":

"You are what you think about all day long."
"Your life is what your thoughts make of it."
"As you think, so shall you be."


What is a thought? Scientifically speaking, it is nothing more than a random electrical impulse in the brain. If you are relaxing, not focusing on any particular thoughts, your brain continues to fire off those random impulses which, in turn, are triggering random, unfocused thoughts - like the itch on your arm, how hummingbirds fly, or your Aunt Ellen's new car.

What's interesting is that everything in sight of you right now is the result of someone's focused thoughts. The computer screen, the window nearby, and the chair in which you are sitting came into existence as the result of a single focused thought. Henry Ford thought about a V-8 engine for his cars, and then insisted that his engineers create it. Jonas Sauk thought about eliminating polio - and did.

Whether you choose to focus your thoughts or not, your day will be filled with them. They just don't stop. But wait - there's an "Aha!" or a "Voila!" in here for you. Just think of the possibilities when you realize the power of thought - and put it to work for you. The amazing thing about thoughts is that you have complete control over them. You either put these electrical impulses to work for you through focused attention - or they happen anyway, but in a random, impotent manner akin to a static electrical discharge.

Everything tangible in our world today was created by an action, preceded by someone's thought - from a straight pin to a Pentium processor, from a blight-free American chestnut tree to your garage-door opener. So - what thoughts will you be having today?

They don't have to be life-changing or global in scope to make your personal world better. They need only be focused. Just remember, you control your thoughts - and their possibilities are endless.

Mt. Hood Foreclosures

by Liz Warren

Foreclosure properties bring a unique opportunity for buyers right now in the Mt. Hood area. Interest rates are the lowest since the beginning of 2011. Choices are many and it's the perfect time to invest in mountain property.

Here is how Oregon stacks up in the first quarter with foreclosure sales compared to Washington, California and the entire US. These numbers are from RealtyTrac.


Mt. Hood Foreclosures


The pipeline of foreclosures is still building and yesterday's numbers indicated about 2 million more are heading to the market. Here's stats from MBA, Mortgage Banker's Association. 


Foreclosure pipleline


So, if you want to take advantage of an immediate price break in purchasing a Mt. Hood Second home, cabin, Condo, rental, or future retirement home, this is the time to make your move. Today's inventory of foreclosures in Government Camp, Welches, Rhododendron and Brightwood are listed below.


Mt. Hood Foreclosures

Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp Needs Your Vote

by Liz Warren

We need your help! The local Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp in Government Camp is in the running for a grant from Chase Community Giving. The Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp is the only Portland area non profit competing in the second round for up to $500,000!

Vote between May 19 and May 25th.

Go to to cast your vote and pass the word around!

Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp Government Camp

Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Houses reveal character."
~ Gilbert Highet


A story, written by an unknown author goes like this:

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife and family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by.

The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he would build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is YOUR house - my gift to you," he said.

Life is no different. Each of us is given lumber, a hammer, some nails, and a saw - but no instructions or blueprint for our lives. If we ignore a bent nail here, a split board there, and a wall out of plumb, we may find ourselves living in a ramshackle cabin where a beautiful home might have stood. Then we step back for a good look and recognize that we were the carpenter in charge.

Build your home with pride. Use the right tools. Get the education you need. Learn from a master. Take no shortcuts. Finish it with your finest touch. Remember - the plaque on the wall says, "Life is a do-it-yourself project."

Mt. Hood Market Action for April 2011

by Liz Warren

The multiple listing service has just come out with the market stats year to date for area 153 comprised of Government Camp, Welches, Rhododendron, and Brightwood. Pending sales were down nearly 50% compared to this same month last year. Year to date we are down just over 25%. Sales might be down due to the artificial stimulus of the first time home buyer credit from last year. This pushed many buyers forward into the year creating a void of buying over the summer months.

Oddly enough I would think buyers would be rushing in to take advantage of these interest rates and the high level of selection currently available on the market.


Mt. Hood Market Action for April 2011

Mt. Hood Real Estate Sales for April 2011

by Liz Warren

Total sales for April 2011 in the mountain market frorm Government Camp, Rhododendron, Welches, and Brightwood totalled five this past month. These April sales included two foreclosures, two waterfront properties and one Timberline Rim home.


Mt. Hood April 2011 Real Estate Sales

Welches Laundromat For Sale

by Liz Warren

Opportunity knocks for great thriving business opportunity in Welches! The Welches laundromat is for sale. This business has been up and running for decades and is the only landromat in the area! All equipment is included. Great location! Asking $54,950

Play VisualTour

Monday Morning Coffee

by Liz Warren
Monday Morning Coffee


"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid.
The Valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Ghandi


It has been said that "a camel is a horse created by a committee." You've probably witnessed the process yourself. You put any twelve decision-makers in a room together, and they can't seem to make a decision at all. Worse yet, they create something that is comfortable to all members - a camel of their own making.

Ghandi says numbers are the "delight of the timid." At some time or another, we all want the comfort of being surrounded by others with interests common to us. Maybe it's on sales meeting day when the discussion turns into a gripe session. Maybe it's in the break room, around the proverbial "water cooler," or in a training class we've just taken. Wherever the group meets, the results are often the same - a lack of action backed up by all the reasons that justify the inaction.

Ghandi also says the glory is "in fighting alone." Look around. Do you see one or two individuals who spend little of their time with the group? Sometimes called "loners," these are usually also the over-achievers, the top producers in life and business. They know where they're going and they don't need your approval to do it. The committee says they aren't "team players."

Being human, it is certainly normal to seek the comfort of others. In the case of those few individuals described as "the Valiant in spirit," however, their strength comes from their accomplishments. In each of us, there is also that "Valiant" spirit - the part of us that wants to strike out on our own. You can do that by resigning from the committees of your life. Elect yourself President and Chairman of the Board of your own future - and make it unanimous!

Government Camp Looses County Funds

by Liz Warren

Lets face it, budgets are tight and Clackamas County is one large county cutting back on expenses. Locals and visitors alike have been amazed at the transformation of Government Camp from the sleepy ski town to a bustling beautifully developed environment that it is today. Streetlights, paved sidewalks, paved and plowed streets are a couple of improvements from the urban renewal district which was formed in 1989.

At the tune of around $20,000 per year, Clackamas County had arranged to keep the sidewalks cleared and streets lit for the past five years. Now, time is up and Government Camp must find a way to pay for these amenities on their own.

Incorporation failed on the May 2010 ballot so alternative actions are sought by residents on how to pay for these items. Options include a road district or a county service district. Both have their downfalls.

Meanwhile meetings are in the works on how to solve the funding issues for these improvements. More details may be found in this Oregonian article.

Displaying blog entries 1261-1270 of 1912


