June Sales Showed Average Mt. Hood Real Estate Prices Surges to $343,300
Check out the June sales statistics from RMLS! The average price of the 14 sales reached $343,300 with year to date average sales price hitting $312,200. These numbers tell the tale of less inventory and rising prices on the mountain.
As of today there are 66 properties for sale with 26 of those over $400,000. Twelve properties are under $200,000 with several in parks, which have rental fees or on leased land in the Mt. Hood National Forest. June saw 32 new listings hit the market and for July there's been a steady stream of new listings.
The rainy spring really delayed sellers getting their properties ready for market. With the shortage of contractors, landscapers, and general services on the mountain getting work done has been a real challenge bringing late comers to the summer market.